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Beta & Bug Reports

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I buffed culture significantly:

  • Artists buffed from 1 to 3:c5culture:
  • Landmarks buffed from 4 to 6:c5culture:
  • Museums buffed from 5:c5culture: to 0.5:c5culture:/pop
  • National Epic buffed to +50%:c5culture: and 2 artists (was 0, 0)
  • Opera House buffed from 4:c5culture: to +50%:c5culture:
The free policy mechanic was a "quick fix" that only took a few minutes back in November, and I've been working on these longer-term solutions since that time. The policy-per-era has been replaced with the buffs above. Basically I want to equalize things so it's about as challenging to win with A as with B:

  • 1 free policy per era, 6 trees required for Utopia.
  • All the new buffs to artists, etc, 6 trees required for Utopia.
The reason it wasn't explained very clearly is Firaxis' buff to Artists was forgotten from the patch notes, so I had no clue they'd jumped so high until someone pointed it out earlier. I've been spending the past few days just trying to figure out exactly what they did. :lol:
The reason it wasn't explained very clearly is Firaxis' buff to Artists was forgotten from the patch notes, so I had no clue they'd jumped so high until someone pointed it out earlier. I've been spending the past few days just trying to figure out exactly what they did. :lol:

I was the one to point it out.:) Another undocumented change (which I haven't confirmed, but was noted here): Monasteries now give culture for each instance of Wine or Incense, rather than a flat amount for each no matter how many of those luxuries are nearby.
This is probably a freak vanilla bug, but... I had a defensive pact with the AI that did not kick in when he was attacked. It was registered as a completed deal, but when I contacted the AI, I found that I was free to make the deal again (meaning it hadn't registered there).
Playing with 5.7

Sometimes when I load a save the UI bug. I only have a build queue in city screen, and can't build anything. Also in the Tech tree I've only empty boxes.
To correct this I must go back to menu and reload save.

Also Mandate of heaven give 100% culture instead of 75% from the text.
This is probably a freak vanilla bug, but... I had a defensive pact with the AI that did not kick in when he was attacked. It was registered as a completed deal, but when I contacted the AI, I found that I was free to make the deal again (meaning it hadn't registered there).

Defensive pacts have always been like this for me in vanilla. I'm not sure how they're supposed to work, exactly.

The load/save thing appears to be some vanilla caching issue introduced in the latest patch. For the first month or two I played Civ I always had to go back out to the main menu to load saves, even in vanilla.

I noticed the Mandate of Heaven error too, thank you for pointing it out.

I appreciate the bug reports from everyone, let's try and get them posted in the Testing forum in the future. It helps people figure out if they're having the same issue as another person. :thumbsup:
So after get v5 of the balance mod I get this weird bug


when loading this is the screen. Also when the game loads I cannot select a tech as the tech tree has no techs on it. When I settle my city I cannot choose anything to built either. Any help?
This is probably a bug on the vanilla end, but is worth mentioning:

Currently the "no maintenance for garrisoned units" from the new Oligarchy policy is not working.
It might have something to do with this vanilla bug from the Undocumented Patch 217 notes thread:
When you choose the social policy where you don't pay maintenance for your garrisoned units, those garrisons are referred to as Missiles in the mouseover at the economic overview. :D
I don't believe anything in TBC interacts with oligarchy.
This is probably a bug on the vanilla end, but is worth mentioning:

Currently the "no maintenance for garrisoned units" from the new Oligarchy policy is not working.

Yes, I noticed this too.

Sometimes when I load a save the UI bug. I only have a build queue in city screen, and can't build anything. Also in the Tech tree I've only empty boxes.
To correct this I must go back to menu and reload save.

I've had a similar bug. I loaded saved game, but just couldn't open the building tab. Solved by getting Steam to 'verify the integrity of...' something, then it worked.

Lastly, I'm certain that I'm not receiving my maritime food bonuses - is there any way of checking? I suspected they were not coming to me, so prior to going from 'friend' to 'ally' I noted down the food level in each city. After an increase in status to 'ally' with a maritime CS, nothing - none of the food levels in any of my cities changed. :(
In this file:

CiVUP - Civ V Unofficial Patch\Core\CiVUP_General.lua

Change the logger level at the top from LOG_WARN to LOG_DEBUG. While testing this I realized you'll probably want to comment out line 26 with a "--", like this (it generates a lot of messages):

  1. Save the file
  2. Open the civ save game
  3. Open the tuner
  4. End your turn
You should see some text print with the phrase "GiveMinorCivAllianceRewards" followed by how much food each city receives, like this from my current game:

\Core\CiVUP - Event Registration: INFO GiveMinorCivAllianceRewards(Darius I)
\Core\CiVUP - Event Registration: DEBUG Tarsus: 14 +12
\Core\CiVUP - Event Registration: DEBUG Susa: 28 +12
\Core\CiVUP - Event Registration: DEBUG Pasargadae: 22 +12
\Core\CiVUP - Event Registration: DEBUG Ecbatana: 9 +12
\Core\CiVUP - Event Registration: DEBUG Sardis: 15 +6
\Core\CiVUP - Event Registration: DEBUG Bactra: 0 +12
\Core\CiVUP - Event Registration: DEBUG Persepolis: 112 +24
\Core\CiVUP - Event Registration: DEBUG Ergili: 13 +6
\Core\CiVUP - Event Registration: DEBUG Gordium: 3 +12

The food to each city is also shown here:
Thanks for the reply, Thalassicus. I'll give the debugger a try.

As for the tooltip, it appears that when I place my mouse over a city's food production there is no information about my maritime CS imports, so I'm assuming that proves that I'm not getting any, despite being allied to two and receiving their luxury resources.
Thanks for the reply, Thalassicus. I'll give the debugger a try.

As for the tooltip, it appears that when I place my mouse over a city's food production there is no information about my maritime CS imports, so I'm assuming that proves that I'm not getting any, despite being allied to two and receiving their luxury resources.

At one point recently TBC wasn't showing the extra food icon in the city screen.
Just loaded the latest version. 5.3 Cleared cache.

After my first encounter with Barbs I got a promotion and couldnt choose any of the three choices. (Insta heal, Shock, Whatever that last one is called for rough Terrain), Game was not able to cont. So I aborted game.
I haven't heard of that issue before, don't know what might cause it, and everything's working properly for me. Do you have any other mods installed?
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