Aztec Settlement


Le Républicain Catholique
Apr 14, 2002
New Jersey/ Delaware Valley
The Aztecs are invading our space. They have two settlers with escorts South of the city of Memphis. We should act accordingly, if the Aztecs should decide to settle those lands. The president has asked for citizens approval to remove the threat (meaning war), if they decide to settle there. Citizens, please give me your opinions and reasons for them. It would be most appreciated. Of course, a poll will be up after the topic is discussed.
No WAR! We have units in the area. Move them Southeast and try to block the Settlers' advance. If they drop their bag and Settle there, so be it. We do not want to get embroiled in another conflict. If we get a Temple in Memphis, supply it with the Luxs we have via a road, maybe we can flip it. We do need to get that Settler in Regia Doughnatia South to grab that Iron and Dyes, so if we switch the Legion in Inadatto to a Settler, it will be done in 7 turns and it can be placed North of Regia Doughnutia if there is still room. We need to make that Maginot (sp) Line. No WAR!
We have 24 legions and 8 warriors that can be upgraded. our military is strong compared to that of the Aztecs. We do have legions in place to block the Aztec settlers from moving further south or west. If they turn around and go home, that's fine. If they do not, if they found a city where they stand, I say we declare war immediately. Our forces are strong enough now to handle the Aztecs with ease. We would not have to spend the war building only legions.

Since we are not even sure if we can prevent Memphis from revolting and rejoining Egypt I do not see how we could hope to flip a new Aztec city to our side.

Do not be afraid of a war. Thanks to our war with Egypt we now have the means to fight a war against the Aztecs if they settle on our lands.
Is this city (presumed it will be build) really a threat ? I think not. It's far over land and over sea from any Aztec reinforcements and in not a very good location. We might not get a cow, but I can live with that. If we block correctly it will me a lousy desert town, unable to grow due to lack of irrigation, very corruptive. If we succeed in stopping Aztec workers coming in it will take a long time before this city will even be remotely useful to them. Sure it doesn't look nice, but that is not important emough.

And wasn't this site just a space-filler to us ?

This war can be delayed and therefore it should. If we ever go to war with the Aztecs that'll be the first city to be conquered. It could function as a suitable training ground for upgrades and leaders. And it will never be a powerhouse. I think it will hardly ever produce more than 1 spt. And if they build libs, courthouses, granaries or so in them, let them. It will one day be ours. Let them build for us ! Much cheaper.
I think we could pursue a possible war with the Aztecs if our objectives would be to only retake the newly founded cities, and then play defense until we can make peace. This doesn't have to be done right away.

I do like Rik's idea, and I believe we can even keep them from reaching the desert, making them stay in the hills.
The aztecs are notorious for expanding their empire, if you plan to attack them, do it hard, cripple them..or else you'll just have to do it later...

i say that we should cripple everyone on the continant. We all ready did it to Eygpt so the Aztecs should be the next one.
:soldier: :soldier:
We should try to knock everyone on ouy continant out of the space race.
The sooner we hit them the better. Not only do we have (one of) the most powerful units in the ancient era, we also have alot of them. We should use them as much as we can before they are obsolete.
Hair Caesar Donsig! May the legions never fall!
Originally posted by Vander
The sooner we hit them the better. Not only do we have (one of) the most powerful units in the ancient era, we also have alot of them. We should use them as much as we can before they are obsolete.
Hair Caesar Donsig! May the legions never fall!

Let's not start this again......

Our Legions are most valuable primarily as a defensive unit. A secondary use is as an offensive unit on either Fanatican or neutral land. Once we decide to enter someone else's soil, this advantage goes out the window, as opposing units will be able to move three times as fast on their own roads. We found that out the hard way just trying to take Memphis.

As I've said earlier, I would only agree to a short term, focused war with the Aztecs to remove them from our side of the continent. And we shouldn't even have to do that.
Originally posted by conehead234
i say that we should cripple everyone on the continant. We all ready did it to Eygpt so the Aztecs should be the next one.
:soldier: :soldier:
We should try to knock everyone on ouy continant out of the space race.

