Attila can borrow city names?


Sep 26, 2012
Noob questions. I'm using Attila for the first time. How do I "borrow" city names? How long can you borrow a name for and how does this affect the game?

Absolutely loving the battering ram btw! :banana:
Allways it just means if you settle a new city it will randomly pick a city of a civilization (that is not in the game).

It usally picks city at the end of a civ's list. for example it will not pick paris or orleon but some unknow cities of france that you would get if you settle you're 5th city. if you're france.
Build a second city. It will borrow the name of another civ.

It doesn't really affect the game at all. Well, if you've memorised the entire city name list for each civ it can help you and others decide who is and isn't in the game, but that's about it.
It's a quite ridiculous quality. Playing as the Dutch meeting Attila and then seeing one of his city's has a Dutch name although I've not been in war with him.
I was wondering why Attila`s cities had some weird names that didn`t make sense to his Civ. Now I see why.
It kinda justs adds flavor to the game...
Anyone know the historical basis behind this UA?

Edit: my best guess b/c they were nomadic warriors
Anyone know the historical basis behind this UA?

Edit: my best guess b/c they were nomadic warriors

I was wondering this too. I watched a Docu on Attila and didn`t discover anything like that. Wiki has nothing on such a thing and as far as I know there`s no city messed around namewise by Attila. I guess the Devs thought it was cool, as usual.
I dislike this trait immensely. It was probably put in there because Firaxis couldn't find enough historical info on names of Hun settlements, but I absolutely hate it because it feels like I'm not playing Attila, I'm playing some weird Civilization with random strange names from other countries :mad:
but I absolutely hate it because it feels like I'm not playing Attila, I'm playing some weird Civilization with random strange names from other countries :mad:

Thats exactly the point, it defines that you're playing Attila
It's a terrible trait. It has absolutely no value, whereas all other civs have abilities that are useful in some way.

I don't understand. It's not their trait, it's a minor flavor piece added to the civ. Their trait is +1 production on pastures, starting with animal husbandry for free, and razing cities at double speed, which is quite powerful all things considered.
I have a solution:

Instead of "borrowing" other civs city names (which I also dislike as a counter-immersive attribute)...
It should be made so that when you do found a city as Atilla, you must type in a city-name of your own choice (e.g. Atilla's Harem, Atilla's House of Horror, Atilla's Space Ship Factory etc.)

Or better still, and something I think people here were wishing for pre-G&K release:

Make it so that Atilla cannot found new cities and that their settlers can instead 'build' barb camps instead of cities (i.e Plop down a barb camp like you normally would a city and watch it spawn barbs that could then be used by you). << now that would add flavour, be unique and fun to play, and be somewhat more immersive!
It's not their trait, it's a minor flavor piece added to the civ.

That's true, but it's kind of amusing that it's included in the description of the unique ability, as though it's supposed to help in some way.
Any civ can borrow city names i hope you realise, the only difference is that they take names from civs that are already in the game, unless glouchester is an arabian city name
@ Danei

It can help in a small way - if you picked random civs and you recognize a city name from one of the city lists youll know that there will be that civ somewhere on the map even before you meet them
It will pick names of ingame civs ONLY. Example: I was playing as england and Attila had Houston (sorta ironic texans and all LOL) and washington was in game. I might post the game save if you ask.
I kinda feel like they missed the opportunity to do something radically different with the Huns. What if they made it where Attila's Court moves?
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