bal's QoL&UI mods and stuff (linked units, assign all to project, commander borders, military log etc.)


Sep 20, 2015
Linked & Group Unit Movement
Download here

  • Link/Unlink Units (Hotkey L)

Units on the same tile can be linked, allowing them to be moved together with a single move order. Basically the "escort formation" feature from Civ6, but here you can theoretically link an infinite number of units as VP has no unit-per-tile limits for civilians. Current and maximum movement points of the linked units will be set to that of the slowest unit, which will be reset when they are unliked. Note that this does not consider the shared movement promotions, so the units may not follow the optimal route in multi-turn move orders. This can be improved if anyone can come up with an efficient way.
  • Group Movement (Hotkey X)

The selected unit and all adjacent eligible combat units will move together and try to keep their relative positions. Movement points of the group is normalized to the lowest value as above. Eligibility is defined as thus: If selected unit is an unembarked land unit, only the adjacent unembarked land units will be moved. If the selected unit is a naval or embarked land unit, adjacent naval and embarked land units are moved. This also includes Great Admiral and Generals. The units sharing the same tile with the selected unit will be linked, even if they are not combat units. Unlike the link feature, grouping here is temporary and the group will be automatically disbanded when move mission is completed.
Let me openly state that this does not provide the perfect results yet. You can see one example in the attached screenshot. I've tried to move 28 units (one naval, one embarked land, one GG, one GA on each tile) by issuing a "group move" order to the central unit, but you can see that two units did not move and need to be ordered again. Still, it sure beats clicking 28 times.
You can find a detailed explanation of what's happening in the background here, and the related code here and here. Doesn't support CP (yet). [/SPOILER]

Project Alerts & Assign All Cities to Project
Download here
Shows a pop-up (as an event) when a league project is passed and allows the player to assign all (non-puppet) cities to the project. Very rude implementation, any contribution to code/texts/background images is welcome.

WHoward's Commander Influence Borders for VP
Download here
This is a very minor modification to WHoward's Commander Influence Borders, making it work with unique GG&GA variations. It's not really VP specific, apparently Khan is also in base BNW anyway. Mind that selecting a GG displays influence borders for all GGs, this is not a bug (it can actually be useful) and exists in the WHoward's version too. IIRC the influence border expands correctly with policies/abilities that give GGs more range.

WHOWARD'S MILITARY LOG! (all caps because I'm hyped for this)
Download here
Spoiler WH Military Log :
View attachment 617107
Last but not least, this modmod introduces a late gem from WHoward, the Military Log, to VP. Any combat event (attack, defense, capture, bombard, intercept etc. etc.) can be viewed through the Military Log screen and clicking on an event will move the map to the event location. Basically, this allows you to replay the lightning-fast on-screen combat notifications that you get with quick combat. I think its psychological impact may even be greater than the practical one, I feel much more at ease with using quick combat since I don't worry about losing information. I made two minor improvements on WHoward's version by making the log screen transparent to get a better view of the map and adding a crossed-swords icon for the pop-up. Big thanks to WHoward for allowing me to repackage his mod with these insignificant changes, and of course for making the mod. Requires VP 1.3 or later.

Currently, the military log data does not persist between saves, i.e. your log will be refreshed with each re-load. Keeping the log intact would require getting into an area of modding (storing data/serialization) which I'm not comfortable with yet, and a poor implementation would carry the risk of save-bloat. I can prioritize this if there's significant demand, but it works just fine this way.
Possible issues:
This was mostly a late-night copy-paste job. There are dozens of combat events, some of which are named differently in WH's DLL and VP's DLL, so it's very possible that I overlooked some of them, in fact, I'm pretty sure I passed over at least one and didn't return, IIRC it was late-game stuff about air warfare or paratroopers. So let me know if you see any event not-logged or logged improperly.
Also, currently, a maximum of 50 events are logged, then the oldest ones are discarded to make room for new events. I think 50 is a pretty safe number, it could even be too much, but I don't play on large maps. I can increase or decrease this depending on feedback.
Special thanks to ilteroi for making sure I didn't break anything

Reworked Top Panel for VP-EUI (RETIRED)
Spoiler :

