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Best Culture Victories


JS, secretly Rod Serling
Dec 11, 2011
I just want to know what were your best culture victories ever. My record best was a Byzantine Immortal win (standard pace) on turn 278

:goodjob: I really enjoyed that game but I am curious how it compares in general
How did you do it?
That game? Sacred Sites (Pagodas + Cathedrals + Monasteries) Each city added another 6 tourism pretty much immediately. I also conquered some cities with mosques in them so I converted those and had even more tourism
i tried the same thing with byzantines and was producing 60+ tourism in medieval era but polynesia was on the other continent and so it took a few wars and an incredible amount of time to win. Must say cultural victories are extremely dependent on who youre playing against, polynesia and america and poland tend to be cultural powerhouses. Surprisingly the Japanese can be too.
my best is with France on a salt start. Turn 247. Standard 3 cities tradition-aesthetics-rationalism-freedom, focusing on wonders & art for theming bonuses.

I almost always go culture, and most of the time I find myself winning around turn 280-320 or so, so this was definitely an anomaly. The double theming bonuses were a lot more powerful than I expected. Chateaus are nice too. But it was probably mostly the salt :)
I've also tried the sacred sites approach (with Maya) and had about 50 tourism by turn 150, which was very good. But it wasn't enough to win, and because of my approach I stagnated at 50 for a very long time. Had to tech up normally and didn't end up winning til around turn 300 (standard timing).
If best means quickest, then I don't know. If it means 'the coolest', then Morocco with sacred sites and desert folklore (yes, with Petra also). I had won in the late game with a lot of arts and artifacts, every city had museums and airports, and I just have won the International Games when my bought musicians started to make concerts in Babylon. I was shocked by the numbers, about 24000 tourism was generated by each of them. :O
I just won a T280 cultural victory on an emperor continents map with Greece. Yes, Greece. No sacred sites, but it just so happened that I spawned in the middle of Denmark, Spain, France and Siam. They were all going heavy culture. I had 8 horses. :evil:

By T190 I had killed all of them. I found Rome, Germany and Aztecs on the other continent. I thought about invading and going for complete domination victory, but they were spamming units and fighting already. It seemed like a headache and my horses were past their prime. So I started wonder spamming.

I got every wonder, as none of them were building anything but units. When I won, I was only generating 150 tourism. :lol:
Weirdly, Zulu before turn 250. Pangaea, Standard, Immortal. I was going for a domination victory obviously, but at some point my army in the field was so powerful, highly-promoted, and far away from my productive core that I started acted like a peaceful builder in my core cities while being at permanent war at the other end of the continent. I was capturing wonders and pillaging Great Works, and I was devastating the culture base of every major civ, leaving the weaker ones at the periphery of the continent as leftover non-threats. I won a Culture victory before I could capture the last two capitals of backwater civs.
T281, Poland. Immortal, Fractal map.
Peaceful for the entire game.

Got way too many policies near the end. I think I completed Tradition, Piety, Aesthestics, like 2 level 3 Freedom policies, Exploration, and had bits in Rationalism, lol...

Got like T268 on Emperor, another peace game.

Might have to go warmongering at some point. But yeah, it's heavily dependent on map type (since I play on Fractal) and civ.
I actually took a culture victory with shaka next to wonder spamming Egypt. So all I did was let Egypt wonder spam and take most of the wonders along with a few of my own wonders. I started to attack Egypt during post Renaissance pre industrial era and took most of the wonders. I put up hotels and airports along with great firewall and the Internet which led to a cultural victory.
I've been challenging myself for early culture victories as well, and my favorite approach is to have a strong religious start for Pagodas and Cathedrals along with the Order ideology. And of course, at the end of the game there will always be that one civ with a strong culture, so send an army of Great Musicians via faith/aesthetics.
My easiest culture victory was with William of Orange (yeah, who knew?) at turn 270. King, standard, continents. He lucked into a great starting set-up though, and I had peaceful neighbors--except Dido, she always attacks me at least once, she hates me!
I have not had a pure one yet. I did t 248 iirc with Indonesia on emperor continents, but instead of waiting for tourism to overcome their culture I went and eliminated most of them leaving only Oda and Shaka.

And other ones were with polynesia Sacred Sites t 155 and 178. They were all interesting in their own way.
I think you have to distinguish between peaceful and non peaceful. Purely peaceful you need to get all theme bonuses and quickly. Even then, you will need hotels to finish off the final civ which puts you at a turn 275 ish win. If you can keep a military and war your competition to cripple the 2nd best civ you can get it at 230s. Hotels and the 100% world congress modifier will finish them around 300 otherwise
Admittedly I used to go for culture victories all the time in G&K, but haven't experimented much with it in BNW. I'm not exactly sure when to build a military to take out the lead cultural civ. They usually end up being the most militarily powerful too. :|
Fastest was with Sacred Sites Ethiopia, because I lucked out and got a continent to myself, connected by a land bridge near my capital. ICSed it to hell and back, was making like 200 tourism a lot earlier than appropriate. No science or Spirit of Adwa, but I didn't really need either. Favorite was Venice, and though my tourism wasn't as impressive, I could buy a nuke every turn to make everyone else less impressive.
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