Better BUG AI

I'm trying to install Better Bug AI, but it keeps saying:

Error opening file for writing

\Mods\Better BUG AI\UserSettings\Adv Unit Naming.ini

Click Abort to stop installation,
Retry to try again, or
Ignore to skip this file.

I retried it, same thing, I downloaded the same installation package from a different site, the same thing. Is this a common problem or maybe just a problem with my installation? I am currently using Windows XP SP3.
babylon5v, are you running Windows from a user account or from an admin sccount? (If it's the former, try the latter).

Which version of Civ4 do you have installed - the regular version (separate discs for base game and expansions), Civ Complete, or the Steam version? The latter two are known to confuse mod installers due to using a different file structure, though I don't know whether that could lead to the error you're having.
babylon5v, are you running Windows from a user account or from an admin sccount? (If it's the former, try the latter).

Which version of Civ4 do you have installed - the regular version (separate discs for base game and expansions), Civ Complete, or the Steam version? The latter two are known to confuse mod installers due to using a different file structure, though I don't know whether that could lead to the error you're having.

I have the impulse version of Civ 4. The game comes in three separate downloads (vanilla, warlords, BtS). And I am running it from an admin account.

*Added* Also, if I press ignore, every file after that gets the same error.
I'm trying to install Better Bug AI, but it keeps saying:

Error opening file for writing

\Mods\Better BUG AI\UserSettings\Adv Unit Naming.ini
*Added* Also, if I press ignore, every file after that gets the same error.
Honestly this all sounds like an incomplete download. Which doesn't make sense if you downloaded it multiple times, unless the disc where you saved the file was full.
If all else fails, the last option is to create a Better BUG AI subfolder in your program files\Civ4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\ and download and extract the tarball from sourceforge there. BULLAI trunk

hi, how r you?

nice to see your still here.

i tried this mod on multiplayer game, but i had oos for some reason, thats reallt upsets me,
do you have any idea why? isnt this suppose to be solid in mp?

plus i tried to merge in auto ai mp compatible from revdcm, with no luck...

maybe you can help with something, i dunno, just thought of posting this, i know you probably font have anything to do with what i wrote ya...but im just a bit frustrated..:)

thasnk anyhow fuyu.
Honestly this all sounds like an incomplete download. Which doesn't make sense if you downloaded it multiple times, unless the disc where you saved the file was full.
If all else fails, the last option is to create a Better BUG AI subfolder in your program files\Civ4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\ and download and extract the tarball from sourceforge there. BULLAI trunk

Thanks, that fixed everything!
i tried this mod on multiplayer game, but i had oos for some reason, thats reallt upsets me,
do you have any idea why? isnt this suppose to be solid in mp?
MP is untested, and if you say it OOS'es then that's that. Unfortunately I can't do anything about that, same goes for AI Autoplay. I lack both the skills and the time.

hi, how r you?

nice to see your still here.

i tried this mod on multiplayer game, but i had oos for some reason, thats reallt upsets me,
do you have any idea why? isnt this suppose to be solid in mp?

plus i tried to merge in auto ai mp compatible from revdcm, with no luck...

maybe you can help with something, i dunno, just thought of posting this, i know you probably font have anything to do with what i wrote ya...but im just a bit frustrated..:)

thasnk anyhow fuyu.
Keldath, did you check the BUG troubleshooting FAQ? There is some information of OOS problems there. It might also have something to do with the fact that there are some SDK changes in the mod. BUG works under MP (I believe), but BULL doesn't, IIRC. Your best bet is the BUG forum for help with debugging this.
Has the development of this mod reached the end of the line or are there any updates planned?
Just started playing Civ4 again and found the Better AI forum post that mentioned the infinite turn bug. Anyway a new was worked out to give the player the ability to end the AI's turns if it ever happens. I noticed your mod doesn't have this version included. I found in the contrib folder and it's the same version as the original in the Better AI mod. I've never played it with the mod yet so I've never run into the problem but I am wondering if it's safe to rename your and copy the updated one to that folder so I would have that ability if I needed it.

Here's the link to the post I'm referring to.
Not positive that this is the proper thread, but here's a shot.

