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blid03 - watch your borders

Greyfox, you can go with 20 turns

We would need the wheel and probably mysticism. Hope Hatty don't steal the gold site from us. What do you guys think about befriending Hatty and Asoka and using them as a buffer west so we can concentrate on eastern neighbours. This would be even easier if Asoka manages to spread hinduism to Hatty. I've come to love friendly civs. They won't backstab you, they trade techs with you forever, they are perfect partners

Watch out the capital, it is using a forest tile when it could use hill mines

EDIT : the archer in capîtal can go ahead of the settler so we don't loose turns escorting him
Despite what blid says, I played only 16. Because I hate making settling decisions. :p

City pop assignment, what blid says:

Switching to the mine from forest would cut the settler by one turn ... but nevertheless, again I did not go with blid's directive. I am a rebelious fox.


No, actually I am not. Building a settler before its escort is a :smoke:. The settler has movement 2, archer has movement 1. Always build the escort before the settler so that the escort can move off first. Plus you get to grow to size 4.

Thus, I switch to an archer. I forgot whether I reassign the pop to work on the mine or work on the lake (I think it is the lake, since I wanted growth to size 4 before working back on the settler).

And I brought bad news to woebearer, I killed your scout.

There are simply too many eskimo barbs down there, and it is unfortunate I landed the scout first beside 2 barb warriors, then when I move him away from them, he landed besides a barb archer.

We got bronze, there is copper nearby but require 2 more pops I think.

And here is the settling decision that I conveniently left for the next player :p

Yellow is where I recommend. There is fresh water, there is hill bonus.

Red would grab us a horse and a dye, but would be food and health deprived, I think.

Blue will grab us enough elephants to make the Indians jealous, but too many desert tiles for my taste.

A yet fourth alternative is settling on the gold.

I still would recommend where the settler is (yellow).

Or maybe I have got it all wrong and should have go grab the copper nearby first.

Now you understand why I hate making settling decisions? ;)

>>> The Save (1960BC) <<<
Lol, that 1st archer was his escort, I just didn't know where to send him yet.

Our surrounding terrian is just so <blah>, nothing is really standing out to me as a prime location. I think this might be the first time I've played on great plains, all this wide open space is making me agorophobic. Its not too bad when a coastline suggests city placement for you, I've done about 4 attempts at making a decent dot map and I don't like any of em...

Of the three choices above I like 1NE the best since it gets us both the Cow and Rice and a decent selection of commerce/production tiles we can work without calender, even though is wastes a precious grassland tile, we have three in the southern section that we can farm up to get the food necessary to allow us to work the Ivory and Hills. I hate not being able to reach the horsies without two border pops, but the options in that direction leave much to be desired.

Also, I'd like to get the copper settled quickly, probably the plains smack dab between the piggies and the copper, or the tile 1SE of the copper so we can get the three calander resources in there (we can farm the bananas in the meantime). 1SE has the advantage of not needing culture to work the iron. (Edited to SE, removed head from ass)
The only archer is the escort? Hmmm ... a tad risky. I may be willing to do that on Monarch or Prince with RB off, not on Emperor post 2800BC (the date when barbs appear on Emperor). But you did mention chopping forest for the settler and overflow to the next archer, so I guess that is also valid. But I prefer to move the escort in advance.
Got it!

Expect the report tomorrow!!

I will settle at grey's yellow spot, then ill work on a 2nd settler to get that copper...

even if we lost some turns while getting the 1st settler escort, ill chop trees to get the 2nd one, so grey's letting me chop instead of him cuz hes such a hardworker compared to me :cry:

Thanks alot greyfox ;)

Anyway, go on with your suggestions, i read that forum often! :goodjob:

BTW, may i play 24 turns to even things out?
Hey LordOgre, be carfeul with barbs. They may start to get nasty. I think we need a couple sentries up north

I was planning to start 15 turns from your turnset so you can go with 19

That copper site is d'oh. The piggies are asoka's, I don't think we can get them from him anytime soon. If we need the banana to eat, then 1SE of copper seems nice place to me (that was probably what woebearer suggested, I guess 1SW was a typo). We will get the banana in cultural borders of the capital so third city can grow. BTW, I don't think farming the dyes was necessary, we have enough food and are already at happy cap. Worker could have traveled with the settler to gain time

Hill and river forests are priority for chopping though we can use the whip instead IMO, on a worker or settler. We can wait for maths to chop if there's no urgence.