Current state: I've already integrated most of this to VP-EUI so I'm no longer working on this. It can still be used to get larger icons or separators.
- Fixed some lua errors.
- Added icons for religious units&buildings
- Supports Separate Naval Supply.
Hotfix v1.1: Fixed the happiness tooltip

Makes many changes for better readability and consistency. It started as an update to Condensed Top Panel, while it still shares some of the same concerns and offers many of its features, this turned into a different beast with many aesthetic adjustments. Full list of changes:

- Removes the icon for tech in progress.
- Removes all progress bars. Turn counters are placed at the bottom right of related icons instead.
- Parentheses removed from all yields
- Option - Condense Happiness (default on): Displays only the happiness percentage. Replaces the generic citizen icon with 6 different Happiness icons (2 new), corresponding to Very Happy (>75), Content (>55), Neutral (>50), Unhappy (>35), Very Unhappy (>20) and Rebellious (<20). Percentage is also color coded to match these values. Total happiness&unhappiness is moved to the tooltip.
- Option - Condense Military Supply (default off): Displays only the remaining unit supply, colored green when >0.
- Option - Hide Menu and Civilopedia button (default on for menu, off for civpedi).

- Moves Per Turn yields of Faith and Gold to the left of their respective icons.
- Great Person and Pantheon icons are replaced with their smaller and more suitable font icon versions, like every other icon on the panel. This is also a clean-up and readability fix, since those icons were much harder to read even though they were larger than everything else and clipped like hell.
- Luxury Resources uses the Trade icon instead of Great Merchant.

- Increased contrast for all text/numbers, especially for turn counters.
- Turn counters use a slightly different color of their respective yield to differentiate them.
- Trade Routes will be colored green when you have unassigned ones.
- Less crowded: Moved Great Person, Instant Yield and Luxury Resource sections to the right side.
- Option - Resized Icons (default on): Uses slightly larger (around 25%) icons to better fill out the panel.
- Option - Section separators (default off): Places separators between sections, can be customized with 6 levels of thickness.

New Features.png

(non-cropped screens in attachements)
How to customize:
Options are placed at the top of TopPanel.lua, can be opened Notepad and similar. Simply set the desired option to true, or an undesired one to false. To use the separator version, copy TopPanel.xml from Separators folder, and paste it to the main folder, overwrite when asked. You can also choose between 6 different separators, bar1 being the thickest and bar6 the thinnest, bar4 is the default one. Choose the desired version, rename it to bui_bar, paste/overwrite to the main folder.

Almost forgot, you can also choose between the full black bar top panel and non-full versions in options. Just follow the comments in TopPanel.lua

You can move Icons around by editing TopPanel.xml. Some people will probably want to keep all yields in the same place, so for example, if you want to move Tourism, find the relevant line/section (the row 135 in this case), and cut/paste it to wherever you want. If you are moving items from the left stack to the right or vice versa, change the Anchor (the right stack should have R,T , left L,T). Mind that spacing is optimized for the current order so any changes will likely to require tweaks to spacing&offset.

Other notes: There's an option to hide yields, like in Extra Condensed Top Panel, but it isn't fully implemented (hides only science, culture & faith iirc) and I may remove the option entirely.

Known issues:
- Culture throws an error when at 0, i.e. at the very beginning of the game. It's benign and resolves itself as soon as you found your first city. Similarly, the panel may not be properly sized, but should update&auto-resize itself when you found.
- Spacing issues with the separators.
I haven't completed a full playthrough with this, so there could be minor issues I overlooked. In any case, this mod doesn't affect save games, can be enabled/disabled/customized at any time.

- Resource section could be moved to a better place, but it somehow refuses to do that.
- Minor tweaks to offsets etc.
- Try to move the options to the in-game menu

Thanks to bc1 for EUI, whoward for countless tutorials, adan_eslavo and Rek for their comments, Enginseer, Aquini for their work on Condensed Top Panel!


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  • Reworked Top Panel (v 2).zip
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Very nice! I'd love a version compatible with Improved City View if you feel up to it. If not, I can possibly wade through the code and figure it out.
This is fantastic as QOL mod. The less onscreen things to distract, the better. Reducing unneccesary text is always a welcome thing.

ModTools popped up this small error:
[Fatal Error] :5:35: The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference.
ERROR: The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference.

