

Crusty Manhole
Aug 24, 2001
Aurora, CO
Noticed that birthdays are listed by "seniority" with highest PC first, is that correct? I still think we should reset all pc to zero. :)
Noble Floppa, why do you want Post Count reduced?

I am proud of my 2000 posts, and worked hard to get them, without spam.

Please explain your theory!
I hadn't noticed that, are you sure about it?
Well someone should test it to see how members are arranged, or just wait for TF to tell us...
Hey ainwood is most likely correct. It would make more sense at least to go by date joined than by PC... I'm too lazy to take all that time and besides, internet is slow for me right now. Happens every now and then.

As for PC Curt, I like PC reduction and bans. :) I keep trying to get TF to give me banning powers (he thinks I'd try to ban him) but he knows I would abuse them. I might try banning myself also just for kicks. :goodjob: Well whatever, if no one is with me on this, than I just want MY PC reduced to zero. But it isn't a movement if only person does it... :satan:
Hmmm..... if we are really gong to have a number put up next to every post, let's make it more relevant: Average non-quoted characters per post. From what I see, mine's bigger (biiiig pun intended, ROTFL!). :lol: :lol:

I think such a normalizing factor for all 100+ posters would be more indicative, and might reduce the association of short spammy posts with that silly number next to each post. :eek:
You write 100 times more in a post then the average poster, it's only mathmatical probability that your words are quoted more often.

Oooops, my English was not precise enough. I was actually referring to carving the Quotes out of my own posts, in order to get the actual "characters typed", and then total all posts I've made by the net character counts, and divide the result by the number of posts.

But of course, I'd have the same standard applied to other people's posts, thus resulting in a normalized average Characters Per Post (CPP).

The one with the higest CPP would be ennobled with the title "Poster with most Character"... LOL. Make the latter plural. :)

But now that you mention it, I have seen a few of my posts blindly quoted, including any graphic. And in boldface, at that. I normally cut a snippet, and add the quote (quote) and (/quote) manually, to reduce unnecessary length and keep it tighter.

BTW, I wish the "Quote" button would just add the (quote) the first time you push it, and the trailing (/quote) the second time, like many other BBSs do.

NOTE: substitute the square brackets for the rounded ones.... if I use the square ones, a real quote box will occur, hehe.

Also, my reference to "100+ posters" should be "100+ post members".... referring to those that have 100 or more posts at CFC, in order to have a good statistical base to make the CPP computations. :D

Oooooh weeelllll.... :cool:
Nothing like a short Starlifter least nothing I have seen. :p

Originally posted by starlifter
Hmmm..... if we are really gong to have a number put up next to every post, let's make it more relevant: Average non-quoted characters per post. From what I see, mine's bigger (biiiig pun intended, ROTFL!). :lol: :lol:
I'd go by the reputation of the poster; more relevant. Hardly bothered to read those posts by or threads started by posters with certain 'reputations'. ;)

Or by titles.
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