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Balance of Power: 1975-1995

The USSR Builds up it's military.
You probably should inform players about the daily updates bit.
Erp. You may now post and request claims. Unlike normal NESes, I will PM you how many credits you have, and then you PM me your actions. I will attempt to update every day, between 6 and 9 PM Pacific Standard Time. Or 1 to 4 AM GMT.

Although I will put it in the first post.
Nice job so far. I just wish that I'd known about this NES sooner, becasue there's no open spots left (for right now), so I'll be waiting.
INDIA IS NOW OPEN, Jasontheking booted for inactivity.

South Angolan Border War [Uncertain, South Africa, UNITA, vs. Angola, Cuba, SWAPO]
Cambodian-Vietnamese Border Skirmishes [Uncertain, started in early 1975]
Oil Crisis [OPEC vs. Developed World, started in late 1973, doubles oil income]
Lebanese Civil War [Started in early 1975]
Panamanian War [Started in early 1975, uncertain, US, Panama vs. Panamanian rebels]

-High oil prices boost the oil-exporting economies of Mexico, Algeria, Libya, and the Soviet Union. OPEC members have not benefited as much as they continue to withhold supply.
-The mass deployment of military units around the world is a boon to Arab sheikhs, as modern military equipment needs to be fueled by oil. Oil prices have gone up again, doubling the cost of supplying military deployments. Many countries are considering implementing gas rationing to reduce military costs.

-The United States sends Franco some military hardware, cementing ties between the US and Spain.
-Francisco Franco has died, ending his decades of rule.

- Malaysia is beginning to see results from its economic program against unemployment, by having peasants work on newly cleared farmland and by investing more on rural agriculture.
- The Chinese government announce an expansion of their foreign ministry.
- The Phillippine government has seized Chinese weaponry destined for the New People's Army.

Middle East
-In Beirut, the ASALA(Armenian Secret Army) forms to compel the Turkish government to acknowledge the Armenian genocide, pay reparations, and to cede territory for an Armenian homeland.

-Libya is bombed in a French airstrike, in retaliation for Libyan support for Chadian terrorists.
-Possibly as retaliation, an Air France flight departing from Cairo, and heading to Paris was hijacked by terrorists who then landed the plane at Kufra Airport in Libya, demanding 1 credit in ransom for the passengers.
-[classified] Your intelligence analysts believe that South Africa is preparing a site for a nuclear test, they believe that a bomb will be detonated in a few months.
- South Africa has conducted what many call "token" reforms, which include the release of Nelson Mandela and other ANC activists, and the desegregation of some areas.
-The Russians have sent the Angolans military aid and advisors, allowing the bloody conflict to stagger on.
-The Rhodesian government has been overthrown by ZANU rebels, who have instituted land reforms and a mass array of trials against White war criminals and profiteers, along with the destruction of ZAPU who they deem to be counter-revolutionary revisionists.

-Declaring the that the US is under attack by terrorists, the President has authorized the mobilization of national guard units to assist in policing American cities. This action is in itself controversial, with much outcry from liberals, resulting in protests in many college campuses and cities, particulary U.C. Berkley. The ACLU has been mounting a case that the President is violating the Posse Comitatus Act. The President however points to the long rise of lawlessness in the US, including the infamous SLA and Weathermen and their activities. On a positive note, the bombings of banks, mailboxes, police cars, federal offices, etc, have gone down.
-The President has also gone on a lecture circuit in Puerto Rico, to convince Puerto Ricans to join the United States. It was suddenly cut short by an armed gunman who attempted to assassinate the President! Fortunately he was a bad shot, and only a few bystanders and secret service agents were killed.
-The speeches however seemed to be successful. Statehood had won by 54%, with Commonwealth recieving 43%, and Independence only 3%. Puerto Rico is now the 51st state of the United States of America.
-The FMLN however alleges that the election was rigged and have bombed a nightclub in New York.
-Colombia has recieved military aid and advisors from the US to combat FARC, destroying a FARC unit.
-Uruguayans half-heartedly accept surplus US military goods, which corrupt bureaucrats sell on the black market.
-The United States intervenes in Panama deploying 2 units, and sending over military advisors and aid, which destroy one rebel unit.
-Cuba and the Soviet Union have sent military aid to Panamanian rebels, creating two rebel units, making some suspect that the US has entered into another Vietnam.
-Peru recieves military advisors and an American unit to combat the Shining Path, and in a stunning operation, completely destroy the Shining Path. The Peruvan government is very grateful for American support.
-The oil crisis has impacted many American families this winter, as many struggle to buy fuel oil to heat their homes, or afford enough gas to fuel their cars. There are calls to renew the Economic Stabilization Act, once initiated by Nixon, to reduce the effects of double-digit inflation.
If I will bomb sovereign nations, surely I won't think twice before putting terrorists in the garbage can... Terrorists make no sense.
I don't think I can keep up with the pace of this NES. I will send orders now, but depending on what happens tomorrow I may be too busy for the next 2 days to really participate.

If the above happens, I will leave the United States for someone else.

The United States of America announces a military buildup.
It's not exactly a demanding NES lol
Now that it's the summer, I have the time to write a proper conclusion to this game. I could've continued the game, but the balance of power is so completely skewed in-game that it's practically pointless since it probably would've lead to this conclusion anyway, just a few real life months later.