The .modinfo just needs the ampersand "&" replaced with "and"
    <Teaser>Condensed Production and Purchasing Help for VP-EUI</Teaser>
    <Description>Condensed Production and Purchasing Help for VP-EUI</Description>
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I had this lying around, don't get hyped though, it sounds a lot better than it actually is. Many people do this in their games anyway.

Non-Randomized AI Decisions
- Removes randomization in City Production, Technology, and Policy decisions of the AI at lower difficulties (Emporer and lower).

So normally AI doesn't pick the "best" option, rather randomly picks one of the 2 (Prince-Emperor) or 3 (Settler-Warlord) top options. The top options get a score that is affected by MANY things, so we cannot say for sure whether the "best", i.e. top-scoring option, is actually the best. Then again, in many cases we can't agree on what's objectively the best either (just check discord). Anywaaay a lot of people are having problems when going up in difficulty, so if you're safe in King but cannot play Emperor, this may make King a bit more challenging. I'm not sure but I think Milae's mod already does this, and a lot more. If you're looking for a difficulty mod Milae's would he a lot better, I use this mainly to get better logs when testing AI.


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Yeah it's just a few lines of code, very easy to figure out, but I wasn't feeling like sleeping anyway. Replacing Improved City View's CityView.lua with the attached should hopefully be enough.
I can confirm that the un-modded Improved City View' is incompatible. Would be great if this could be fixed or at least the "blocks" added to the modinfo + a reference to the cityview patch above (which I will test this evening).
This is a very minor modification to WHoward's Commander Influence Borders, making it work with unique GG&GA variations. It's not really VP specific, apparently Khan is also in base BNW anyway. Mind that selecting a GG displays influence borders for all GGs, this is not a bug (it can actually be useful) and exists in the WHoward's version too. IIRC the influence border expands correctly with policies/abilities that give GGs more range.


  • Commander Influence Borders for
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@balparmak Do you know if it is possible to make Condensed Top Panel incorporated into VP as a toggable option? I mean you could toggle one part or another. For now we have only heavy version or super light version and nothing in between. This is really useful mod for people like me playing on low resolutions.
Another top panel incoming:

Improved Top Panel - INTEGRATED WITH VP 2.4
Spoiler ITP :
Unlike the Reworked Top Panel, this only includes "objective" changes, things I think the majority will agree on. Full honesty, I plan to bring many of these to VP-EUI and will make a detailed poll for each of them in a month.

Non-Optional Changes:
- Increased contrast for all text&numbers, turn counters use a slightly different tone of their yields to help readability.
- Moved Gold section to the right of Faith, Luxury Resources to the right side.
- Trade Routes will be colored green when there are unused routes.

Options (available in TopPanel.lua):
- Moved Per-Turn yields for Faith and Gold to the left of the icon, as with Science & Culture. (PerTurnOnLeft option, default on)
- Replaced atlas icons used for Great People and Faith Purchases with their Font Icon versions. Atlas icons were ill-fitted for top panel, cropped and clipped through the bars, while still remaining less legible. As Merchant icon is now used by Merchants, Luxury Resources now use the Trade icon (ReplaceIcons option, default on)
- Removed the icon for tech-in-progress, which was barely readable anyway (HideTech option, default on)
- Happiness: The Citizen icon and happiness % will change color according to the happiness level. Total happiness/unhappiness counts are colored green/red.
- Condensed Happiness option: Instead of the Citizen icon, a dynamic Happiness icon is used, and icons for total happiness and unhappiness are removed. I think color-coding them is enough. (CondensedHappiness option, default on)
- (Extra Condensed happiness: Total happy&unhappy counts are removed, only the empire happiness icon & percentage remains visible. (ExtraCondensedHappiness option, default off))
- Removes parentheses from Unit Supply (NoParentheses option, default off)
- Hide Menu and Civilopedia icons (default off)

- (Alternate layout: Move GreatPerson and Instant Yields to the right side (use the files under alt_layout folder, default off)).
Condensed happiness option on:

Condensed happiness option off:

ReplaceIcons option on:

Alternative layout (also with No Parentheses):

Also includes support for Separate Naval Supply mod, Naval Supply will show up next to the Military Supply, with a pretty anchor icon. All in all, this is pretty close to Reworked, but you still get the progress bars, while losing the option for condensed supply & larger icons.

