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BOTM 17 Final Spoiler


Fear him of the pink tie
GOTM Staff
Dec 23, 2005
London, UK

BOTM 17 Final Spoiler

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Won, 1540AD, Culture. I took the challenger save for a Prince game, still not really a challenge. No wars, no invasions, I managed to kill a few barbarian warriors and raise a single barbarian city with my 1 chariot :).

As was pointed out in the advance thread, culture seemed to be the way to go. Initially I wanted a couple of religions, but as we were teching at 50% from the start I decided the first two would be a risk so I went straight for Wheel and Pottery, followed by the run to Judaism.

I managed to get 3 religions, Judaism, Conf and Taoism and was only a few turns from Christianity. I converted to Judaism immediately and the spent time converting my 2 neighbours, followed by a game of peace and contentment. Right at the end Mansa converted to Islam but it was much too late. I Built the Pyramids, Sistine Chapel and the Apostolic Palace as well as all 3 religious buildings in all 3 cities for 150% culture bonus. Madrid and Barcelona was cottaged and Seville was irrigated as my GA factory. I got 11 GA, 1 from Music and 10 built all at 100% probability, Seville was so powerful the GPP from the other cities never produced a single Great Person. The first 3 Great Artists I settled, 1 in Madrid and 2 in Barcelona to help the fight against Mansa's capital.

The most annoying bit of the game was the fight for the stone. The cathedral for Judaism uses stone for the bonus and I had to build then before I gained control of the tile. The other two cathedrals used copper and were not a problem.

I did the usual tech to Liberalism and the turn on culture for the push to the win, I took Printing Press when I was (unsurprisingly) first there. Towards the end I swapped for Banking and went Mercantilism. I was also running Rep, Free Speech, Caste and Pacifism at the end.

In the end my timing was a little off and all 3 citied went legendary on successive turns, not on the same turn as I was hoping.

The game was not perfect for a culture win, the extra cities are always useful for supplementary builds and I suspect the cities we did have could have been positioned better. I never met the AI's across the water, but I suspect there was a lot of warring as I got a number of Great General messages.

In terms of the civ, Spain, I didn't tech far enough to get the UU and didn't build any walls of castles so there was no UB. Spirituality helped and brought the win forward by a few turns, 1 for religion, 1 for the swap to Slavery, caste, rep, Organised Religion Free Speech/Pacifism and Merchantilism making 7(?) turns. Expansive also helped, I was hurting for health the whole game and this probably brought the win a few turns earlier due to the bigger cities.

I am very inexperienced in running culture victories, I think this is only my second in CivIV and I don't think I did single one in CivIII, but this game was no challenge, probably due to the low level and I finished in just over 4 hours.
Very short report because

a. Not a lot of interest happened.

b. I rushed through the game as I was enjoying it so much that I didn't take any notes. :)

I had already decided I would try a space victory before the start. Perhaps I should have taken the Challenger start for better tech trade possibilities. I had alpha quite early and traded for AH/another small tech and I think that was about it till very late on I got Mil Science/Mil Trad from Mansa and Demo from a friendly Quin.

I'm still not used to playing at this level so the CS slingshot escaped me. Forgot I had the Oracle queued to 1 turn with a couple left on CoL. Finished the build in Seville and the next turn built the Oracle so no slingshot for me. :blush:

No problem there as I went on to build plenty of wonders. Barcelona (IW city) was cottaged up early and late on watermills/workshops. I know my final space part the Stasis Chamber only took 2 turns here (aided by a few chops).

Madrid had the Nat Epic, Moai, NP, Oxford and Globe with Seville (Jewish Holy City)having Wall Street. Although Mansa found Hinduism both he and Sury adopted the Jewish faith (he vassaled to Sury voluntarily) so a very peaceful time was had on our continent.

I met all the other AI quite early to get some resource trades going, (no chance of any tech trades though) although we were running a different religion with a few gifted techs they were all happy to trade with me. Very late on there was a war between Sury/Mansa and the other continent. No danger to me though.

One dissapointment. I was hoping to get Fusion from Lib but had to settle for Satellites. Still a bit more than I'd usually get. :)

Eventually my ship landed in 1828.

Thanks for the game. This is one I'll quite happily replay and see if I can do a lot better.
Religious Victory Attempt

Pre-game strategy:
Do I need Optics with this map? In this case, we have a surplus of hammers and will be research limited. I will assume this is true at the start of the game and push for early Pyramids/Code of Laws to boost research. Early workboats and warriors will scout our continent.

