Beyond Future Tech


Jul 6, 2012
I wanted to share of ideas I have been thinking about while waiting for the long turn times. Enjoy!

New Units

Stealth Tank- invisible unless adjacent to enemy unit. Upgrades from Modern Armor Units. 120 Combat Strength

Hover Tank- High-end Amphibious Stealth Melee unit that can cross all terrain types without embarking including water, ice and mountains. Rule applies for taking 50 damage if it ends its turn on a mountain. Cannot be attacked by submarines if on water. Flat movement cost. It has 6 movement 150 combat strength. Move after attacking) Upgrades from Stealth Tank. Retains Stealth tank ability. Has the chance to retreat when faced with a melee attack(like caravels) Strong vs Giant Death Robot due to hit and run(and hide) Countered with EMP missiles.

Railgun Cruiser. 4 Range, loses indirect fire capability. Can fire twice per turn Upgrade. 80 Strength, 120 Ranged Strength.

EMP missile- Guided missile does +200% damage to hovering units and +200% damage to forcefield units and cities

Nanite swarm missile- Guided missile with a nanite swarm that disables unit healing in the targeted tile and all adjacent tiles. friendly fire possible.

Mobile Railgun- Can be upgraded from machinegun unit. Requires direct line of sight, Unit can not fire over hills. Can not fire at any target on the otherside of forest/jungles or hills/mountains, even if the Railgun is on a hill. Default is 4 range, can be +1 with promotion. Very effective on flat, open terrain and as a coastal battery. Requires 1 uranium. Combat Strength 90, Ranged combat strength 120. Can intercept nearby Aircraft (Interception 50)

Giant Death Robot- 150 Combat Strength. Requires 1 uranium. Comes with Mobile Forcefield generator and Nano Armor I promotions

New Promotion:
Mobile Forcefield Generator- (+50% defense against ranged attacks)Becomes available after the Shield Emitters technology is researched. Requires Cover I. Protects against instant death when hit by a nuclear missile. Promotion Disabled if Uranium Resource unavailable.

Nano Armor I- +20% combat strength when at max HP
Nano Armor II- +20% combat strength when at max HP
Nano Armor III- +20% combat strength when at max HP
Applies when attacking and defending (Attack it once with a weak ranged unit for as little as -1 HP to weaken it before attacking)

World wonders

Large Hadron Collider- +100% science in the city that it is built in. Spawns 1 free Great Scientist

Arcology- Specialists in this city -1 food and -1 unhappiness. (Stacks with Freedom, making them cost nothing) Doubles specialist slots of all buildings in this city. Allows for extremely tall city growing.


National Wonder
Center for Disease Control(CDC)- +20 beakers in this city and 3 scientist slots. Must have research lab in every city. Reduces population killed by a bio weapon attack by a two thirds in any city

New Building
Missile Defense Shield- Requires Military Base, the city and adjacent units take 75% reduced damage from all missile and aircraft attacks(including rocket artilley, missile cruisers, and guided missiles.) Does not stop nukes. Counts as a defensive building for the Honor Policy.

Fusion Power Plant- Requires Solar or Nuclear Power Plant. +10 hammers +25% production. creates 2 uranium resources

City Shield Generator- Energy shield bubble surrounds the city. Requires a Fusion Power Plant and 1 uranium resource. +100 defense and +200 HP. Nuclear weapons cause no civilian casualties, but still damages the city's HP and pillages and creates fallout in the nearby tiles. The Shield Generator goes offline if you don't have enough Uranium resources. Pillaging Uranium mines will disable it.

Teleport Terminal- Creates a traderoute to other cities with this building(similar to harbors). Can teleport garrisoned units to other connected cities. Reinforce sieged cities instantly. A city can only teleport one unit per turn.

There will be 2 additional Eras after the Information Era

NanoTech Era
Genetic Modification- +1 Food from Farms and pastures
Cryogenics- CDC national wonder. Allows Spies to use (Bioweapons)
Cloaking- Stealth Tank
Particle Physics- Large Hadron Collider world wonder, Railgun Cruiser
Nano Technology- Mobile Railgun
Nano Armor
Arcology- Allows construction of the Arcology world wonder

Cold Fusion Era
Cold Fusion- Giant Death Robot
Shield Emitters- City shield Generator
Teleportation- Teleport Terminal.
Anti gravity- Hover Ship

Spies gain the option to deploy a deadly bioweapon in a city to wipe out half of the population. It takes 5 turns, plus 1 turn for every 2 pop in the city(more in slower game modes) to setup, then modified by constabulary, police station and nation intelligence agency. There is a chance you will be warned early if your have spies in the aggressing civ's cities. You then have to station your own spy in that city to kill him, earning him a promotion. Will Cause huge diplomacy hit if you are caught. Thus it is effective tactic to use against larger and more advanced civs that have no other reason to spy on your. You will be spying on them to gain technology, and thus be warned if it happens to you.
A City with 30 pop and a police station and contabulary will take (5+15)+50%= 30 turns. You receive warning when you spy on the enemy civ. A good reason to keep your spies moving around?
TBH I hate the Giant Robot it just screams laziness on the part of the design team, why not said suggestion but also say Artificial exoskeletons etc. and have actual futuristic units and not necessarily have an actual end game.
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