Brave New World's 9 new Civs

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Oh, yeah I forgot geography has changed significantly in the last ten millennia. It's amazing how a coastal city is now so far inland.

Ten millennial ago Ur was underwater, all hail Gilgamesh and his army of marauding Annunaki aquanauts!!! Sorry... couldn't resist. :mischief:
Okay, this means Mbanza-Kongo is not maritime.
Now I really want to know which type of CS it is.:D

I think militaristic. It was a the political center of an empire that pressed its neighbors into vassalage... *enters 80 year old Nzinga Mbande shaking a spear* .

Mercantile, religious, even cultural are also possible, but I think militaristic is far more likely.
I think militaristic. It was a the political center of an empire that pressed its neighbors into vassalage... *enters 80 year old Nzinga Mbande shaking a spear* .

Mercantile, religious, even cultural are also possible, but I think militaristic is far more likely.
Generally speaking, the CS type depends more on the history of the city itself as opposed to the history of the empire it was in. I can't see militaristic based of the Wikipedia article.

Okay, this means Mbanza-Kongo is not maritime.
Now I really want to know which type of CS it is.:D

Like I said, I'm guessing a new Religious CS or a Cultural CS replacement.
Religious would be very weird as it could imply either Vatican or Lhasa being replaced.
I would say that a Tibetan or a Papal civ are a bit unlikely.
Religious would be very weird as it could imply either Vatican or Lhasa being replaced.
I would say that a Tibetan or a Papal civ are a bit unlikely.
One major flaw with out current line of thinking is that it fails to account for the fact that they may simply be adding more CSs. I believe the current religious CS list is rather short; it might be they're trying to lengthen it.

I agree with you on the likelihood of Tibet or the Papal States though.
One major flaw with out current line of thinking is that it fails to account for the fact that they may simply be adding more CSs. I believe the current religious CS list is rather short; it might be they're trying to lengthen it.

I agree with you on the likelihood of Tibet or the Papal States though.

It's possible, but I think cyberxkham had a good rebuttal to it.

@Pouakai: Even in G&K, each new CS was either one that (1) was added to the religious or mercantile category, (2) replaced a CS that was moved to the religious or mercantile category, or (3)replaecd a CS was added as a new civ. There is no precedent for the addition of CS simply for the sake of adding more CS. Thus, we can assume that likewise, because (1) and (2) are not happening in BNW (no new CS categories), that (3) is. It is more logical to assume something that has precedent than something that doesn't. It bugs you, fine, but I believe it is a legitimate method of speculation, and while it's of course not 100% accurate (nothing is) it is probably one of the few truly reliable methods we have (other methods such as "whether the fans want it" or "it has a female leader" only fuels possibilities of civs getting in, but it is far from definite like the CS theory in my opinion). So far the civs we know that were formerly CS (Brazil, Portugal, Poland) have been replaced by CS of their respective types, lending credence to this theory.
I actually agree with you guys although I love the czechs. Just playfully using the same reasoning for Hungary or the Italian states.

I would really like all 4 remaining to be Civs never in the series yet. NA tribe aside from the Sioux, Vietnam, African civ, random civ people will gripe about... :lol: I just like surprises
Hey guys. New city-states are introduced when they are replacing a city-state that's becoming a Civ. This is the case for cultured, maritime and mercantile cs. But I don't think this is for militaristic and religious cs since there are less in number. For Cu, Ma and Me cs there is pattern in cs replacement: A new CS replaces an older CS that has the same regional or city-style similarity. Example:

Denmark DLC:
  • Sydney(European city-style) replaced Copenhagen
  • Quebec City(European city-style) replaced Oslo
Korea DLC:
  • Kathmandu(Asian city-style) replaced Seoul
  • Milan(European city-style) replaced Geneva(transferred to religious)
  • Prague (European city-style) replaced Vienna
  • Yerevan(Asian city) replaced Lhasa(transferred to religious)
  • Jakarta(Asian) replaced Singapore(transferred to mercantile)
  • Lisbon(European) replaced Stockholm
BNW(so far):
  • Bratislava(European) replaced Warsaw
  • Riga(European) replaced Lisbon
  • Ur(Asian and/or Middle Eastern) replaced ???
  • Panama City(American) replaced Rio de Janeiro
  • Sofia as an additional Milistaristic cs
  • M'banza Kongo as an additional Militaristic cs