Popping borders for the Pyramids – There are a lot of spare hammers in the early game so I’ll build Stonehenge in Barcelona to get a second border pop and stone for the Pyramids. Quickly chopping the Pyramids is probably the best path to early Optics.

Keep the peace – Try to spread an early religion to as many neighbors as possible to prevent wars with minimum military.

Delayed attempt for early religion - if the both religions go early then worker techs otherwise try to grab Buddhism or Hinduism after mining. This can work if the religion targeting AIs choose the same tech. Otherwise, hope a religion is founded nearby.

The game:

Tech path: Mining – Meditation – Agriculture – Wheel – Animal Husbandry – Writing .....
Alphabet(1600BC - Sury is building an army so I need to start tech trading to get him from Cautious to Friendly)
Theology (Oracle 1120BC)
Optics (GS 150BC)

I was able to trade for Sailing and Polytheism from MM but the research path is probably faster on Prince. I delayed BW as long as I could to try and trade but Mansa never researched it. I had enough production and wasn’t in a rush to finish the Oracle or AP so I saved the forests for a mad caravel and missionary chop near the end of the game.

I miss an early religion but Mansa founds Hinduism. We only have two neighbors – my explorers reveal the continent quickly and I start cottaging my cities. Hinduism spreads slowly because the Noble level AI just doesn’t build missionaries – I hadn’t thought of this. Hinduism spreads to me in 1300BC and I quickly spread it to Sury and gift Monotheism so we can all be pleased with one another. Judaism spreads to Madrid and one of Sury’s cities before I complete the Oracle so I just delete the Christian missionary.

Hey Mansa – that’s my stone quarry! My Pyramids strategy just won’t work. I build Stonehenge to protect the tiles around Barcelona from Mali culture but will never get the stone. I skip the Pyramids (it will take too long to build even with heavy chopping) and Code of Laws. This removes a few beakers from my tech path, and eliminates the Philosophy bulb. I use my first GS for an academy to boost my research.

Skipping Code of Laws had an additional benefit. There were three Buddhist civs but Alex and Qin have no religion when my caravels started exploring. Qin founded Confucianism in 125BC which reduced the number of AIs switching to Judaism from two to one. I’ve run into this problem in previous AP attempts and was glad I didn’t need to ship Hindu missionaries to the other continent to convert AIs before spreading Judaism.

Early Great People and Wonders:
1160BC – GS – Academy in Barcelona
275BC – GS – Saved for Optics
2230BC – Stonehenge
1120BC – Oracle
75BC – AP – I delayed the completion of the AP until the first wave of caravels with missionaries were launched.

I miss the first election cycle because I can’t find Mehmed. I finally get Judaism spread and win the game in 560AD.
Izzy's military advisors {when wakened}, reported no wars or conflicts.

They prob didn't get enough budget: she didn't build very many units.

Mansa was +14 at game end with her, and Sury was negative all game, ending at <-6>. Izzy thought she was going to convert everyone to her Buddhist ways early on, when Mansa converted. Ah, but Mansa founded his own religion (Judaism) and Izzy decided it was a LOT better than Buddhism. On the other hand, Sury had other ideas...

Culture bombed all three cities to make them legendary, with a win in 1535AD.

Here are some stats:
... BoTM 17

Isabella Three City Challenge

Civ IV &#8220;Shapshot Spoiler&#8221; Notes:

1. Stats for 1000BC are in the first {###}, then 0AD, then, in the second spoiler, [###] for 1000AD, and finally, the turn before winning, ### for 1530 AD
2. Y = means yes I have that resource & hooked up
3. Food, Production, Commerce come right off F9 stats, with the science slider set to the closest point to yield 0 gpt.
4. The sustainable beakers per turn is figured the same way.
5. Culture per turn is also figured that way, except that after I had Liberalism (for FS) I then turned up my culture slider.
6.. The first number in ### cottages used/built is how many I was working at the given date, and the second is how many my workers had built (there is no distinction between cottages, hamlets, villages or towns.)
7. The techs listed are the last one researched in the line/row. E.g., if I listed Fishing, that means that I did not have Sailing.

