Beyond the sword the last expansion??

I agree with Verge, but like him, I'm just speculating. BTS is a pretty decent expansion, so it's not like we're lacking for much. I'm pretty new to Civ, so I'm not sure about Firaxis as a company, but we probably won't hear about Civ 5 (assuming there is one) for, what, another 2-3 years? Firaxis isn't Blizzard so I'm sure it won't be a decade long wait for another addition to the Civ series :p

And CIV is now relesed with the epithet "Complete"...
Wasn't Civ3 Complete only with PtW and not Conquests?

Wasn't there a Complete Civ that had everything in it from Civ1 to Civ 4, released at the same time as Warlords, but not including Warlords?

(...Too lazy to check my facts, but I seem to recall something along those lines.)

Of course, I don't expect another official expansion without something major happening, like this ongoing contest producing something or that future-expansion suddenly getting much more clamored for, or maybe the coders suddenly figuring out how to code better than i'myourdaddy's English.
Wasn't Civ3 Complete only with PtW and not Conquests?

Wasn't there a Complete Civ that had everything in it from Civ1 to Civ 4, released at the same time as Warlords, but not including Warlords?

(...Too lazy to check my facts, but I seem to recall something along those lines.)

Of course, I don't expect another official expansion without something major happening, like this ongoing contest producing something or that future-expansion suddenly getting much more clamored for, or maybe the coders suddenly figuring out how to code better than i'myourdaddy's English.
"Civilization Chronicals".
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