The US suffers mass riots from these causes: many Americans are upset that billions are spent to kill Panamanians and Peruvians but not to keep Americans warm and fed, a leak from the government reveals that the CIA has been empowered through executive orders to keep tabs on Americans, and the fact that military units are deployed to kill terrorists in San Francisco, allegedly to strike the terrorist movement at it's home.

As a result, the military, in cooperation with the FBI, execute a coup'd'tat and install the Speaker of the House, Carl Albert as President of the United States of America. The US continues through a period of shock as it's influence abroad declines (especially after the Filipino Islamic revolution, and the resulting Filipino hostage crisis). The US economy is in a terrible state as reckless fiscal spending, domestic instability, and perpetually high oil prices. By 1981, the US collapses to socialist revolution as campus radicals are given support to their ideas by the leak of CIA monitoring everyone and after the massacres in San Francisco after a confrontation between activists and a military patrol, many Americans simply wanted a new government and to isolate themselves from world affairs.

France rescues the hijacked passengers of the airplane in a special forces, boosting French prestige abroad. After the US collapses to revolution and retreats into isolationism, France emerged as the new leader in the Defence of Democracy from Communism. As the threat of Communism continued well into the new millenium, the European Union had fully evolved into a united state, but French politics were the deciding factor in the new EU.

The Chinese and the Soviets were engaged in a full scale cold war, the Chinese were supporting revolution in Asia and Africa, the Soviets were supporting revolution in Latin America and the rest of the world. Each nation also engaged in reforms, while in the Soviet Union it was institutional, aimed at reducing corruption and internal transparency, in China market reforms were steadily implemented. After the oil glut of 1982, the Soviet economy, previously buoyed by foreign credit earnings from oil sales, began to lag behind the other countries and severe shortages became apparent by 1987. The Berlin Wall fell by 1994, and the Soviet Union collapsed in 1998. As a result, China remained the sole leader of the Communist bloc.

India remained on the sidelines and it was only inevitable for the Naxalite rebels take over the country.

South Africa battled with China over Africa, funding rebels and even defending it's own nation from both the ANC and the Chinese-backed PLASA (People's Liberation Army of South Africa). South Africa even became a nuclear power. South Africa, despite the efforts of it's government unfortunately fell to PLASA elements.

If you have any questions, I still have records of... everything actually.
Wait, why would the ANC fight me? I was ending arthaped 20 years before it started to happen, and, if anything, they would want to help protect South Africa from ouside threat.

Still like it that I was the last major power to fall to China, though. :goodjob:
The ANC wasn't a moderate protest group you know, it did have terrorist cells, and in this version of the world, the ANC splits in two during the end of Aparthied, with more radical elements demanding land redistribution.

Like the RL IRA, but for different reasons.
I'm probably going to do a similar one with an alternate history. I might also update the rules, simplifying it into varieties of actions instead of specific actions.
When did I spend billions to kill to Panamanians?

I have other issues, but they are minor enough to allow to slide through, but the above is what is bothering me... I have never authorized billions of dollars to kill innocent Panamanians. If you could show me some proof I could finally put my mind to rest over this incident.

Also another issue, though minor still requires some explaining... I never called the military into San Francisco, if I recall correctly, I called up the California National Guard to work with local police to hunt down the terrorist cells and gave complete command over the operation to the National Police Force, the FBI. (Since I do not have my orders, I may have forgotten, if you have them I would like to see them so I know it was my own fault. Thanks.)

Also as for the CIA monitoring the people, I do not see how that could cause a major problem for the Americans, even right now we are watched constantly by NSA, CIA, and other defense departments and yet, while there are discontents, but no people calling for open revolution or a change in Government. I believe the same thing should have happened in this final update. (But again, I will not protest it, and even accept it, I just wanted to say something about this.)
A credit is an abstract combination of political influence and money. I think the game moderator might know what a credit represents in the game which hundreds of millions of dollars for the US.

A common complaint about the Vietnam war was that money was spent to kill Vietnamese, best said by Martin Luther King Jr.
It has been estimated by Senator (Harkey) that we spend approximately $500,000 to kill a single enemy soldier in Vietnam. And yet we spend about $53 for each impoverished American in anti-poverty programs. Congress appropriates military funds with alacrity and generosity. It appropriates poverty funds with miserliness and grudging reluctance. The government is emotionally committed to the war. It is emotionally hostile to the needs of the poor.

Right now it's justified because of 9/11 (you could've used the frame foreign nation action). Back then, people were shocked by COINTELPRO operations by Hoover, and Nixon's plumbers unit, especially without the fear of an imminent threat. Campus radicals were... radicalized by the endless violence in Vietnam. During the early seventies, there was terrorism on American soil, banks, police cars, mail boxes were bombed. Even night clubs. Your actions served only to alienate and radicalize more Americans against the US government, spawning more terrorists, while sending more Americans to worthless foreign conflicts (the political support for any foreign war was spent dry from Vietnam, and at least the Vietnam War was justified by the Gulf of Tonkin incident).

I sent you your last two orders back. For some reason the stats involving Peruvian and Panamanian deployed units were not updated. Then again, by that point I have decided there wasn't much point in updating the game, with several players leaving and the US going bananas.
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