DATE:, {1000 BC}, 0 AD, [1000 AD in 2nd Spoiler only]
Cities,{__3___}, ___3____. [___3 ___], ___3
Population,{____ ____},____35 ____ , [___ 40___], ___51
Workers, {___3___}, ___3___ , [___ 3___] , ___3

x/x Units (best, all others), {Arch(3) Spear, Char, axe (o), 1o total}, ___12 Total___ , [___3/16 ___], __7/23
Best Unit Type, {Axe?}, Axe?, [___WE/Cats ___], ___ WE/Cats

Horses, {___Y &#8211; no HBR___}, ___Y &#8211; no HBR___, [___Y ___]
Copper,{___Y___}, ___Y___, [___ Y___]
Iron, {___No I/W___}, ___No I/W___ , [___I/W, but not hooked up ___]
Stone, {___Mansa___}, ___Mansa___, [___Mansa ___]
Marble, {___Will soon___}, ___Y___ , [___ Y___]
Luxury Resources, [___ ___]
Health Resources, [___ ___]

{___1GS for acad & Working on Gr Prph for Shrine___}, ___1st GS-Academy; 2nd Gproph-shrine; 1 GA Music, 1 GA built = 4 Total___, [___Nine at 1oooAD ___], ___Twenty for whole game, one Gr Prophet used for Golden Age later

# World Wonders, {___Oracle in Seville___}, ___Oracle in Seville, HG in Madrid, Parth in Barcelona___, ___, [___Oracle in Sev, HG in Madrid, Parth in Barcelona, two shrines-Sev & Barc ___], added Sistine Chapel and Taj Mahal in Madrid

# National Wonders, {___None___}, ___NEpic in Barcelona___, ___, [___NEpic in Barcelona, 3 Cathedrals in Seville, 4 in Madrid & 2 in Barcelona ___], ___ added Hermitage in Seville, added 1 more Cath in Barcleona

Food, {___66___}, ___74___ , [___87 ___], ___105
Production, {___37___}, ___29___ , [___27 ___], ___32
Commerce, {___172___, ___325___ , [___1036 ___], ___1,832

# Sustainable Beakers per turn, {___92___}, ___119___ , [___Cult slider at 90%=15 beakers ___], ___Cult slider at 80%=25 beakers
# Culture per Turn, {___57___}, ___174___ , [___1015 at 90% ___], ___Cult slider at 80%=1,841
# Great Person Points per turn, {___6/11___}, ___35/5/35=75___ , [___66Bar/22Sev/27Mad=115total ___], ___ 98Bar/32Sev/52Mad=182
Gold, {___24g___}, {___3g___} , [___2g___], ___43
# Religions, {___3found/4tot___}, ___4 fnded, add Judaism from Mansa___ , [___5 ___], Five
#/# Cottages Used, {___7/1o___}, ___9/13___ , [___ 13/13___], same
# Civs Killed, {___none___}, ___none___, [___none ___]
Vassals ___None
Time Played (leave game up/minimized, running all time), {___4:05___}, ___7:25___, [___8:49 ___], ____10:13

Academy Date, sometime around 1oooBC (?)
Alphabet Date, __1ooo BC
Civil Service Date, __12oo BC
Liberalism Date, __540 AD
Oxford Date, __ not built
Astronomy Date, __None
Biology Date, __None

Buildings at 1000 BC:

Techs at 1000 BC:
___Researching Masonry (to build HG)
___Fishing; Math; Alpha; Anim Husb; Hunting; Poly; BW; CoL; CivSvc
___Intentions: Aesthetics, Philo, etc.

Buildings at 0 AD: Seville has Lib, Theatre, 3 temples, 2 Monasteries

Techs at 0 AD:
___Researching Education
___Fishing; Music; Philo; Construction; Alpha;PH; Poly; BW; Paper

Techs at 1000 AD: [ ]
____Research at &#8211;O--%
____Nationalism, Construction, Alpha/Math, Liberalism, Monarchy, Iron Working
____Researching Gunpowder (34)

Victory Type & Date, [Cultural 1535 AD 19,698 with a base score = 1,095]

Let me know if this is helpful to you and any recommendations. :help: I will always use 1oooBC, 0AD, and 1oooAD (in second spoiler), and near end of game [if anyone wants to play along at home and laugh at my results compared to theirs].


P.S. This format is something close to what has been discussed/suggested by Jesusin and Balthalion in this thread:


I have shamelessly adapted it for my post here. That thread might be a great place to post your recommendations if any. Many thanks to them for suggesting this; it could be helpful in discovering many areas of improvement for lower/middle level players, of which I am in the former category and struggling to move into the latter category.
First of all, thanks for this fun setup!