Agree on land not being so hot. I don't like the way the map algorithm normalizer surrounds human player with lot of desert tiles on high level. Dealing with scarce resources is fine by me but all that desert is not fun
Well it has been an interesting set of turns, eventhou i played only 15 and that i am not sure of the outcome... well, check below and judge by yourselves.

Turn 0

Here's a peek at the world view around the Vikings with other civs location

This picture was taken after building...

... Uppsala!!

Turn 1

Sent the worker on a chop mission before wheel comes in...

Since i had to wait for 1 turn before wheel, i decided to spend only a turn on chopping before sending the worker to build a road between our 2 cities. Although, i started to chop on turn 2 and moved the worker on road working on turn 3

IT-- Hatsheput is now Hindu, joining with Asoka in their quest for spirituality... we may consider converting to keep em on our side, or destroy them both since Hatsheput will become a pain in the *ss soon.

Turn 2

Archer built in Nidaros, promoting him with CR1 for capital defense purpose.
Going for a 3rd settler since stone isnt online yet and cant work on a wonder.

IT-- Judaism was FIADL

Turn 3

"By the hammer of Thor! This new tool helps us moving things without using our warrior strength!!" We got wheels...
Going for Mysticism for monuments since we will need it to repel egyptian borders.

And now the worker is building a road from the cow to Uppsala.

IT-- Isabella goes for OR

Turn 4

Hmmm, this doesn't look good...

Let's hope the monument after the worker will pop soon enough to help us keep our borders.

Turn 5


Turn 6

The cows are online! Road goes on to Uppsala...

IT-- Stonehenge is BIAFAL

Turn 7

Nothing much really...

Turn 8

"Is that smoke we see over that hill chief?

-Aye it is! Start recruiting children and train them! I want arrows raining down on that weak barbarian city! Oh, and send our courageous archers there to scout and attack their wandering thieves!"

Sending the unpromoted archer on the hill north of the south barb city.

Turn 9

"Arg, they saw our archers leaving Chief!!

-By the Great Gods! Call them back! They are invading us!"



Good thing i brought the archer back...

IT-- Barbarian Warrior attacks Uppsala, but our Archer prevails!

Turn 10

"Chief! A dark man came by last night and told us about the Great Gods. They will be on our side if we feed him with cows and if we give him women.

-Do as he says! We don't want our Gods to be angered!"

Mysticism found! Going for Masonry, we need stones to throw them on barbs!
Promoting Uppsala's archer with CR1

Barbarian warrior near Nidaros has destroyed our Rice farm
Barbarian archer moves in forest west of river
Moving our Archer on hill north of barb archer

IT-- Barbarian archer moves on our cow (oh no you won't!!)

Turn 11

"Chief, our cows are being hunt by the barbarians!!

-Well tell our archers to shoot them from uphill!"

"Chief, our sorcerer says it is because the Great Odin has blessed our archers that they saved the cows!

-Sacrifice a 100 of them then..."

"Oh and Chief, some Uppsalaian are reporting more Egyptian activities... we captured a messenger from Egypt and discovered this... bird, bird, eye, snake, eye, bird, snake, snake.

-Ermm... kill the messenger, and send children to scout their lands

-Sir, all the children are being trained as archers...

-:mad: "

We need a monument soon, but im letting a few turns on that worker... it will be easier to grow uppsala when the rice will be farmed.

Turn 12

Promoting archer "Odin" to guerilla 1

"Chief! Odin isn't back at Nidaros yet, what should we do?

-Send our defending archer and kill those invaders!"

"Chief, the men saw Thor fall from the sky and they say he burned the barbarians with lightning and crushed the remains with his mighty hammer. He also joined forces with us!

-Great, ask him to come defend our city, i will prepare women and food for his return. Sacrifice 100 cows in his honor!"

(BTW, research is set to 70&#37; with 0gpt)

Turn 13

Promoting archer Thor with CR2

"Chief, Uppsala is starting to speak like the Egyptians... all we hear there is bird, snake, snake, eye, bird, bird!!"

"Chief, we spotted a barbarian city to the north, we are surrounded!"

Turn 14

Sending Archer Odin back to the hill north of SBC (south barb city)

Turn 15

Settler ready in Nidaros

"Chief, our children are old enough to become real archers!

-Train them hard, we might need to whip them to learn faster

-Oh and chief, another invader has been spotted South East of Nidaros!

-Send back Odin to protect us!!!"

Sending Odin back on the hill near river at Nidaros

So this end my turns, i wanna leave the rest for suggestions since i dont really know where to build that 3rd city, although ive put 3 viking dots where we could build our next city.