This pattern have been continuing for the entire series. Although they are some exceptions such as Manila and Mombasa replacing Helsinki and Genoa. But for this I think they were just trying to add a more global diversity in city-states
Hey guys. New city-states are introduced when they are replacing a city-state that's becoming a Civ. This is the case for cultured, maritime and mercantile cs. But I don't think this is for militaristic and religious cs since there are less in number. For Cu, Ma and Me cs there is pattern in cs replacement: a new cs replaces an older cs that has the same regional or city-style similarity. Example:

Denmark DLC:
  • Sydney(European city-style) replaced Copenhagen
  • Quebec City(European city-style) replaced Oslo
Korea DLC:
  • Kathmandu(Asian city-style) replaced Seoul
  • Milan(European city-style) replaced Geneva(transferred to religious)
  • Prague (European city-style) replaced Vienna
  • Yerevan(Asian city) replaced Lhasa(transferred to religious)
  • Jakarta(Asian) replaced Singapore(transferred to mercantile)
  • Lisbon(European) replaced Stockholm
BNW(so far):
  • Bratislava(European) replaced Warsaw
  • Riga(European) replaced Lisbon
  • Ur(Asian and/or Middle Eastern) replaced ???
  • Panama City(American) replaced Rio de Janeiro
  • Sofia as an additional Milistaristic cs
  • M'banza Kongo as an additional Militaristic cs

This pattern have been continuing for the entire series. Although they are some exceptions such as Manila and Mombasa replacing Helsinki and Genoa. But for this I think they were just trying to add a more global diversity in city-states

so basically, they only replace CS when they are part of a new civ, except when they dont
so basically, they only replace CS when they are part of a new civ, except when they dont

I don't think they are replacing the existent Militaristic and Religious city-states since these two categories each have very few city-states. For cultured, maritime and mercantile, I think they are replacing them since throughout the series they tried to keep the limit at 10 so they are going to maintain that limit this expansion as well.
Okay, this means Mbanza-Kongo is not maritime.
Now I really want to know which type of CS it is.:D

I'd say it's almost certainly cultural. It was a significant cultural and religious centre from what I've read, so I'd guess that is what they went with for it. As I don't see any of the religious City States having been replaced, it's almost certainly cultural, but we'll see.
I'd say it's almost certainly cultural. It was a significant cultural and religious centre from what I've read, so I'd guess that is what they went with for it. As I don't see any of the religious City States having been replaced, it's almost certainly cultural, but we'll see.
I agree with you there. I'd like to see the list of militaristic and religious CSs expanded though.
How does this sound?

Confirmed | Speculation

Lisbon → Riga Reason: Both Western/European Atlantic ports
Rio de Janiero → Panama City Reason: Both Western/Latin American ports
Warsaw → Bratislava Reason: Both Central/Eastern European
Budapest → Sofia Reason: Both Central/Eastern European
Marrakech → Mbanza-Kongo Reason: Both African
Jakarta → Ur Reason: Both Indian Ocean ports
Hanoi → Angkor Reason: Both Southeast Asian

The Zulu and Assyria did not affect CS distribution.

...s... seriously?!

A few corrections here:

1. Angkor was not militaristic, Hanoi will not be replaced by a cultural or religious city state
2. Mbanza-Kongo is almost certainly religious or cultural, meaning that it won't be replacing Marrakesh
3. ...

...seriously, comparing some of that geography is absolutely comical! Ur and Jakarta?! Marrakesh and Mbanza-Kongo, Riga and Lisbon?! Riga is on the Baltic, Lisbon is out in the Atlantic. Marrakesh is in North Africa, Mbanza-Kongo is on the other side of the continent.

If you're going to present such a hypothesis, at least keep in sensible!
This pattern have been continuing for the entire series. Although they are some exceptions such as Manila and Mombasa replacing Helsinki and Genoa. But for this I think they were just trying to add a more global diversity in city-states

The fact that there are exceptions are enough for me to believe that replacing CS are from the same region is not the case.

Additionally, remember that G&K's civ choices were designed to be Eurocentric - even the devs admitted that. However, with BNW they may be stepping away from that.
I agree with you there. I'd like to see the list of militaristic and religious CSs expanded though.

They won't be expanding the lists, they've clearly picked a specific number for each. It's not exactly hard to add more, if they intended to do so they would have.
They won't be expanding the lists, they've clearly picked a specific number for each. It's not exactly hard to add more, if they intended to do so they would have.

Yeah, they didn't do this last time, I doubt they'd do it again. Frankly though I would like to see more Cities in the CS lists for all types. Currently there's an overabundance of European cities compared to, for instance, African and North and South American cities.
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