Second, wow, was this game unbalanced or was I just doing ok for once?

I started the game planning on going to space but as soon as I saw Mansa's borders (his capitals borders, no less) so close to Barcelona, I immediately switched to building Stonehenge, until size two, squeeze in a worker and finish SH. With SH my mind was set. Let's not waste those culture points, I'm going for a culture victory.

The idea was to get superfast research in order to get Nationalism from the Oracle, then research music and start building tempels and catherdrals, running HR for large cities, slavery for whipping tempels, organized religion to speed up building and spread religions (I had 5, founded 3). Meanwhile research Liberalism for constitution (switch HR to rep) and turtle to democracy (after this science to 0%) for emancipation for fast cottage growth. After have matured some cottages, switch to caste and pacifism, build culture and grow GA's.

(Most) things went as planned resulting in following dates:

2240BC Stonehenge to secure Barcelona borders
1520BC Academy by Johannes Kepler in Madrid
1280BC Convert to Hinduism
1240BC Great Library in Madrid
1120BC Partenon in Seville (GPfarm to be... yeah right, with NE in Madrid...)
950BC Euclid (GS) is Born
925BC Bulbed Philo, adopted pasifism
800BC Oracle for Nationalism
725BC Bulbed paper with Ptolomy
700BC Statue of Zues in Seville
625BC First GA, setteld in Seville
425BC HR for happy
450BC Burned Mikhal Lomonosov for Education
275BC Taj Mahal in Seville
175BC Hypatia (GS) in Seville... AAAARGH Burnt him in Golden Age
50BC Built Sistine Chapel
25BC Louis Armstrong in Madrid (luckylucky) Bombed him in Barcelona
150AD Liberalism for constitution (and switch to Rep)
425AD St. John in Madrid... hrm... settled in Seville for production
700AD Antonin Dvorak born in Seville. Bombed Barcelona again
900AD Democracy: Switch to Emancipation for cottage boost, turn off science
860AD Enrico Fermi (GS) born in Madrid... NOOOOOO Saved him for later
1090AD Aryabata (GS) bron in Madrid... NOOOOO built academy for the 4 culture in Barcelona
1190AD William Shakesphere born in Seville... guess what.. yes bombed Barcelona
1240AD Ramakrishna (GP) born in Madrid... oh well, bye bye Enrico and Rama, hello Golden Age (1250)
1400AD J.S Bach Born in Seville... Ah no, bombed in Seville!
And within 4 turns all cities went legendary in 1440, each doing about 800cpt each with 4 cathedrals (could have done 5...)

Things I could have done better:
GP management, yes, it's a classic, but I feel I screwed up, although most screw-ups netted me Golden ages, so I made up some
Maybe not research to Democracy, but take printing press from Liberalism and then switch science to 0%.

The cultural monsters here should be able to do a 1000AD I guess

Proud of:
Popping nationalism with the oracle in 800 BC
Research rate!

Built one trireme to protect fish, only met the Chinese because they game to us
Built quite an army (well, not that big, but 6 units/city) because I was afraid some-one would attack me (never happened)

Mansa was friendly with me. We only had some slight "Our borders spark attention" problems...


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The idea was to get superfast research in order to get Nationalism from the Oracle,

800BC Oracle for Nationalism

625BC First GA, setteld in Seville

And within 4 turns all cities went legendary in 1440, each doing about 800cpt each with 4 cathedrals (could have done 5...)

The cultural monsters here should be able to do a 1000AD I guess

Proud of:
Popping nationalism with the oracle in 800 BC

1. First, great job and one to be proud of! :goodjob:

2. I guess the path for nat'lism from Oracle was beeline Alpha, CivSvc, and Philo?
I.e., Writing\Alpha\CoL\Math or CivSvc\Philo ???
My question is what worker techs did you have at this time {earlier}, and what did you acquire with Alpha in trade?