Reworked Top Panel also updated btw

ps: I tried to use the game art as much as possible by re-scaling, re-coloring etc, but at times I still needed to come up with new icons. I'm not good at that, so I'd really appreciate if anyone wants to contribute icons, especially something for religious buildings


  • Improved Top Panel (v 1).zip
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Will this be a separate line with some features being exclusive to this mod, or at some point both will be merged?
ps: I tried to use the game art as much as possible by re-scaling, re-coloring etc, but at times I still needed to come up with new icons. I'm not good at that, so I'd really appreciate if anyone wants to contribute icons, especially something for religious buildings

Couldn¨t you just rescale the various religions iconography in the game? Crosses of various kinds, stars and moons and whatelse there is. So either the symbol of your religion or some more generic pantheon icon? If you want to use in-game assets that is.

The bottom image is a bit confusing on the right side; I assume the first one is next great person (musician in this case); What is the * then? Is there a tooltip associated with them to show a more in depth list of what is to come? Tourism. Same deal; Coal. Is it just showing the latest one and then are the others (iron and horses ...) hidden in a tooltip? Not sure I really like that change, I'm very dependent I guess on quickly being able to see how many of the various strat resources that I got at a quick glance instead of having to dive into the system to figure it out.
This is the option lines?
When you say "on" do you mean "true"? Sorry im not a modder just a regular playa

Looking at the file since I'm trying it now I would assume so, it's from like line 8 and a few down from there. True is ON and False is OFF unless the question or option is worded the other way around.

If you want to use the ALT-layout you just take those files and copy them over the files in the parent director; I assume that as I have not tried it yet.

Spoiler :

local ReplaceIcons = true -- replaces cropped, outsized icons of Pantheon, Prophet and other Great Persons with font icons, uses Trade icon instead of GMerchant for Luxury Resources
local PerTurnOnLeft = true -- moves GoldPernTurn and FaithPerTurn to the left of their respective icons, to be consistent with other yields
local HideTechIcon = true -- removes the icon of currently researched text
local CondensedHappiness = true -- Remove Happy & Unhappy icons (keeps their numbers), and replace Citizen Icon with a dynamic Happiness one
local ExtraCondensedHappiness = false -- Remove Happy & Unhappy icons, only display the percentage with a single happiness icon
local NoParentheses = true -- Remove parentheses from supply
local HideMenuButton = false
local HideCivilopediaButton = false

(edit) It does take some getting used to this I guess I'm very used to the old one where the numbers was the other way around for gold and such; total gold first and income after that. now it's income first icon total gold. I guess I'll either get used to this new way or have to flip it around in the code as I don't see an option for it.
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Will this be a separate line with some features being exclusive to this mod, or at some point both will be merged?

I made Improved Top Panel to highlight what can get integrated into VP, so if that happens I'll remove the mod, and carry over its features to Rework.

Couldn¨t you just rescale the various religions iconography in the game? Crosses of various kinds, stars and moons and whatelse there is. So either the symbol of your religion or some more generic pantheon icon? If you want to use in-game assets that is.

The bottom image is a bit confusing on the right side; I assume the first one is next great person (musician in this case); What is the * then? Is there a tooltip associated with them to show a more in depth list of what is to come? Tourism. Same deal; Coal. Is it just showing the latest one and then are the others (iron and horses ...) hidden in a tooltip? Not sure I really like that change, I'm very dependent I guess on quickly being able to see how many of the various strat resources that I got at a quick glance instead of having to dive into the system to figure it out.

Leaving the re-colored ones aside, the only new icon was "religious buildings", which appear when you set that faith reminder for a building. Looks like this: 20220523224159_1.jpg
I can use the icon for player's religion, but I think the building is more on point, what do you think? The * (star) icon is instant yields, it isn't a new addition by me though. VP added it so you can view your instant yield gains for the last 10 turns, but it often gets overlooked. Resources are displayed as the same as unmodded Top Panel, here I only had coal because I gave the city a factory without advancing in tech to unlock iron, I can see how that can confuse players :) Don't worry though, all strategics are displayed. Tooltip behavior is also the same as unmodded, I think having a more detailed tourism tooltip is a good idea though.

This is the option lines?
When you say "on" do you mean "true"? Sorry im not a modder just a regular playa

Yep @loorg is right on how they work.

