Best Civilization For Dominination

Well for starters, Assyria and The Huns have good units to start your quest for world domination.
Mongolia is pretty good. But if you don't get horses you'll might as well just quit.
Go with the Huns. They don't need horses for their Horse Archers.
I ended up voting for Japan. :/ Who's the one that voted for Assyria?
Hmm with Shuffle, you can't select base on predetermined values. As such, chose Random Civ as well I think.
One word: Shaka

Anyone who tells you different is just trying to sell you on their pet civ.

(No it's not MY pet civ.)

Take out your close neighbours with longbows. Take out the rest of the world with ships of the line.

For a slightly different take - Greece or Siam - the bonuses with city states will help keep your economy chugging along after everybody despises you, you'll still have your city state friends and allies. And a lot of CS allies are awesome in a war too -- the AI spends all its time battling the CS's and ignores the juggernaut bearing down on its capital.
I would split it in 8 tiers:
Tier 1: Civs with overpowered UUs
- Arabia
- Huns
- Mongolia
- Zulu
- England
Tier 2: Civs with significant combat bonuses and/or UUs
- China
- America
- Persia
- Inca
Tier 3: Civs that are just overall OP
- Babylon
- Maya
- Poland
- Spain
- Korea
- Russia
Tier 5: Civs geared for domination but tricky to play
- Assyria
- Denmark
- Rome
- Ottomans
- Japan
Tier 6: Not domination oriented but can be surprisingly good
- India
- Sweden
- Germany
- Austria
- Shoshone
- Egypt
Tier 7: Civs that are just so much better with other things than domination
- Brazil
- Byzantium
- Carthage
- Ethiopia
- Celts
- France
- Indonesia
- Morocco
- Siam
- Polynesia
- Portugal
- Venice
- Aztec
- Netherlands
- Songhai
- Greece
Tier 8: Crap
- Iroquois
Whoa, whoa. Germany should not be in Tier 5.
I agree. Germany is definitely domination oriented. The Shoshone should also be grouped with civs that are just overall OP.
Camel Archers are the single best unit in the game, (not including Shakas which I have never played), if you use them right they can take and entire continent in 50 turns with only 1 or 2 melee units.
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