3. I always hear that I should settle my GAs before say, 0 AD. Adonias, you settled your first GA in 625 AD. Not knowing when you would win, what is the mathematical return in culture on a settled GA? [You could estimate that you had maybe over 1oo turns left at that point-- does that always equal more than the 4,ooo culture from saving him and bombing later? :confused:

4. Seems like everyone made Seville the GP farm (a beginner like me looked at the river squares around Barcelona and farmed those for my GP farm). I am thinking that using Seville required CivSvc (for irrigation), and what, i.e., where did the water for irrigation start from - or do you have to just build an extra farm near the river outside the BFC at Seville's east to get the irrigation chain started into the Seville countryside? Sorry if this is a real noob question... :confused:

And you are right!! It will be interesting to see what the "cultural monsters" have done with this set up ! :lol:

My first BOTM victory! 1804 culture - playing on adventurer save. Founded most religions, teched to Democracy then just built culture. I've no idea how I could have got a faster victory though - I still have lots to learn!
1. First, great job and one to be proud of! :goodjob:
Thanks! You had a very nice run for your money also!
2. I guess the path for nat'lism from Oracle was beeline Alpha, CivSvc, and Philo?
I.e., Writing\Alpha\CoL\Math or CivSvc\Philo ???
My question is what worker techs did you have at this time {earlier}, and what did you acquire with Alpha in trade?
I don't really remember... I know I started agri, but on the second turn when finding Mansa so close, I switch to hunting, and then something like this: AH, mining, pottery, writing, aesthetics, literature, Alpha, trade a little. Somewhere before GL I teched masonry myself (others wouldn't trade) and only very late I got Bronze working for writing (they also wouldn't trade). Selfteched mathematics for better chops, CoL, CS, priesthood bulbed philo, music, the rest is known.

3. I always hear that I should settle my GAs before say, 0 AD. Adonias, you settled your first GA in 625 AD. Not knowing when you would win, what is the mathematical return in culture on a settled GA? [You could estimate that you had maybe over 1oo turns left at that point-- does that always equal more than the 4,ooo culture from saving him and bombing later? :confused:
Guestimated... I could also use the money and I planned on building the Sisten, so that's another 2 culture... but I didn't calculate exactly as I truly had no idea when I'd finish.

4. Seems like everyone made Seville the GP farm (a beginner like me looked at the river squares around Barcelona and farmed those for my GP farm). I am thinking that using Seville required CivSvc (for irrigation), and what, i.e., where did the water for irrigation start from - or do you have to just build an extra farm near the river outside the BFC at Seville's east to get the irrigation chain started into the Seville countryside? Sorry if this is a real noob question... :confused:
Well... I built NE in Madrid to get faster scientists, but that did very much screw Seville as a good GP farm. I did build almost all GA producing wonders in Seville and indeed chainfarmed from the river east of Seville.

And you are right!! It will be interesting to see what the "cultural monsters" have done with this set up ! :lol:

Let's sit tight!!
Indeed, if jesusin decides to take a break from the pursuit of his gold medal, we might see here the earliest cultural VC finish of all-time XOTMs. ;)

I also joined the cultural craze which led to a very fast game(in RL terms, that is :mischief: - total playing time 7h).

Very nice setup, DS, with skirmishers at our doorsteps. :goodjob:
My choice was to cottage Madrid (M) and Seville (S) and have Barcelona (B) as GPfarm. Opening moves were workers in M & B, wb (for M) in S. Tech path was min-hunt-ag-ah-wh-pot-wri then CS from Oracle.

I took a risk building SH(2480BC) and Oracle(1480BC) in B, thus polluting the GP farm's gene pool, but I thought I needed them there to fight malinese culture. I got stone connected in the late BCs, when I started to build the stony cathedrals.

Fortunately, I was able to convert both neighbours to my religion (confu) so it was a lovefest until the end. Mansa's hinduism never spreaded to me, but I also founded judaism, christianity and taoism and built the complete set of religious buildings for those. I did found Islam but that came too late so it was ignored.

I got Nationalism from Lib in 250AD and shut down research. From then on, I was running rep/caste/FS/OR, until 540AD when I also switched to Pacifism. As I spent probably too much time in OR building/chopping temples and cathedrals, GP generation wasn't too bright but I can't complain about my luck. Madrid got an early GS (academy) and a late GE (golden age), while Barcelona got 9 GA's. With the free one from Music, there were 10 GA's total. The BC artists were settled (2 in Seville, 1 in Madrid, IIRC) and the remainder were bombed, mostly in Seville but unfortunately I didn't take notes where.

