Better Tech Tree

While i really like the concept and most of the execution of your mod i strongly disagree with enabling Stonehenge with AC. As there are some AI-s who love to whore wonders they will start with SH right away effectively gimping them on epic and marathon speed immensely.
This should go some way to avoiding some of the most notorious beelines. Good job. Do you mind if I "borrow" some of your ideas?
Any timetable for the new version with the fix for the Embarkation problem?
alpaca: sure, feel free to re-use some changes, just give credit if you use a lot. :)

GoUtes53: the new version should be online tonight, it has the Embark fix and properly assigns Trapping to all Civs including the DLCs.
Version 3 is up! :)
Only seeing version 2 still.
There's problems in GameSpy now with mod uploads being denied, and it seems like I need to bump the version number in order to try again. I'll see if I can get it to work with v3, meanwhile you can download it as a RAR file from the first post and extract it in your mods directory.
There's problems in GameSpy now with mod uploads being denied, and it seems like I need to bump the version number in order to try again. I'll see if I can get it to work with v3, meanwhile you can download it as a RAR file from the first post and extract it in your mods directory.

Again? Ugh.

Thanks for the permission. I kind of decided to tackle things differently (adding techs rather than just moving them around) but I'm always happy about the readiness to share in the Civ5 modding community:goodjob:
And with the new upcoming patch, i guess you'll get some well-deserved pride from similar alterations to vanilla principles by genuine Firaxis devs. ;)
As for the GameSpy U/L flaw... Have you verified that your modinfo description is less than 1024 characters long? Cuz, that's what already happened to a few of us.
The Gamespy upload problem seems to be fixed. I had to upgrade the current version number to 4; it is identical to v.3.
Hi there. Some great work here :). Just one suggestion-maybe you should have Steam Power as a prerequisite for Electricity? Just a thought.

Happy New Year to all players! Version 5 is released! This version adds support for the latest patch and DLCs, and makes a few changes around Embarkation and Construction. As always, available in the online mods database or this thread's first post.
i like it overall, BUT, moving embarkment back later than optics makes this unusable on the types of maps that i prefer. embarkment really needs to be at sailing and no later than optics.
One of the techs, think its one of the last industrial ones, the one that gives eiffel tower I think, disabled the Ironclad after youve already gotten it from a previous tech. So at that point you cannot build Frigates nor Ironclad and thus cannot build ANY naval ship.
Version 7 is out! :)

This version is compatible with the latest patch and features an overhaul of the Classical, Medieval and Renaissance techs. Notably, embarkment is back with Sailing. It also fixes the unit obsolescence tech problems, and pushes some units (Cavalry, Artillery and Infantry) further down the tech tree.

Due to the current CivFanatics upload issues, this version is currently available from the Mod database only. Once these are fixed I will upload screenshots and the rar'ed version.
This is interesting. Could you perhaps upload a picture of the entire tech tree? I realize it might be alot of work but that would be very insightfull.
I still can't upload files due to the forum problems, but I uploaded the screenshots to an external site and put them at the bottom of the first post.
Thanks, looks really nice! Will try this out.
Screenshots of Better Tech Tree in action:
Spoiler :

Better Tech Tree along with Thal's unofficial patch/balance combined loaded
Spoiler :
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