Aveo Roma!

Chapter 15: The 60 Year Peace
The general Akbar also decided to follow suit. He now commanded the 2nd Cav. This unit was a brave survivor of the Indian Wars, and was being sent to the border as fast as possible.

That same year, Chuang-Tzu was born in Rome. He was sent to Madrid to make money. Also, someone named Thucydides made the obvious conclusion that the Roman Empire was the most advanced.
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15 years later, as massive forces gathered in India, Mali continued expanding. Its army quickly took Carib, a former barbarian city in the East coast of Africa.
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That same year, Paris did what many had thought impossible. They split an atom. The resulting power released could be used to repeat and cause a massive chain reaction.

Once this government-founded research results were told to the Emperor, he immediately ordered work on using this “atomic” power in weapons.
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By 1740, cannon, already out of date, were significantly improved. This still did not lead to the use of bulky and slow cannon in the mobile and fast army.
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Chapter 16: The Great Slaughter

In 1765, workers left Rome, in India, to go to China. The local government demanded their release, but, when they were ignored, told Rome. Romans demanded the surrender of the workers and many other small concessions. The army stormed into China, and quickly took over those workers and many others.
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Five years later, the play “Workers, Come Home!” premiered on Broadway in Berlin. This ushered in a whole new era of culture in Berlin.
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In 1775, Roman tanks attacked China. The city of Nanjing was taken with no casualties. This became a pattern, as only one tank and one cavalry regiment was killed during the entire war. This quickly became known as the Great Slaughter in China, as the Romans once again became invincible. That same year, a campaign against the Chinese near India was in progress.
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In 5 years, Roman research was completed. The first Inter Continental Ballistic Missile was fired at Bejing and killed millions in the capital.
Many of the scientists hung themselves, both saddened and amazed at what they had brought to this poor world.
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Ningbo, the closest city to Roman India, was taken by the Roman armies. It was kept as a Roman city.
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Another amazing wonder happened to the poor, technologically-inferior Chinese, as the Roman used flying machines, called “fighters” to rain death from the sky.
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5 years later, Shanghai was taken in China. This spawned the new play “Shanghai Nights”, about the taking of the city as the Chinese (unrealistically) let the Romans into the city.
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10 years later, the radiated city of Beijing was taken. The units wore radiation suits to conquer the city.
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By 1800 AD, the Statue of Liberty, about the Chinese ‘liberation’, was completed in Athens. Though all records were lost in a freak storm, it still remains.
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In 1802, the general Nelson, from England, was assigned to the 1st Armored Division in India. With this help, the city of Guangzhou was taken, and, in two years, Genghis Khan joined the war. Using a trivial excuse as a reason to attack their Chinese overlords, they made a huge army to attack. Unfortunately, the Mongols didn’t take a single city.
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Two years later, in Munich, Standard Ethanol was founded by Aristotle. Using Creative Constructions as a model, they rapidly expanded. That same year, Chengdu in China was taken.
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2 years later, an amphibious tank force took Kaifeng from the Chinese. It was razed as it was an odd city in a small island.
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By 1812, another force took Xian in what the Chinese called “Philippines”. It was duly razed. Also, Hangzhou, in China, was razed.
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Four years later, Shandong, in the Indies, was razed. That same year, Tianjin, in the Indies, was also razed. That same year, a massive statue of Buddha was raised in Paris to celebrate the 50 year destruction of China. It was called the “Christo Redentor”, and it used all imported labor and marble from China.
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How about New (old cityname) for new cities?
directly after the believers had raised it, insurgents razed it :p
Great update as always mbkkbm, love the story :thumbsup:
Chapter 17: The 8 Years War

In 1818 AD, everyone knew war was coming. The Japanese, had conquered hunks of land in Roman Asia but had a much smaller military, were angering the Romans. They refused to give Osaka, their capital and most influential city, to the Romans. Obeying a time-honored Roman phrase “Veni, Vidi, Vici,” (I came, I saw, I conquered) the Roman armies declared war on Japan.
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It was, to put it plainly, like the sky was falling for the Japanese. Roman forces landed in Honshu itself and destroyed the out-dated Japanese navy. Using a massive army, Osaka was taken in 1820. Tokyo, in Korea, was taken that same year.
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2 years later, Japan’s colonial Empire in Australia was starting to fall. Satsuma fell to the 8th Legion. That same year, the rest of Japan’s navy was killed outside Kyoto. Forces landed near Nagoya on an amphibious invasion. Kyoto was the taken by the 3rd Legion in 18254.
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In 1826, the end of the Japanese was near. Kagoshima was taken after being attacked by two tanks. Yue-Chi in the Philippines was razed. The last Japanese city, Nagoya, was taken and razed in 1826. Australia and Japan were now owned by Rome.
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Now let's play: How well do you know your Roman Overlords?

2. Will they?

A. Colonize the Americas!!! Burn and pillage!!!
B. Become nice, peaceful folks who wouldn't hurt a...wait?!?ARE YOU TAKING MY LAWN GNOME!?!?!?!?! OH....IT'S ON NOW!!! CHARGE!!!!
C.Conquer Asia. Kill the Khan.
D. Throw lawn gnomes at the Americas(invade) after conquering Asia
I agree wih Civ'ed E: all of the above.
But if I had to choose it would be D as mkkbm is too lazy at the time to do anything else.
I prefer B.
I would say B but that I think that means you getting DOW'ed and I highly doubt there is an AI THAT stupid.... well....it is the AI.... but still.... they wouldn't... would they??

I go for: C
Chapter 18: The 10 Year Golden Age
The Romans experienced a brief golden age after the conquest of Japan. The Prophet Mani was born in Madrid and told everyone to work harder to make their lives better. The United Nations were built in Madrid for this purpose in 1838. The Roman Emperor Nero V became Secretary General. Munich became the center of moviemaking in the world, with its Hollywood sign luring great actors to the light. Meanwhile, in Thebes, a new, more interesting style of music, called Rock N’ Roll, was being perfected. Artists from Thebes performed all over the Empire. A National Bank was even founded to fight inflation.
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Yet everyone knew war was on the horizon. A highly experienced tank division became the 2nd Armored under Timur, a former Mongolian general who defected to Rome and the better lifestyle. And, in 1842, after an odd dispute about a divorcee who wanted to keep a gnome he had since childhood that somehow made it to the national level, Rome declared war on Mongolia.
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Chapter 19: The Fall of the Great Khan

Two years after the declaration of war, Mongolia’s two largest cities, Beshbalik and Karakorum, were captured in a whirlwind offensive.
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In 1846, Paris was finally able to dam the Seine River. This gave power to all of Roman Eurasia and spawned “dam” jokes. (I want to go to the ‘dam’ snack bar. I need to go to the ‘dam’ bathroom (etc.))
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With the help of the 1st Armored under Nelson, the city of New Sarai was taken. Ning-hsia was also taken by the 3rd Legion.
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By 1852, the end was near for the Mongols. The Roman tanks ravaged their armies and attacked their cities. The city of Samarqand was taken.
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In 1854, in order to better coordinate operations, the Pentagon was built in Rome. It was called the Pentagon because it looks like a Pentagon. That same year, Old Sarai fell to the Romans. A small city called Tiflis was taken and razed. 2 year later, Tabriz was taken and razed. Istakhr was given to the Persian to make up for them losing Zohak to the Mongols. Zohak was taken by the Romans and givhe Persians. To celebrate the Mongol defeat, Paris built a huge tower, called the Eiffel Tower. Rome now owned all lands in Eurasia, Africa, and Australia. There were only two continents left.
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