Bottom line: Seville reached legendary in 1100AD, Madrid and Barcelona in 1140AD. Who was in the other continent again? :)
Thanks for the write up Adonis, you have given me a lot to think about, I wouldn't have said it was possible to get Nationalism from the Oracle on 800BC :) and your liberalism date is much earlier than mine (I was 840AD IIRC). Even so I am quite pleased you only beat me by 100 years (what's that 10 turns?), I suspect part of it might be you got a number of great people other than Artists which I didn't. I suspect a 4th religion and The Hermitage would have helped me considerably.

The fun thing is your lands are almost the same as mine, even the AI has the same revolting cities in the same place :lol:. It was also interesting you met one of the AI's from the other continent, I didn't and if the game went on much longer then I would have sent out a boat of my own.
Went for the religious diplomatic victory.

I was a bit disappointed as I saw Mansa settling his capital beside the stone tile :). My assumption was that I'll need caravels too reach all AI so I decided to go for CS for additional research and production power.
CS slingshot in 1320 BC, 1000 Pryramids, 950 Theo (bulped), 475 Optics, 350 AP (Judaism &#8211; my state religion and the religion of my two neighbours was Confu), 1 AD Astro.

When I got Optics I had three jewish missionairs waiting but I made the fault that I had no confu missionairs. I just didn't thought about the fact that it is highly probable, that there are civs without a religion. Sure if I must have known this because Buddhism was the only religion that was founded elsewhere. So I took some time to spread first Confu to these civs.

Don't remember the date of the first vote but I missed it by 3 &#8211; aaarg. It took a zillion of years till the second vote. Spreaded some more AP religion to my friends and won the second vote in 560 AD.
Could have been much fast with a proper logistic and doing some more math before the first election :)

I miss the first election cycle because I can&#8217;t find Mehmed. I finally get Judaism spread and win the game in 560AD.

:) Played with the contender so this is up to you.
Although the 3CC was a perfect setup for a culture victory, I decided to attempt a conquest victory. I'm usually an average peacemonger, so this game was a welcome change of pace. Kudos to the BOTM-crew for this game!

War summary:
Mansa killed during 1560BC-1280BC (mostly axes and chariots)
Sury killed during 1040BC-425AD (long war, I know)
Ramesses killed during 920AD-1300AD (galleons with mostly macemen and catapults)
Alexander killed during 1200AD-1580AD
War on Augustus in 1200AD which ended in 1490AD when Mehmet vassalized him (we had mutual war)
War on Mehmet & Augustus in 1500AD, Augustus gone in 1570AD. War with Mehmet ended by me in 1580AD (needed time to reorganize and focus on China, who were more advanced)
Qin killed during 1605AD-1735AD
Mehmet finished off during 1635AD and 1834 (long war again, but he has rushed in to fill empty land after Rome and Greek.

The final wars were mostly cavarly and rifleman (upgraded macemen with CR2/3) supported trebuchets and some cannons. Both Mehmet and Qin had researched gunpowder.

War weariness was less of a problem than I had anticipated, especially since I reckoned I would war almost non-stop.

End stats
City sizes: Madrid 19, Barcelona 19, Seville 18
Cities razed: 76 (7 barbarian cities were left at the end of the game, I didn't bother)
Win date: 1834AD
Turns played: 287
Base score: 1725
Final score: 11986
Not a great first game for me. I play on immortal so I figured playing on prince would be a nice change of pace but I seemed to screw up at every opportunity. I wanted to win conquest as I'm a compulsive warmonger and wouldn't know how to win any other way so that was the goal here.

Mansa had my stone so he had to go first, about a dozen axemen took to his capital aided by 4 cats. War Elephants came along for the clean up job. With hindsight I think that killing Sury first might have been better because I ended chasing him right to the top of the continent without enough units for the crazy amount of cities he built. Just as I finished him off Qin came calling so I set off to work on getting the UU and UB going. I followed one of his caravels over to the other continent with 6 galleons filled with trebs and conquisitors. I waited off shore while my great merchant did a quick scout job. Qin seemed like the tech leader so I attacked him.

The thing that really bugged me about this game was that I had to take units home to upgrade them, although pillaging everything was fun. I finished the Chinese off when vassaling would've been better. What followed was a prolonged cavalry war with mostly Mehmed who had become an absolute monster. The war was pretty much a stalemate that gave me crippling war wearyness that had my culture slider at 40%. :(

Watching the land that I'd conquered quickly refill broke my heart so I thought I'd have to push for my first cultural victory after I noticed Madrid had reached legendary status (a first!) just so I didn't lose the game. In the meantime although I was confined to what I figured would be a pedestrian outcome I wanted to stick it to Mehmed for causing me so much trouble. I beelined towards tanks with sidelines to anything that would get me enough happy faces to see out some more war.