I'm a Civ veteran, but have not tried my hand at editing mods before. I've greatly enjoyed several of the mods that incorporate BBAI for some time now.

I'm currently playing v3.1 of Realism:Invicitus, which I'm pretty sure incorporates some version of Better BTS AI. Problem (for me, anyway), is that I'm finding the mod to be a little boring at Monarch, but encountering overwhelming SoD's at Emperor that are not much fun.

I took a deep breath and dove into the .xml's for essentially the first time. I've edited the R:I version of Civ4HandicapInfo to create a new difficulty level called "EMPEROR-" which copy-pastes the Emperor settings, then I manually trimmed back some of the AI cheat settings to levels closer to Monarch (I left the per-era modifier at the Emp setting).

Starting a game at Emperor-, it seems to be working okay. My question is, will creation of this new difficulty level mess up BBAI, or is the game difficulty never a direct factor in its calculations beyond the handicap variables?
Hello, how to make Infantry upgradeable again to SAM Infantry in this mod? i read in better ai change log that ai behavior to upgrade to SAM infantry has been fixed, so i assume now save to revert back to default unit upgrade. is there any way to do this?
thanks for any help.
Afaik it's fixed by this change. You cannot prevent the AI from upgrading units.
After browsing some old thread i found that by replacing CIV4UnitInfos.xml with original file, Infantry is upradeable again to SAM infantry. But if i made this change are the AI aware that SAMs available again through upgrade from Infantry ? or it doesn't aware so it will never do the upgrade?

Afaik it's fixed by this change. You cannot prevent the AI from upgrading units.

I have poor english and it's litte hard for me to understand. i assume what you mean is better AI not fixed infantry to SAM upgrade issue yet so the only workaround is to prevent Infantry upgrade in the first place?
German? Deinem Nick zufolge jedenfalls schon. ;)

If you replace the UnitInfos with the original file, the AI should still upgrade (all) infantry units to SAM (with enough gold in treasure) which is not recommended.

German: Die KI modernisiert bei entsprechendem Goldvorrat alle Einheiten zu einer der möglichen Modernisierungen ohne darüber nachzudenken, wie sinnvoll das ist. D.h. sie schaut nicht, ob die anderen Spieler Hubschrauber haben, sondern geht davon aus, dass eine Modernisierung in jedem Fall besser ist. Gegen KI Spieler, die gerne Hubschrauber bauen, ist die SAM Infanterie zwar nett, aber gegen menschliche Spieler in der Regel nicht, v.a. modernisiert sie ihre Infanterie schon dann zur SAM, wenn noch kein einziger Spieler Hubschrauber hat. An deiner Stelle würde ich auch noch entfernen, dass man Schützen zur Panzerabwehrinfanterie modernisieren kann, denn das ist genau so dumm, wenn die KI das zu früh macht.
thank you , but i'm not germany. my nickname comes from one of my favorite games:D.

Die KI modernisiert bei entsprechendem Goldvorrat alle Einheiten zu einer der möglichen Modernisierungen ohne darüber nachzudenken, wie sinnvoll das ist. D.h. sie schaut nicht, ob die anderen Spieler Hubschrauber haben, sondern geht davon aus, dass eine Modernisierung in jedem Fall besser ist. Gegen KI Spieler, die gerne Hubschrauber bauen, ist die SAM Infanterie zwar nett, aber gegen menschliche Spieler in der Regel nicht, v.a. modernisiert sie ihre Infanterie schon dann zur SAM, wenn noch kein einziger Spieler Hubschrauber hat. An deiner Stelle würde ich auch noch entfernen, dass man Schützen zur Panzerabwehrinfanterie modernisieren kann, denn das ist genau so dumm, wenn die KI das zu früh macht.

by using translate i understand ( hopefully ) what you mean:goodjob:. the AI will upgrade to SAM infantry without considering it's effectiveness, even if there are no helicopter around. but from Better AI change log it is said that:

Corrected AI valuation on interception abilities for UNITAI_COUNTER units so that it doesn't switch Infantry to SAM until rivals have air units


Reduced AI valuation of interception probability as criteria for UNITAI_COUNTER units, to reduce drive to switch infantry to SAM

so do you mean these fixes were not implemented by AI?
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