at hardware minimum - but it's fun!


Sep 28, 2009
I'm using an Athlon dual core machine with 2gB ram and WinXP. It's so slow with Civ V that I have to stay on the strategic screen to make it playable, but I'm finding Civ V is more enjoyable than Civ IV because I'm not overwhelmed. I've played through one complete 500 turn game with no crashes.

Civ IV was the ultimate in detail and micromanaging yet I was usually buried with all the choices I had to make.

With V, lots of that has been eliminated which takes away the problem of juggling too many balls at once. I love the way you can embark units without having to build transports with limited capacity. I like the hardening of cities so garrisons aren't required to hold them. I like 1UT that requires deploying an army in a logical arrangement and the fact that you can block with area of control. In fact, there isn't any aspect of the simplification that I believe detracts from gameplay. I think the designers realized they had gone as far as they could with Civ IV and needed a new approach.

IV had much more information available on screen and the mods (Better BUG,etc.) were fantastic aids for analysis. Civilopedia with IV was much easier to use.

But I'm having more fun now. It has become a game again instead of a demanding chore, so I think I'll be more likely to play. It's interesting that V, though it seems simpler, occupies more space on disk than IV did and makes much greater demands on the PC. To me, the 3D graphics are a waste, I'm having a ball using only the strategic screen with the simple icons. It seems the number crunching is what is taking up the processor time, not the graphics. Playing a standard game, when I reach the last turns I find the wait per turn for the PC to do it's thing is about 10 to 15 seconds and that doesn't seem any worse than IV.
I think the designers realized they had gone as far as they could with Civ IV and needed a new approach.

I agree.

I wrote this in other thread: ''I think civ5 kind of reminds me of civ1, it reminds of it quite a bit actually, so i would say that it is very much a worthy iteration of the Civilization franchise. I personally see it as a fresh start to the series and once again we can start adding interesting concepts to a fresh civ game.’’

First though we need to fix some bugs and after that we may adjust some basic mechanix if they need to be adjusted and then can start looking to the future about what civ5 needs to be exellent game. I think we have a good foundation though (at least when we correct the bugs:)).
There are very few bugs left in the game after the last patch. Yes, there are definitely still some there, but all games have some bugs.

The biggest improvement we will (hopefully) see will be improved AI with each patch, as there's still lots of room for improvement there...
Civ IV was the ultimate in detail and micromanaging yet I was usually buried with all the choices I had to make.

With V, lots of that has been eliminated...

That's interesting. I agree completely, I just happen to be on the other side of the fence - I didn't realize how much I enjoyed all those choices and the various options I had until they were taken away in Civ 5. Now I feel like I have nothing to do, no interesting decisions to make, no "one more turn" feeling any longer, which is sad.

That removal of choices is definitely intentional on the part of Firaxis, and clearly it does appeal to a lot of players - and folks like you aren't wrong or dumb or whatever for enjoying that style of gameplay - but it's unfortunate (for me) that "streamlining" in this case meant "removing player choices."

Anyway, glad to hear you're enjoying it. I hope you continue to for a long time to come. I'm running it on low specs myself, and ironically we may be better off for doing so - seems many folks running it on high-end PCs have more trouble than we do. :)
I like the OP take on this.... why not restart and renew?

And will it be ugly?
Yes! God Yes!

But can the basis be used, abused, and mutilated over time (I know, I know... we all paid for a finished game).... and hopefully turn into a true great successor to the line? cIV vanilla didn't have that much to keep me interested... it wasn't until BTS that I started really feeling it... then I started playing mods... and the game truly came into is own as a nice engine on which to build a enjoyable experience...

So I've got time to wait... so far I enjoy ciV... and I always have RifE and RFC to fall back on if I need to
Anyone else noticed the slew of newcomers defending the game? I'm new to civ but I much rather enjoy 4.
There are very few bugs left in the game after the last patch. Yes, there are definitely still some there, but all games have some bugs.

I might be missing something here, but I am looking at this list of known issues with Civ 5. Now, I haven't learned the "new math" - but it looks to me like there are more left then resolved. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Same here, at minimums and I've finished like 10+ games and I'm enjoying it. I'm looking forward to the evolution of Civ5. I'm really excited about the direction of the game.
If you really think the last patch 'improved' the AI - well, bully for you but you're factually incorrect. :D As for liking self-sufficient cities that don't require any garrison or any thought other than 'found on hill if possible, and build walls' ... wtf?
If you really think the last patch 'improved' the AI - well, bully for you but you're factually incorrect. :D As for liking self-sufficient cities that don't require any garrison or any thought other than 'found on hill if possible, and build walls' ... wtf?

No no. You have got it all wrong mr. Horizons, the last patch did not improve the AI, it improved the 'competitivness' of the AI.
Anyone else noticed the slew of newcomers defending the game? I'm new to civ but I much rather enjoy 4.

I have played since civ1 but yes im also a newcomer to CivFanatics. I suppose by 'the game' you mean civ5, yes i like civ5 but i dont see myself as 'defender' of civ5.
Anyone else noticed the slew of newcomers defending the game? I'm new to civ but I much rather enjoy 4.

I'm not new.. I registered a LONG time ago.. but like with any pass time... we do what is most fun first.. and that was playing the game for me. I've been playing since Civ1. But forum posting wasn't my "thing" for a long time.. but now that I have a little extra time I browse the forums and post now and then.

Also, if there are a slew of newcomers defending the game that isn't a bad thing. The worst kind of discussion is a one sided one. More people means more ideas, more points of view, more tempering or exploring of the topic or issue. That fact that people are motivated to register and respond in favor of the game is good. They're engaged. I prefer an engaged forum goer who doesn't agree with the assumed norm. It makes for interesting threads, valid arguments and also forces those who are vocal to better explain their position and that is always good for the community.
RIght here with you with minimum specs, even with less than minimum in some aspects, still its a cool game, even if it runs slower on my PC :)
That thread isn't strictly a bug list, it's a wish list.

I realize that, but you do see the bugs on that list right? There are items on that list, lots of them, that detail bugs. Not wishes - but things not working.

"bugs have all been fixed" means there are no bugs on that list... and there are a lot of bugs on that list.
I must admit that I am a PC user (Win 7, one year old) who decided to install the game on a Mac last night (Mac version of course). The Mac was also one year old. I was AMAZED at how completely smooth and fast the game was! So, I'm not exactly sure if it is a programming issue with regard to the slowdown in graphics and so forth, or simply an issue with Windows.

For the record, I will stand behind my Windows computer, but the graphics on the Mac were awe-inpsiring. The ones on mine were... well... "decent"....
@ash88: By saying it wasn't strictly a bug list, I meant to imply that it contained more than just bugs, not that it didn't contain bugs.

Bugs have been fixed. Bugs remain. New bugs have been introduced.
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