My tank battle was a spectacular success with Mehmed hell bent on taking Egypt's northern cities while I was crushing him from below. :lol: At that point I realised that I could still just fit in a conquest if I got some modern armor. Sadly I couldn't stop my third city from reaching legendary status in time and took a 2008 cultural win with a lowly 6000 or so points just as my shiny new tanks were rolling though Rome. Of course I kept playing till I think 2025 when Caesar finally caved in with only 3 crappy cities left and a massive army on his doorstep.

Sorry for the messy rant but I just had to get that out of my system.
Carrying on from first post, still going for a disorganised wonder fest/culture win...

Sury is my best mate, Mansa is so hemmed in by my culture in the south and Sury's mad expansion in the north that I cease considering him a serious threat, he does stick cities all round my south borders though, mainly in arctic wasteland..

520AD Apostolic Palace in Madrid (not sure why :/ )
620AD Divine right, Islam founded in Seville, now Holy city of Judaism, Taoism, Cofusionism, and Islam.. :crazyeye:
640AD Great Prophet, Build Dai Miao in Seville
700-760 AD, Found Aesthetics, Lit, Horseback riding...
840AD - Parthenon in Madrid, Statue of Zeus in Seville
940AD Mausoleum of Maussollos in Barcelona
980AD Great Library in Seville, Seafood pillaged by roving barb galley a few turns before - discover I forgot to get metal casting, so metal casting this turn, and start building a couple of Triemes.
1070AD Shwedagon Paya in Barcelona, Sistine Chapel in Madrid...
1130AD Great Prophet in Madrid... build Kong Miao in Seville
1230AD University of Sankore in Seville
1240AD Spiral Minaret in Madrid
1250AD Nationalism
1340AD Versailles built in Barcelona, Another bl**dy great prophet in Seville.. got too carried away with rel. wonders :rolleyes:
1350AD Masjid-al-Haram built in Seville, now has 4 Shrines, and my buddy sury has helpfully spread Conf, Christianity, and Judaism through loads of cities in his vast empire... Can't remember what cash I was getting from them, but at this point I turned sliders to 80% science/20% culture and still had enough cash to upgrade all my troops.

1380AD Education, Taj Mahal built in in Madrid.
1410AD Great prophet born in Madrid :cry:
1430AD Great Merchant born in Madrid (Economics) ->>> Extended Golden age...
1470AD Liberalism + Great scientist in Seville...
1480AD Pacifism/Free Market/Free Speech/UNi Suff
1520AD Another Great Prophet :/ Double extended golden Age :crazyeye:
1525AD Mill tradition
1545AD Replaceable parts, Great scientist in Seville (Golden age? not sure)
1560AD GE in Madrid (saved for Statue of liberty)
Astronomy, Constitution
1620AD GS in Seville
1670AD Democracy, 1695AD Scien. Method
1710AD GP in Seville :(
1715AD Statue of liberty in Seville, followed by one more GS, and chemistry.

Culture win in 1780... 15000(?)

Would have helped if ..
a) I'd thought a bit more about what wonders I needed where..
b) I put off changing to caste system for a few turns (to let cities grow a bit), then assign artists later... a few turns was about 2750 years, only noticed I was still in slavery when I went to make sure the AI had assigned my free specialist to an artist when I built the SOL in 1715AD.. oops :goodjob:
final spoiler : cultural win in 1360 AD : only 3 GArtists total (including the one from music!):(
2 Golden ages, 1 from taj and one for a great merchant.

Mansa Musa declared war on me but I APed him into peace in the first turn of war :lol:

Built ermitage in teh top culturing city, and was right about it.
built national epic in barcelona which was a mistake, should have left all the artist work for madrid.
less than 2 hours game time, which was just about all I could do.
1808 space win. First spoiler recap:
Contender, goal of fastest space race (thought everyone would be going culture here). Decided to ignore early religions for worker techs, was able to pick up Judaism on the cheap later around when it could help for extra happiness.

I liked the switcheroo with the marble/stone/Mansa. I debated taking it by force but decided to pass; I may eventually get it by culture, hard to say.