Our worker has almost finished the road

Here is our world view at the end of my turns, 5 turns away from Masonry, 70% research and an invading archer close by

We are dead last in everything, normal for an emperor game with vikings

(next post)

Nidaros is going angry next turn, you might consider whipping the archer for 2 pop or wait a turn and sacrifice 1 pop for him, or even switch to a worker and whip him out. Uppsala worker will be up in 7 turns.

Here is Nidaros infos at the end of my turns.

(next post)

That's all, let's build up military now to bring the SBC down and move them toward Egypt.

We are now in 1480 BC.
Can I still join? I know I'm a bit late to the party but i brought some beer:

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[SIZE="1"]by Paul Martin Howard, www.ascii-art.de[/SIZE]
Nice report LordOgre. Seems like you didn't had an easy round here. Cultural Hatty building 2 cities to steal our gold site where we have 0 culture ? and then the barb city locking us off the copper site. This is really crappy

I don't think we should have started masonry. We are in no position at all to start wonders. And the more important thing is that Upssala should have both its rice and gold improved and worked by now. Why build a road to Upssala and leave its tiles unimproved :crazyeye: ? Also, new cities should grow first, not start on workers

I am thinking of researching iron working and settling a city south east to claim the phants. This is a bit dangerous, because we'll probably end up in a war too quickly. But if we can get iron in time, we can declare on Hatty. I would have liked to befriend her, but we need to save our gold site and take the dyes one

Rince, we still haven't finished the first round, so there's no problem with you joining. I'll take the beer, thank you :)

Update roster :

LordOgre ->just played
blid -> UP
Rince -> On Deck
Rince, we still haven't finished the first round, so there's no problem with you joining. I'll take the beer, thank you :)

Well I'm having second thougths. In SP I'm currently at Prince level so maybe your SG is a bit too high for me. I think I'll wait for an easier one. You can keep the beer though.

Good luck with your quest!

I don't think we should have started masonry. We are in no position at all to start wonders. And the more important thing is that Upssala should have both its rice and gold improved and worked by now. Why build a road to Upssala and leave its tiles unimproved :crazyeye: ? Also, new cities should grow first, not start on workers

Yeah masonry was a bit quick, but i had expected to build a city not far from that spot, and thats why i stopped at 15 turns, knowing i had to find a new city spot... and the road, well... i didnt expect egypt to be so rough on cultural attack and i dont think it will really endanger us... except if we do nothing to bring back our borders at uppsala... i knew i should of brought the worker there first, but i was hearing you guys telling me to build a road first :rolleyes:

Anyway, the reason i started a worker in uppsala, is cuz ive seen a lot of reports where people start with workers, and i promised you guys to pop at least 1 worker, and i didnt even do that :( .... also, the choices i had in uppsala for work, was either a warrior taking as long as the worker to be built, or a 32 turn archer... so i decided to stay on the worker

oh well, will do better next time i guess :D

PS At least the report looks great ;)
The difference between archer and worker is that city can grow to size 2 (more quickly if we farm rice) and start working the precious gold tile which would accelerate production too

I'm glad you don't take offense. Learning is the point in playing SGs. I'm happy to hear from you when you see me making :smoke: moves

Concerning Upssala, the problem with two cities surrounding us is that their cumulative culture makes it nearly impossible to fight. And the dyes city is not shabby too

@Rince : no problem. See you in another SG
Lurkers comment: I'd concentrate on getting the copper somehow, fighting egypt culturally does no good, just grind them between some good axes
Slowcar makes a good point. I have only bad memories from times when I've tried to fight a culture war with a creative civ this early. Even if we don't attack anyone, a source of metal is going to be our lifeblood anyway.
I was planning to wait for iron before going after Hatty so that I am not forced to build a food less city. Was planning to send the settler 1S,2E from banana claiming the phants too.

Do you want me to settle somewhere near the copper ? I can't see a viable spot, so it'll be mainly a resource grab city. What position do you suggest ? 1W, 1NW ? We need copper in first circle to have a chance with an axe attack.

I would not rush it, this is complicate situation and needs to weigh our options
I wouldn't take Hatty on this early, she's got war chariots. :shudder:
But we can't depend on iron showing up. I'd suggest 1N of that barb city, on that plains hill. That'd give us copper after a border pop and we could find a city further south to block off the Romans.
But we can't depend on iron showing up. I'd suggest 1N of that barb city, on that plains hill. That'd give us copper after a border pop and we could find a city further south to block off the Romans.

CIV has tendency to give you at least one strategic resourcec in BFC but this is not hard rule, just me dreaming about gallic swords
your suggestion for city is forbidden, or I would just have settled where we planned to do it initially
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