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Asphinxia province - Term Four

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You should do it in a separate thread coz this one will be closed when this term ends. The Newspaper thing looks real good to
I have a suggestion on to the city of El Armana. Once the Offshore platform is compleated. Can there be a reserch center, Airport, Factory, a Mass Transit (When Ecology is discovered ;) ), and a Coloseum be in the production quarey. I need one citizen from my city working on the Gold mines near El Armana. I could bring profits to Phoenatica ;)

Quarey Request
1. Reserch Center
2. Airport
3. Coloseum
4. Factory
5. Mass Transit System
i think with the build que ok Abydos we need to chage the research lab to harbour and the harbour to reaserch lab this is so the great city of Abydos can expand more
also instead of working one of the desert squares there is an irrigated square just above it and we could get the same amoun ot shields but an extra food
almightyjosh, a survey of your province will reveal the presence of a new city, Enkephalonika. A settler was constructed in Cumae for placement in Scythia. However, a placement error put it over the border shared between our provinces. I humbly request that an Asphinixian city produce a settler or worker to be added to the population of Scythia.
Certainly, Thebes will produce a settler/worker in one turn for you to use as you wish. Asphinxia needed another city anyhow! Are you going to found a new city (settler) or add pop points to an existing one (sett/worker)??
Governer, may I suggest to be a step ahead of the forthcoming Modern Age of warfare that civil defense be improved upon. Even though the border is farther now having only one mech inf. while I have nightmares of bombers is worrysome. May I suggest at least 2. Thanks for the hospital but what is planned thereafter.
Enkephalonika ended up in Asphinxia? As the oldest resident of said province I'm certainly not complaining, but how did that happen? :confused:
I just wanted to congratulate Almightyjosh on a job well done!! According to the new census results, Asphinxia has grown by more than *double* the number of new citizens of any other province in the last week.


I know The Governor faces challenges ahead as Mayors he has guided to success move on to (hopefully!) become governors in their own right and will need to be replaced.

I know Almightyjosh is up to the task, and again congratulate him on his excellent leadership of Our Fair Province.
The newest Governors report is in, you will notice a few Mayor changes, a new city and more industrialisation in the buildques. Comments please?
Plus there is a special edition of the Times out with election info, read it and PM me all your nominations and a short speech (very short :) )
I wasn't actually expecting it to turn up in Asphinxia, so you've no grounds to develop a persecution complex over this... ;) Not that I was out to get Octavian_X either, mind you. I just like mildly tortuous city names :)
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