Assemble, then Hurl Numbered Shapes in Such a Fashion as to gain Dominance over an Inhabited Planet


Dec 30, 2017
Right under your nose
welcome to my new and original game that no one else has ever done before!!1!!one!111!

here are da rule:

1. say an action
2. i roll a dices for it
3. ???
4. profit

have fun!!!

Current Modifiers:
AA: +3 to founding and expanding the nation known as 'Dong', -5 for anything involving Social Credit
Aleks: +5 for anything involving Social Credit


  • assemblethenhurlnumberedshapesinsuchafashiontodominateaplanetcalledearth.jpg
    229.2 KB · Views: 283
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hey danwar masada wants to know how old you are but is too lazy to log into cfc to ask you personally
hey danwar masada wants to know how old you are but is too lazy to log into cfc to ask you personally
45: You seemed to have misspoken: instead, you accidentally asked for the age of the thread. In response, he explained that it was about four days old.

If you can extrapolate his age from that, good luck.
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as Dong Zhuo I conquer china
as Dong Zhuo I conquer china
26 (23 + 3): You seemed to have forgotten the fact that Dong Zhou happens to be long deceased, and while if he was alive he could have formed a nation known as 'Dong', you cannot even find his gravesite. Not for lack of trying, though, and given this is China you're doing this in...
social discredit.png

-5 to all rolls involving Social Credit

don't disturb the graves of the dead
91: While paying your respects to a Chinese grave, you happen to find a hooligan trying to find and dig up one 'Dong Zhou'. You report this incident to the local officials, who praise you for responding to the situation swiftly and contacting the authorities as soon as possible. Your noble actions to ensure the nondisturbance of the dead have been rewarded.
social credit.png

+5 to all rolls involving Social Credit
I make a Dong Zhou robot
56: You successfully build a robot that looks like Dong Zhou! ... However, you seem to have forgotten how to program the thing, and all you can get it to do is move around robotically and perform a few basic commands.

You're not gonna be conquering much using this anytime soon.
I program my dongbot to be good at conquest :mad:
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