Basic beginner question


Jun 3, 2014
Haven't played Civ in a zillion years so basically back to being a newbee.

In a City window it shows I have 1 production. So I bought a Forest grassland to expand my city. That should have gave me +1 food and +1 production. But two turns later the City still shows only 1 production. I see no gain from my land purchase.

What important point am I missing?

Another question about a possible bug:
Sometimes in a game I may find two or more close tiles that when I instruct a worker to build on them, they do but they complete the build very soon after and the tile does not show the improvement. Is this a bug or am I missing something? It only happens on a few tiles.
land itself doesn't automatically increase your production. you need to be working the tile with a citizen in order to receive the yields for that tile.
Make sure the citizens are in lockdown. Once you have the citizens with a lockdown sign then the citizens won't automatically move around the tiles as they please.
Another question about a possible bug:
Sometimes in a game I may find two or more close tiles that when I instruct a worker to build on them, they do but they complete the build very soon after and the tile does not show the improvement. Is this a bug or am I missing something? It only happens on a few tiles.
A worker will "wake up" and stop improving a tile, when there's a hostile unit (probably a barb) around. You have to click the improvement-button again to make him continue his work.
As a person who remembers by newbie days I am could see how the answers you have received, though correct, may not completely answer your question.

When you found a city your city will consist of seven hexes - the center hex and one on each edge of the center hexagon. You also receive one "civilian" who will work on one of the six outside hexes. Total output of the city on any given turn is the output of the center hex (that output is initially determined by the type of hex it is - hill,plain, luxury or whatever) plus the output of whichever of the six hexes your civilian is working on. The assignment of which hex your civilian is working is initially made by the computer and you cannot see it looking at the main screen.

Click in the box containing the name of the city on the main screen and you will change to "city view" which shows you on which hex your civilian is located and offers you the opportunity to change that hex and to assign preferences for which hexes will contain civilians in the future. In the upper right corner of the "city view" screen there is a drop down containing a label "citizen management " which contains options.

It does not matter what hexes your buy or acquire - output only comes from the hexes on which you have civilians located. So if you buy a hex but no civilian is moved on to that hex you will not receive the output of that hex.

More civilians are acquired by maintaining excess food production in the city.

When I first started I got confused by posts regarding civilians "working" a hex which messed up my understanding of workers and civilians. A worker on a hex can change the hex to improve or change its output but does not actually cause the hex to have any output; there has to be a civilian on the hex (and a civilian and a worker can and often do share a hex) for your city to receive the output of the hex.
As a person who remembers by newbie days I am could see how the answers you have received, though correct, may not completely answer your question.

When you found a city your city will consist of seven hexes - the center hex and one on each edge of the center hexagon. You also receive one "civilian" who will work on one of the six outside hexes. Total output of the city on any given turn is the output of the center hex (that output is initially determined by the type of hex it is - hill,plain, luxury or whatever) plus the output of whichever of the six hexes your civilian is working on. The assignment of which hex your civilian is working is initially made by the computer and you cannot see it looking at the main screen.

Click in the box containing the name of the city on the main screen and you will change to "city view" which shows you on which hex your civilian is located and offers you the opportunity to change that hex and to assign preferences for which hexes will contain civilians in the future. In the upper right corner of the "city view" screen there is a drop down containing a label "citizen management " which contains options.

It does not matter what hexes your buy or acquire - output only comes from the hexes on which you have civilians located. So if you buy a hex but no civilian is moved on to that hex you will not receive the output of that hex.

More civilians are acquired by maintaining excess food production in the city.

When I first started I got confused by posts regarding civilians "working" a hex which messed up my understanding of workers and civilians. A worker on a hex can change the hex to improve or change its output but does not actually cause the hex to have any output; there has to be a civilian on the hex (and a civilian and a worker can and often do share a hex) for your city to receive the output of the hex.

Holy cow have I been missing this completely. Thanks for this detail and thanks for all who replied. I go to the City Screen but I can't see where the Citizen(s) are working. What indicator says that. And you are right. I was thinking of a worker not a citizen. But what in the city screen shows what the citizens are working on?
When you open the Citizen-Management-Tab on the top right of the City Screen it will display all tiles. Those who have a green Citizen-Symbol over them instead of a black circle are those tiles that are being worked.

You can click the circles and lock citizens to them, the AI will not move them afterwards, which is very useful, because the AI usually does a terrible job at deciding what tiles to lock. Try to lock down tiles that have a lot of food on them, especially early on, even if that means that you lose production or gold. Growing your cities is just more important. A tile with 3 food can be stronger than a tile with 1 food 1 hammer and 3 gold.

If you want to reset your citizens, just click on the city-tile.

The circles with a green-face icon surrounding the city are the tiles being WORKED by CITIZENS. For each tile, you can (and should) use a WORKER to IMPROVE the tile in order to increase its yield. So that, if the tile is worked by a citizen it gives more.
When you open the Citizen-Management-Tab on the top right of the City Screen it will display all tiles. Those who have a green Citizen-Symbol over them instead of a black circle are those tiles that are being worked.

You can click the circles and lock citizens to them, the AI will not move them afterwards, which is very useful, because the AI usually does a terrible job at deciding what tiles to lock. Try to lock down tiles that have a lot of food on them, especially early on, even if that means that you lose production or gold. Growing your cities is just more important. A tile with 3 food can be stronger than a tile with 1 food 1 hammer and 3 gold.

If you want to reset your citizens, just click on the city-tile.

OK. I got it. Thanks!
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