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Nov 8, 2001
Planet Unreal
What's the most cities you've captured in one turn? My best is 7 cities. I used about 40-50 cavalry and a 20-30 workers. I'd capture a city by moving one cav at a time to attack. When I won the city, I'd immediately build railroads to the next border and then repeat the process. The next turn I took out 6 more.
Nice job. :) I'm no warmonger, so I don't capture very many cities usually during my games...
I think my personal best was about 30 something. It involved building railroad in their territory and abusing an ROP. I guess I did technically capture the cities before I razed them. Executing entire civilizations in one turn is quite amusing.
15, most of which were fringe cities.

Also, provided that you have enough troops, and the AI cities are spaced nicely, you could take out all of their cities in one turn, just by building rails to the next closest city/cities, and sending the troops over. It doesn't always work, since the AI doesn't always place their cities close enough to be reached by a 3 movement unit.
Originally posted by superslug
Executing entire civilizations in one turn is quite amusing.

Indeed. In fact, if you're waging war as a democracy, it's also quite necessary. I've got no time nor stomach for ww.
I feel like a novice, I have only knocked out two.
I have a questions for you experts.
I went to mobilization for my war against France. Rome and Japan have joined with France.

None of them will meet with my envoy.

How do I get out of mobilization?

I have knocked out entire civs in one turn during late games. With Modern armors and the civ lands already RR'd I have cleaned out huge maps in one loooooong turn that lasts for an hour or so.

Apart from that my personal best has been wiping out 3 civs in less than 10 turns using nothing more than Sipahi. :hammer: Check it out here.
I am working with Infantry Calvary and Artillery. I am several techs away from Tanks.

I just want to build a few wonders, like Hoover Dam.
If its wonders you want, but you're stuck in mobilization, I'd suggest you groom alot of units to elite status, then just keep them rolling on a red carpet - plowing through artillery-softened enemies, until you get a great leader. Use the leader to rush a wonder.
That's would work but I found during Mobilization you are not allowed to start wonders. You can only build military units and improvements of military nature. Barracks harbors ect..

So far I am not happy with Mobilization.
im pretty sure you have to be at peace to switch your mobilization status back from war-time to peace-time
In one turn? Probably no more than 10 or so.

I've taken down 30 city empires in 4 or 5 turns, and that's a feat for me, although some have done the same in one.
All you have to do to get out of Mobilization is make peace with any ONE civ.
Originally posted by RougeKing
...during Mobilization you are not allowed to start wonders.

Sadly, and like you I'm no fan of mobilization.

The AI won't meet you for some turns after war breaks out, no matter how it fairs. Later (?), they will and I think they're more likely to if you have a unit in their territory.

For now, you may as well keep a great leader so when mobilization ends you can snap up that Hoover Dam. Now that I think about it, rushed wonders (i.e. lots of combat) might be the only way in a neck-and-neck tech race.
The most I've taken over was pretty high, around 70. But it was when I decided to play on Chieftan (first version of vanilla) and using every exploit I knew. I was at war with 3 civs at the same time. I had enough modern armor staged to capture around 10 cities from each civ. I attacked them all when I still have ROP, captured the cities of course. Those attacks were enough for them to want to sign a peace treaty the same turn. I bought a bunch of cities for high GPT and also for another ROP, reposition all my troops (my cities were undefended). and attacked them again. Then I repeat until all my troops ran out of movements. But remember, this was on chieftan, so most of their cities were defended only by 2 infantries, sometimes even spearmen.
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