I agree, but only very slightly. There is no hurry. More urgent priorities are to control our own lands. We can take out any civ on our continent later in the game. Let's focus on our civ instead on other civs now.
Originally posted by Donovan Zoi

As I've said earlier, I would only agree to a short term, focused war with the Aztecs to remove them from our side of the continent. And we shouldn't even have to do that.

I hardly think this is posible, with the recent alliance with Egypt shows, this war will be a 20 turn event, at least... not to mention the conflict with the americans.
Originally posted by Ehecatl Atzin

I hardly think this is posible, with the recent alliance with Egypt shows, this war will be a 20 turn event, at least... not to mention the conflict with the americans.

EA, take a closer look......I made the comments you are referring to a good 3-4 hours before the actual chat took place. I don't think anyone could have predicted the situation we find ourselves in right now, since none of us had any say in the matter.
Originally posted by Donovan Zoi

EA, take a closer look......I made the comments you are referring to a good 3-4 hours before the actual chat took place. I don't think anyone could have predicted the situation we find ourselves in right now, since none of us had any say in the matter.

I must take exception to the statement none of us had any say in the matter. Here is the turn chat thread from June 19. That is the date we made it to 170 AD. That was thirteen days before the first chat of term three. Why is it that two weeks is not enough time for anyone to have a say in the matter? Those Aztec settlers were there for everyone to see on June 19 yet there was hardly any mention of them until Zarn opened this thread. Do not blame the term three leaders because the term two leaders did not bring this situation to light in time for proper discussion and polling.
Originally posted by Donovan Zoi

EA, take a closer look......I made the comments you are referring to a good 3-4 hours before the actual chat took place. I don't think anyone could have predicted the situation we find ourselves in right now, since none of us had any say in the matter.

I know, I was pointing out that a short war (the thing you wanted), during our current situation, is very unlikely due precisely to said situation.

Originally posted by donsig

I must take exception to the statement none of us had any say in the matter. Here is the turn chat thread from June 19. That is the date we made it to 170 AD. That was thirteen days before the first chat of term three. Why is it that two weeks is not enough time for anyone to have a say in the matter? Those Aztec settlers were there for everyone to see on June 19 yet there was hardly any mention of them until Zarn opened this thread. Do not blame the term three leaders because the term two leaders did not bring this situation to light in time for proper discussion and polling.

I do not blame Zarn for the situation we are in, although posting a poll may have made things more clear for you(or would it have?).

Also, I am sure you have been itching to lambast me for the so-called inactivity near the end of Term 2, where there were many important issues on the table. You are now using it as an excuse to make up for lost time, when there is no need to rush through this game. It is true that I may have gone a bit overboard in my quest to serve the will of the people, but I will stand by my actions last term.

Ironically, besides the PI spectacle I really don't think that discussion in the Citizens Forum has picked up one bit. Where you can rightly say that my methods may have fostered indifference from the citizenry, yours have made them feel helpless.
DZ, you've got to admit that donsig is not responsible for the lackluster involvement of the Leaders either. I think you're getting a little defensive here for no reason.

If anyone in these Demogames had an ounce of memory, I would call on them to remember the time when Shaitan was President. He too faced a Presidency that had a shadow Cabinet. Shaitan set out to take the bull by the horns and stear the game in the direction he thought best when there was no advice or instruction from the Leaders. This is very similar to what donsig has done. But donsig is not the popular candidate that Shaitan was. The prideful and learned leaders of this game would much rather use donsig as their puppet and teach him the "right" way of doing things. And, of course, that would be doing what they say. The lack of involvement by the citizens and Leaders of this game is a known fact. I'm sure donsig was not singling you out or "lambasting" you for your Term as President. I believe he was referring to the Leadership as a whole, which has carried over to this Term, where donsig, as DP only had 3 Instrusctions from his Leaders when he started his first chat this Term.

This PI is about as useless as the PI Chieftess brought against you, DZ. You, yourself call this one a spectacle. Obviously, the citizens do not feel helpless or they would not be trying to lynch the President. There is way too much whining and not enough work being done to run the Government properly. If these people really cared about having a voice in the way this Government is run, they would post Instructions in the Instruction threads, post polls, and initiate discussions on the issues that concern them.
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