British court rules one-year-old should be starved to death


Escaped Lunatic
Sep 26, 2011
The fact that this isn't being paid attention to outside of conservative media is astounding to me.

"The last several hours in the Alfie Evans story have been dramatic and ultimately appalling. The young boy, who suffers from a mysterious brain condition, was removed from the ventilator at Alder Hey hospital in London. The hospital has decreed that the boy’s life is no longer worth living and so he must die. The parents argue that there is still hope, and they want to take him to a hospital in Italy where further treatment has been offered. The doctors at Alder Hey hospital, however, won the right to kill their son. Last night, they began his execution.

But Alfie defied them again. He continued to breathe on his own, without assistance, for several hours. Eventually the doctors, who were flummoxed by this, agreed to give the boy water but not food. If they could not suffocate him, they would starve him instead. Meanwhile, an air ambulance from Italy waited outside the hospital ready to bring the boy, who was also granted Italian citizenship, to their country for treatment. A small army of police were stationed by the boy’s room to prevent this from happening.

Finally, Alfie’s parents were granted one last hearing with a judge, hoping he would locate enough of a human conscience within himself to allow them to put their boy on the helicopter and bring him to a place that had offered to give him medical care. But he has not even the remnant of a conscience. Their request was denied. The boy must die. This is his “final chapter,” says the judge.

There is no way to justify this. It is explicitly, unabashedly evil. A hospital is holding a child hostage against the will of his parents, and the courts are barring the family from boarding a helicopter and leaving the country. This is kidnapping and murder."


Yes, that's right, a British court is holding an Italian citizen hostage and starving him to death. Alfie has already defied the predictions of his doctors, but they aren't willing to consider whether they might be wrong. They diagnosed him with a terminal illness, and determined that his life was 'not worth living.'
The guardian said:
Mr Justice Hayden said that although Alfie had been a “fighter” since his life support had been removed, his condition had “almost entirely wiped out” his brain matter and he stood no chance of recovery.

The Italian hospital had acknowledged it could not find a cure, but had proposed maintaining Alfie’s life for about two weeks while doctors tried to investigate his condition.

Police on Wednesday issued a warning to supporters of the parents – many of whom have protested outside Alder Hey hospital – that the “unprecedented personal abuse” experienced by medical staff would not be tolerated.

Ch Insp Chris Gibson said social media posts were being monitored and any malicious or threatening behaviour would be investigated.

Still isn't the call of the hospital, imo. If the child's parents want to move the child to Italy, isn't it their right?
More importantly: why interfere? Is the fear that the child may live but be braindead and in pain? Ok, but still... is that really a decision for the hospital or judges to be making?
At any rate, the hospital's doctors already messed up by misdiagnosis, insofar as the child is still alive.
I don't know. And frankly, I even refuse to delve into or care about the story because the OP started out with the asinine why-don't-the-MSM-talk-about-this! angle. Shows he doesn't really care about the story either, just about partisan sniping.
So I suppose all those conservative media that believe only the parents (not the doctors, not the hospital, not the government, not some judge) can make life-or-death decisions for their child, they must all be strong supporters of abortion under all circumstances, if the mother wants it.
I don't know. And frankly, I even refuse to delve into or care about the story because the OP started out with the asinine why-don't-the-MSM-talk-about-this! angle. Shows he doesn't really care about the story either, just about partisan sniping.
I did not notice any of these. I based the judgment on how many progressives have heard of the case vs how many conservatives.
Given under law the child can be released from hospital, even sent to stay at the family home, it is somewhat strange to issue a travel ban. I mean... the british court said that the child isn't able to feel any pain, so what exactly is their own problem with the family (even with no chance of that doing anything) going to the italian hospital? Why should the british hospital dictate what happens when there is no risk of pain to the patient?

I think this is just making the hospital look bad.
Nope, they aren't letting him go home.
They may let him go home, but that isn't the issue. Anyway, according to the bbc article, the hospital may allow the child to go to his home, but already secured a travel ban so as to make it impossible to go to Italy and the other hospital.
I think it is bad handling, and deserved bad publicity, given (again according to the bbc) the english court noted that the patient feels no pain.
After Charlie Gard, I see no reason to doubt this full face value. The UK seems to be making the whole adversarial medical death panels thing settled precedent.
He's not suffering.

The doctors treating him seem to have a different opinion.

Anyway, that was polemic. The truth is, this sucks, but medical resources need to be prioritized. Triage is a thing, and will be a thing until we have matter replicators or whatever. And as you've noticed, "conservative" media are picking this story up in a giant attempt to discredit "socialized medicine," which is a move that if successful will assuredly lead to all kinds of suffering. That's okay though, because people who suffer because they can't afford medical care deserve to suffer.
britbongs, everyone. the level of perfidiousness required for such a weirdly hard-headed and obviously terrible decision surprises even me. still not as haunting as jimmy saville, but definitely horrible.
And as you've noticed, "conservative" media are picking this story up in a giant attempt to discredit "socialized medicine

Unlike what they have in Italy I suppose.
Unlike what they have in Italy I suppose.

Yes, well that's sort of the funny part. If this family were in the US and couldn't get treatment for their boy because they couldn't afford it, the right would just be like "meh, nothing to see here"
From the looks of it he has zero chance of recovery. So what do you do, keep him on life support until his degenerative neurological condition causes his brain to melt to the point that his organs shut down?
There really aren't any good choices here.........
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