Specialized Barcleona as a hammer city, although it could in time work lots of flatland cottages. Was parked on Pyramids for quite a while, then same with HG, Parthenon.... Has just finished Taj. Madrid is the GP farm with standard GL/NE, also build GLighthouse, Artemis, and Maus because I was short on other things to build. Seville is the cottage super-science city; will have Oxford in a couple turns. Have academies in Madrid/Seville and have been settling other GS's in Seville. Originally I intended to move the Palace to Seville but it had lowish hammers, I would have spots to build now but have already gone free speech.

Through some ignoring, getting Sury to Friendly, and gifting of tech to Mansa until he researched something I didn't have, I managed Alphabet, Monarchy, IW, Construction in trade. Can get Theology (weighing whether AP is worth it for hammers) and Music now, waiting on Currency to show up. My own research just pulled in Lib->Demo and am heading Optics/Astro to go find me overseas trade.

I didn't get anything relevant in tech trades from then on. Did use GP for 3GA (one with Economics merchant, one at end with Fusion engineer + 2 others, one in between with non-scientists). Made some pretty bad errors - most prominently not building a 3rd academy in Barcelona until way late. This made sense early on when it was working all hill tiles, but once it grew towards full size it had a bunch of cottages. Another mistake was some premature switching of science improvements to hammer ones; i did have a few turns of built research when didn't have parts to go. Also right after 500AD when I was seeking out other continent, I ran 0% science for a few turns hoping for trades of Fedualism or something, but discovered they were much further backwards than my neighbors; then once I got a GP and built the Jewish shrine I was no longer at negative gpt, so the 1000 or so gold saved up never got used.

Perhaps this could have been better by gifting techs to the AI's on my continent in hopes they would slowly research something relevant (I did have some success gifting Calendar to Mansa/Sury so I could trade for their resources earlier); or maybe by building enough units to vassal Mansa, or trying a PA. No one on other continent got Astro until very late so I could go the whole game with a couple of axes plus the starting archers.
Well, not much to tell.

I played my first session until 575 BC, very happy about the status then, 4 religions, CS slingshot with oracle, GW, SH, Pyramids soon to come and built up a stack of axes to DOW on Mansa to lower hs cultural pressure.

then I made a big mistake, I played my second session in between 2 flights at the airport while being quite tired and I was abolutly not focused. found out only in 500 AD that I actually forgot to change to CS !!! doooohh...

anyhow, I was always a bit scared of Sury DOW on me as Mansa was very week but he was holding on on all fronts and building up quite an army (power approx double as mine) so that I had to spend some resources on defensve measures.

So as usual poor middle game and cultural victory n 1775
Thanks for the nice game - I estimated that a lot of people would go for culture, so I tried Conquest on Contender:

Mali had to quit due to some Chariots rather early; then Khmer also lost soon all of their cities but one in the jungle which I only fetched much later with some cats.

Meanwhile the aim was science and to discover the other continent. With Astronomy and Conquistadors plus some initial cannons against the protective guy the campaign started. Usually each of the civs gave up after loosing two or three cities only Mehmet did not want to surrender immediately - which costed me 3 more rounds - in the end it was 1250. But I guess there are warmonger specialists who can do better (though I hope they all went for :culture: so that I get my second award... :please:)
1400AD cultural victory (Challenger save)

I discovered all religions except Buddhism, and formed a tight Jewish lovefest with Sury and Mansa Musa to spread around the tech love. We never met the other continent, which is probably a good thing because they were all Buddhists who would have hated us.

This was mainly a builder game with lots of wonders and temples, and I stayed in OR for a long time. Madrid was my GP Farm, Seville was focused on production, and Barcelona cottaged the floodplains to provide commerce. But ultimately most of my culture came from buildings and artist specialists.

Some milestones:

2680BC (T33): Stonehenge
1080BC (T73): Pyramids for Representation
1040BC (T74): Oracle (way too early, I only got CoL out of it)
75BC (T112) : Apostolic Palace
25BC (T114) : Literature
325AD(T128): Music (I forgot that I needed this tech for cathedrals - should have focused on it earlier)
1090AD(T169): Liberalism (late because I was focusing on culture buildings rather than teching - only took Printing Press anyway)

Finished at 1400AD (turn 200) with one final Great Artist. I could do better if I did more calculations and planning (and if I were the kind of person who enjoyed that sort of thing). Instead it was fun to blitz through in 4 hours of real time.
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