Looking at the file since I'm trying it now I would assume so, it's from like line 8 and a few down from there. True is ON and False is OFF unless the question or option is worded the other way around.

If you want to use the ALT-layout you just take those files and copy them over the files in the parent director; I assume that as I have not tried it yet.

Spoiler :

local ReplaceIcons = true -- replaces cropped, outsized icons of Pantheon, Prophet and other Great Persons with font icons, uses Trade icon instead of GMerchant for Luxury Resources
local PerTurnOnLeft = true -- moves GoldPernTurn and FaithPerTurn to the left of their respective icons, to be consistent with other yields
local HideTechIcon = true -- removes the icon of currently researched text
local CondensedHappiness = true -- Remove Happy & Unhappy icons (keeps their numbers), and replace Citizen Icon with a dynamic Happiness one
local ExtraCondensedHappiness = false -- Remove Happy & Unhappy icons, only display the percentage with a single happiness icon
local NoParentheses = true -- Remove parentheses from supply
local HideMenuButton = false
local HideCivilopediaButton = false

(edit) It does take some getting used to this I guess I'm very used to the old one where the numbers was the other way around for gold and such; total gold first and income after that. now it's income first icon total gold. I guess I'll either get used to this new way or have to flip it around in the code as I don't see an option for it.

You can get the old yield position in Improved Top Panel by setting PerTurnOnLeft to false, that option is unavailable in Reworked though. I once again made too many forks&options, so in sum Reworked Top Panel has the option for larger icons on the top panel (optional) and removes the progress bars for science, culture, gp etc (not optional). If you don't want these, I'd just recommend using Improved Top Panel instead. Improved Top Panel keeps progress bars and can be set to be very close to vanilla, as in you can revert the changes to per turn yield display, the icon layout is similar, happiness can be set to vanilla (with only color coding introduced).
I didn't use it for very long today I mostly just put it on and tried it out to see if it would work so I didn't really play around with the options. I just had a look of what options were available. But my overall impression was positive. There was I guess just some things that had changed that you sort of get stuck on. So Iguess all that you see is what is different and the thing that I noticed I kept looking at it over and over again cause the gold counter seemed off as the order was reversed. But at the same time perhaps it makes sense since the gold then is displayed as the science and culture with the yield infront of the icon. Perhaps it will just take some getting used to.

I was perhaps even more confused about the colors of the condensed happiness and wondering why it didn't turn green when it went over 50.

I'm not sure about the building really. But it might just be that I'm not used to it, I can't really even say what that building is supposed to be. Are there different buildings for the different "buildings"? Or is it one and the same for all of them and in which case does it become weird if your religion have multiple buildings? But then this probably really comes down to that I never use the autobuild/purchase feature as I prefer to build mine manually. So perhaps someone else should take that question.

But in some regard I think I prefer my faith like my gold just with the income and the icon and the total amount I have. But perhaps mostly cause that is how I'm used to having it now. I only really ever see the icon for the first part of the game as there are still religions to be founded as you can't really turn the prophet icon off as far as I can recall. But after that I just see the numbers.

That said in general I think I'm fine with just the icon and don't need the image; sort of like showing the note for great musician or beaker for scientist etc. They also seem to scale somewhat better then the larger rounder icons.

I did noticed the thing with the strat resources. I like that the number you had was in the icon, it saved some space on the line which was nice. I didn't even notice it on the images above until now that you had a red 1 in the coal. But I saw the green once in my iron and horses. I can't really tell but perhaps the red is a little dark there and was somewhat hard to see. The green was very bright and clear. While the red here seems a bit dim. Perhaps a more bright red is in order as having negative strat resources is a massive issue for your empire and something that you should attend to asap.

Right the * (star) and (gem) icons. I sometimes just forget about them. I don't think I ever really use the * one but I do look at the gem icon that shows all the luxuries quite a lot normally. I didn't think about when I had the game running today but looking at the images above is the gem icon gone or is that now the city-connection icon? Or where do you get the quick overview of what luxuries you have/import/export and who has what?

But overall I liked it I think. I might just be so used to the old one that I never really thought about how the game (or bar) even looks without it anymore. Sort of like how I feel lost now if I can't run with improved city-view. In some regards I think I might have to play around with the options for a bit. I'll take a look and see about that PerTurnOnLeft and see how I like that. I guess it should feel more familiar.
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