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Biggest "A-Hole" AI - Opinions?

The AI I hate the most is Pachacuti. Smug little ******...
Almost every time I have started with him as my neighbor, regardless of the distance to him, he declares war on me. And he usually does it really early, right after I've put down my third or second city.
DAMN SLINGERS! They are hands down the most annoying unit to face in the whole freaking game.
The funny thing is though, that if I don't spawn near him, he usually becomes the, or one of the, weakest civs later in the game. What makes me hate Pacha****y more than e.g. Alex, is that I never know what to expect from him.
All civs are acting like a-holes because of the irrational and illogical behaviour they are programmed to show. Worst thing is when you are invited to declare war against a common foe. A few turns later your ally denounce you and call you a warmonger. Oh well, we all know how f-ed up diplomacy is...no use in nagging about it:)
A lot of people are tied for this position imo. Washington isn't outright murderous, but he becomes rather difficult to negotiate with as time goes on. Alexander makes City-State affairs extremely difficult, as does Siam. Nebuchadnezzar sort of falls into the same category as Washington, but his contempt is much more thinly veiled. The worst, however, are Catherine and Bismark. Both are usually extremely powerful, and I've yet to go a game where they don't declare war on me, even when I try to be peaceful.
A lot of people are tied for this position imo. Washington isn't outright murderous, but he becomes rather difficult to negotiate with as time goes on. Alexander makes City-State affairs extremely difficult, as does Siam. Nebuchadnezzar sort of falls into the same category as Washington, but his contempt is much more thinly veiled. The worst, however, are Catherine and Bismark. Both are usually extremely powerful, and I've yet to go a game where they don't declare war on me, even when I try to be peaceful.

Totally true.
Alexander will own you if your near him early-on :(

Same with Rome! kinda. Around 1000AD, i discovered him and his empire must of been MASSIVE, he had around 500 GPT, 10000 gold on reserves, it was frankly a sight to behold. also about 9+ luxuries
Totally true.
Alexander will own you if your near him early-on :(

Same with Rome! kinda. Around 1000AD, i discovered him and his empire must of been MASSIVE, he had around 500 GPT, 10000 gold on reserves, it was frankly a sight to behold. also about 9+ luxuries

What? There was a game where you didn't play as Ceasar?!? ;)
Elizabeth. Yeah, I said it.

While Alex is definitely on the list of those who participate in skullduggery, I find that almost every game I have with Elizabeth she is the first AI to spontaneously go Hostile and start hating my guts without provocation.

I hate her, I hate her so much.

This is my pick for sure. Every single game! i hate england, & shes also annoying to fight in the early on because of her 3 range longbowman. She can hold out longer than normal.
This is my pick for sure. Every single game! i hate england, & shes also annoying to fight in the early on because of her 3 range longbowman. She can hold out longer than normal.

Heh, Longbowmen + Great Wall = good times.
Alexander isn't so much an a**hole as he is competant, usually at some point I'll have to DoW him just to keep him from getting to big to handle.

Siam is rarely a military threat, but the odds of me going the entire game without shooting someone is pretty low, so it's inevitable he'll hate me.

Inevitably though, Catherine will be the one throwing cities two tiles away from my borders and then telling me not to settle near them. I've yet to have a game she's in that doesn't end up in war.
1. Persia

2. Siam

3. Greece

Simply because, I think, in their personalities, they tend to spam city state buying and often (in Persias case) have tonnes of gold (from golden ages).

More city states = more food, and exponential growth for AI cities that I can't compete with-- even when i'm scrounging 50 gold from open borders.
Alexander is the worst neighbor for war but Elizabeth is the most annoying AI. She almost never pulls out a DoW but she'll sit in the corner denouncing you and refusing to trade no matter what you do. Expand -> denounce coveting land Warmongering -> threat to the world even if she asked you to do it Tech/Culture -> You're trying to win the game. I don't think there is away to make her happy for more than 1 era.
Yeah, Beth is totally annoying. Suppose she is lost in dream that she's on her little comfy island as IRL, but hey - it's continents baby, come taste the sword 8\
I would have to go with Siam and that shmuck Julius.Every time with those two trading and friendly,then out of the clear blue DoW.
Biggest jerk in terms of actually acting like a jerk in-game? While it's easy to pick some of the standard warmongers, I'm actually going to go with Elizabeth. I know it's not just me since the XML constants verify it; she will denounce you at the slightest provocation, will do so even if you used to get along, and then continue hating you for the rest of the game.

AI I actually just hate running into? Although I still have issues with Hiawatha becoming a runaway, Siam has become even worse for me. He almost never under-expands, and usually ends up with a huge empire with a ton of massive cities. But more annoyingly from a "game" point of view, he usually pursues diplomatic victories, which are very strong with the bonuses the AI gets, and his unique unit stomps all over the unit which is supposed to counter it. I don't know exactly how many Pikes I need to see get destroyed by those stupid elephants before I start seeing that angry red haze, but the number is getting lower every time it happens.
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