[Vanilla] Asset Editor : 'Error: MEF CompositionException'


Apr 3, 2019
When I launch Asset Editor from ModBuddy with my mod open I get this error :

Error: MEF CompositionException: Impossible d'obtenir l'exportation 'Firaxis.ATF.ThemeServiceCommands (ContractName="Sce.Atf.IInitializable")' du composant 'Firaxis.ATF.ThemeServiceCommands'.

("Impossible d'obtenir l'exportation" = Unable to get the export
"du composant" = of component)

Spoiler Screen of my error :

Spoiler Content of the error :
Info: Using Firaxis.CivTech.Impl from D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization VI SDK\AssetModTools\AssetEditor\Firaxis.CivTech.Impl.dll
Info: Full project map setup took 0,056 seconds
Info: European Union: Started active project setup
Info: European Union: Finished active project setup. Setup took 0 seconds
Info: ProjectMapService construction took 0,061 seconds
Info: European Union: Using existent local dependency information at "C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Roaming\AssetCloud\mod-European Union-asset-deps.json"
Info: European Union: Loading dependency information took 0,067 seconds
Info: European Union: Evaluating environment took 0,047 seconds
Info: European Union: Discovered 0 new files, 0 modified files, 19 deleted files, and 0 invalid file infos
Info: European Union: Updating dependency and file info took 0,002 seconds
Info: European Union: Repairing entity classes for 0 entities took 0 seconds
Info: European Union: Updating dependency information took 0,067 seconds
Info: European Union: Saving dependency information took 0,011 seconds
Info: European Union: Generating upward dependency information took 0,001 seconds
Info: European Union: Initializing dependency information took 0,157 seconds
Info: Shared: Initializing dependency information took 0,592 seconds
Info: Civ6: Initializing dependency information took 5,734 seconds
Info: Setting up project dependencies took 6,497 seconds
Info: AssetEditor: European Union
Info: CivTechService construction took 0,7 seconds
Info: EntityCacheService construction took 84,555 seconds
Error: MEF CompositionException: Impossible d'obtenir l'exportation 'Firaxis.ATF.ThemeServiceCommands (ContractName="Sce.Atf.IInitializable")' du composant 'Firaxis.ATF.ThemeServiceCommands'.

I found nothing on Google to help me, as if I was the only one to have this error :/
i dont know what causes the problem, but you could try to create another modproject, and then see whether this problem occurs again when you open Asset Editor, if yes, then there is some problem with your SDK setup, reinstall it in this case, if not, then the problem is caused by the mod, and you could try to import your problem-mod files to the new mod project.
It does the same error with any other mod file, even with a template one

I reinstalled the Development Tools and I even reinstalled the Development Assets and deleted all ModBuddy files just in case but nothing worked, I still have the same error :(
what if you install the Dev.Assets and Dev.Tools into another directory?
It doesn't seem to work neither ._.
It's going to drive me crazy, the only part that doesn't work in my mod is the art and it's like I'm the only one to have this error :(

Is there some config text somewhere that lead Asset Editor to the Civ6 or ModBuddy files or something like that ? Maybe Asset Editor can't reach certain files or something like that ?
you can change the path to your Tools and Assets...tomorrow i can show you how.
found it :)

in ModBuddy, you click on Tools--->Options--->Civilization VI--->General and here you can change the paths

Good luck
It seems nothing is working at all :'(
Thanks for your help, I'll try to create my art files by myself. If anyone has an idea how to solve my problem, i'll take it :(
Nah, we dont give up yet :)

can you show me the paths to the following directories on your pc?

-Civilization 6 Game directory
-Civ6 SDK
-Civ6 SDK Assets

also, where you have Civ 5 installed, and where the Civ 5 SDK?

and, do you have Visual Studio for ModBuddy installed?
Thanks ! :D
It got worst in the meantime, I can't launch Asset Editor anymore x)

Spoiler :

[EDIT] Ok, I solved that problem by myself !

So, for the directories :
Spoiler Directories :

I don't have Civilization V installed but I have VS for ModBuddy installed
Last edited:
I don't think it's linked, I've already uninstalled, deleted and reinstalled all Modbuddy files multiple times :/
Yes i know, but try to only reinstall VS, and then we will see. i will look in google if i can find something....otherwise if you think its worth that, then you could only make a fresh install of your Windows... :-/
you could also try to use ATF Cleaner AND CCleaner.
Sadly, nothing worked :(
I achieved to "create" manually my own .tex files without that damned Asset Editor \o/

Thanks a lot for your time and your help, I think I'm going to abandon Asset Editor until I buy a new computer... in probably several years :lol:
thats strange -.-
i got absolutely no idea whats going on with your pc and your Asset Editor then.

I think most things can be done without Asset Editor, as long as ModBuddy works at least, i hope you can build your mod with ModBuddy.

Good luck with your mod projects. :)
Seems the root of the problem is somewhere in Visual Studio / .NET working on non-english Windows. I tried everything on Windows 10 RUS unsuccessfully and then set up Windows 7 ENG on Virtual Box machine, there was no problem with run ModBuddy + Asset Editor.
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