Aviation in Civ V


Dec 7, 2012
Hopefully some of the Civ V designers are on this list...

Someone needs to fix aviation in the game --

Before you can bombard a city, you have to have a ground LOS on the city - give me a break....

What is the point of having stealth bombers (that can fly almost around the world) but you can not target a city because you do not have eyes on the ground - almost takes away the point of having bombers in the first place.

You mean to tell me that you have to first find some way of sneaking a ground pounder into another country and sneak to the city you want to hit before you can launch an aerial attack..

The whole point of having bombers is to not have to depend on people on the ground - just send you aircraft in and level a target.

I wish someone would revise the air units in Civ V - right now you have an attack setting as well as a rehome setting. What is needed is also a way of just moving like all the other units (ie you can move x amount of hex's per turn). You would also see what is beneath a blacked out hex.

It is not as if for a city, the city is going to get-up and wander around - you know where the city is located.

Then you can add some realistic scenarios - attacking a target that is suddenly found (submarines, tanks just out of sight, resources, ground troops, etc...)
Plant a spy in the city you want to strike. ;)
Probably what should happen is that the fog of war should last for the turn, and allow fighters (or drones or something) to uncover fog of war. So what would happen is that you would first scout the area with fighters, and then you can send in bombers without having troops on the ground.
So what would happen is that you would first scout the area with fighters, and then you can send in bombers without having troops on the ground.

I seem to remember that this was the system used in Civ III and Civ IV. Having a unit that could expend a turn scouting enemy cities would make sense. I could see having a UAV or something that could be used only for scouting but would have a high evasion chance. Maybe somebody could create one in a mod?

As it is now, the best solution is probably to just put a spy in the city. If you don't want to do that, I guess a cavalry unit or other unit with high movement and sentry promotions could work as a spotter.
Yep a combat mod is needed for air units. Recon missions and map features/road/rails bombing should be added IMO.
I agree that they should revamp the recon abilities of flying/spying/diplomacy throughout the game to make things a bit more efficient and user friendly.

I'm trying to remember but do the same LoS rules apply to nukes?
Nope, nukes can be launched anywhere within their range. In fact, launching a nuke into the fog of war removes the fog temporarily so that you can see the nuke impact and the units it hits.

It does if you have the combat animations turned on. I leave them off and was disappointed to find you can use a nuke but it won't reveal the FoW. I'm not sure why this should be.
Nope, nukes can be launched anywhere within their range. In fact, launching a nuke into the fog of war removes the fog temporarily so that you can see the nuke impact and the units it hits.

That's ******ed. If i'm blindly sending a guy, in a aircraft, to bomb a target somewhere he can't report on or even get to that target? Whereas, I can send an unmanned(I hope) nuclear weapon to level a city and it can tell me plenty about the target and it's surrounding.

At least let me do it w/o recon and add a combat penalty. I've played several games, mostly flash based, that have similar mechanics built right into them.
Dentalfury: "That's ******ed. If i'm blindly sending a guy, in a aircraft, to bomb a target somewhere he can't report on or even get to that target? Whereas, I can send an unmanned(I hope) nuclear weapon to level a city and it can tell me plenty about the target and it's surrounding."

Eh, I suppose there could be a data recorder and a transmitter attached to the missile casing. Even so, I think there should be an option to do recon flights in some form. It would also be good if A-bombs (The WWII variety) were actually interceptable. Or did they fix that bug in the Fall Patch?
As it is now, the best solution is probably to just put a spy in the city. If you don't want to do that, I guess a cavalry unit or other unit with high movement and sentry promotions could work as a spotter.

Spy in a city !! would that works as a spotter ?? Sending a cavalry unit would not work if your are bombing a city on another land mass that only your bomber can reach (I mean how many turn/moves before you get eyes on the target).

Think more along the WWII lines of B-17/B-24/B-29 bombing Germany/Italy/Austria, Japan etc...
Placing a spy in the city provides line-of-sight to that city and the surrounding tiles once the spy "establishes surveillance" (usually within 4 turns of placement on Epic speed).
I think the animation speed of the bombers needs to be adjusted. I like playing with move and combat animation on, but those bombers are really slow... kinda annoying waiting for the AI to bomb your units with 5+ bombers.
What is the point of having stealth bombers (that can fly almost around the world) but you can not target a city because you do not have eyes on the ground - almost takes away the point of having bombers in the first place.

Just going to play devil's advocate and ask: what would be the reason to bomb a city without LOS in the game's current state anyway? There is little point in bombing a city halfway across the world if you don't have any units nearby to capture it.

Now if we were able to tactically bomb roads/etc. then I could see the use.
I think the animation speed of the bombers needs to be adjusted. I like playing with move and combat animation on, but those bombers are really slow... kinda annoying waiting for the AI to bomb your units with 5+ bombers.

There is a mod for that, if you don't mind using them
The problems go beyond aviation even into aerospace and low earth orbit. I still have never seen any 4x game handle sattilites or sattelite warfare right. At the point you are getting advanced aircraft and missiles capable of delivering payloads across continents, you should at least be able to put sattelites in geosynchonous orbit over the enemy country to at least direct such strikes and see enemy troop movements.

Of course, nothing would prevent a nation from shooting the thing down if they had the appropriate unit built.

Do not get me into the deal that space programs are not done right either. It should not be land on the moon then build a ship to cross 4 LY to Alpha Centauri. It needs to be a lot more incremental than that with solar system exploration and even colonies. Imagine a war between a nation on the moon and earth ala The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
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