[BTS] BOTM 120 - Vikings on Christmas Island 1st SPOILER to 1AD


Jag är Viking!½
GOTM Staff
Jun 21, 2007
Stockholm's B.F.C.

BOTM 120 - Vikings on Christmas Island - First Spoiler to 1 AD

Use this thread to tell us what happened in your game, up to 1AD!

Were you pre-game settling plans working out as you hoped? Did you have time to get adequate defenses up against the barbarians? How does the diplo situation afect your plans from here?

Stop! If you are participating in BOTM 120, then you MUST NOT read this thread unless EITHER
  • You have reached at least 1 AD in your game, OR
  • You have submitted your entry

Posting Restrictions

  • Please do not disclose ANY events or information gained post 1 AD.
  • Please do not reveal your final result if that happened after 1 AD.
  • Please do not discuss the location of resources that may not show up before 1 AD. (Iron is OK, coal and oil are not)
  • Do not post any savegame file from the game. Discussions and screenshots are fine but not actual games
Mapmaker, thou art :evil:! I had no plans, just settled to the east of the forested PH. Barbarians are a pain.
Lost my 3rd city to the barbs and now they hold it with superior forces with weapons I can't match without metals.
Diplomatic situation won't matter because I can't survive even the barbarians. I repeat the mapmaker is :evil:.
Surely not the easiest of maps! Didn't dare on deity, so took contender save. Immortal I probably would've tried, but for now monarchy is just fine. ;) Just 7 cities with 25 pop. I settled in place, went with a WB first, then a worker. When I found out there were little luxuries decided to go for monarchy early to grow cities, but with a lot of whipping my cities aren't that big yet anyway. Decided to defend against the barb onslaught with archers so I could continue building warriors for HR happy but of course the odd barb axe spawning in the worst of places cost me a lot of emergency whips. Now at least the eastern part of the island is covered, including a city at the off shore horse place. Managed to build GLH. Tech up to monarchy, CoL and currency next turn. 11 sea food netted, but only 3 workers although not that many are needed anyway. Looks like it'll be a long game. No AIs met beyond the two we're at wat with from scratch.
Christmas Island? It looks like distinctive Skandinavien's humour. One more original setup - thx!

SIP. Boat-boat-settler-worker-warrior-warrior-warrior-warrior-warior-warrior-axeman-axeman... 2-d city built in 2560bc just under copper. No problems with barbs. Almost all of homelands are highlighted. Tech path: myst-poly(found rel)-mine-BW-sail-wheel-pott... Top techs at 1ad are drama, monarchy and metal casting (by oracle). Managed to build GLH. Researching math. In peace with two known AI. Six cities, 22 pop, 6 warriors, 13 axes, 1 galley, 1 worker, 14 boats built, no GP bourn. CIVICS: HR, Slavery, OR. Hindy accepted.
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I settled 2ENE, thinking the extra hills would make for a more productive city in the long run. But the barbs are keeping me busy! By 1 AD, I only have three cities. Fog busters have pacified the eastern end of the island, but there's still a lot of barb land stretching out to the west! I'm trying to build the GLH.
Barbs were a huge pain, most pointedly when an Archer spawned on the single fogged tile in the east behind a hill 3 spaces from my second city. I had to whip 2 Warriors with penalty to survive setting that city back a ton. I now have the eastern side of the map defogged but am suffering steady losses of defenders in the west. Have not met any AIs other than the ones we are at war with (I completely forgot about them and should probably see about peace so I don't get waylaid by surprise Galleys down the road. Managed to build Oracle for MC, and have also teched HR / Aesthetics and almost have Drama.

As of 1AD I have a paltry 4 cities mostly working lighthoused crabs and about halfway to GLH, which I am worried will be too slow. One huge lucky break - the hill next to my capital popped Gold in the late BC years. Where to go will depend on what the AIs are up to - I'm imagining we could be blocked in by the -60 penalty AIs even once the exits from the center are located (assuming Galleys can even escape). I may just play for a junky Crab-Artist-fueled Culture victory.
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