British Police Assault Damn Near Everyone

Nothing like a few old fashioned bashings by the bobbies to reveal who the real freedom lovers are.
Oh dear. They were really upset about the rolls royce embarassment weren't they.
I dare say there exists a causative relationship between fighting with the police and getting smacked around with a billy club. Having never tried to fight the police, I've sustained 0 injuries from them.
Well those girls didn't pick any fights with them either.
University is not a right.

Rights, what are rights? Anyway, university is a political necessity. Which the dumb british politicians are failing to understand - it'll be their loss.
They're the modern bread and circus for a large group of people who otherwise will prove uncontrollable. Oh, I do hope that the politicians keep missing that...

I will be one of your engineers in a few years time, and I would like to see a country that admires what it has.

Good luck, you'll need it!
Anyway, university is a political necessity. Which the dumb british politicians are failing to understand - it'll be their loss.
They're the modern bread and circus for a large group of people who otherwise will prove uncontrollable. Oh, I do hope that the politicians keep missing that...
An interesting perspective! :lol:

Wrong place, wrong time. You've got to have the sense to not show up where ruffians are going to be.
Victim blaming. Classy.
It's very interesting how frequently "libertarian" types come down on the side of violent authority when it comes to street demonstrations.
So you should no damn well not to protest.
Victim blaming. Classy.
If there's going to be hoodlums showing up and causing problems, there's going to be collateral damage. I've attended various political events, all of them non-violent. We got our message out, respected everyone's property and safety, and nobody got hurt.
It's very interesting how frequently "libertarian" types come down on the side of violent authority when it comes to street demonstrations.

Its in their rational self-interest to be hypocrites, sometimes.
If there's going to be hoodlums showing up and causing problems, there's going to be collateral damage. I've attended various political events, all of them non-violent. We got our message out, respected everyone's property and safety, and nobody got hurt.
A lot of student protests have been non-violent, and there's no way of telling which ones will end up that way. There was one up in Glasgow last week, and there was no violence. But, of course, they are not widely reported, creating a not-inconsiderable selection bias.

That said, you can probably assume that anything with the Met even tangentially involved will end in violence. They're the Met, ferchrissake. That's what they do.
A lot of student protests have been non-violent, and there's no way of telling which ones will end up that way. There was one up in Glasgow last week, and there was no violence. But, of course, they are not widely reported, creating a not-inconsiderable selection bias.
Which also means that police violence is unusual too, right? It goes both ways on these things. As for the London police, I have no idea what they do... I know what Minneapolis cops do, I know what Japanese cops do, but not London cops.
The Met = London Metropolitan Police?
They bravely drag hoodilums out of their wheelchairs in case they run people over.
There was one up in Glasgow last week, and there was no violence.
Since it was in Glasgow, I have to ask - no violence on an absolute level, or none on a relative level? :p

The Met = London Metropolitan Police?

They bravely drag hoodilums out of their wheelchairs in case they run people over.
Then they do it a second time, just to make sure!

British policing. Best in the world.
Which also means that police violence is unusual too, right? It goes both ways on these things.
True. The difference is, the police are meant to be better than the other side. As much as it seems like a double-standard, it is entirely true to say that the poor behaviour of one police officer reflects badly on the whole force in a way which is not true of a protester and the protest. The machinery of the state is simply held to a higher collective standard; that is the price of our consent to their monopoly on violence.

And, of course, then you get into the issue of the police knowingly provoking protestor violence...

Since it was in Glasgow, I have to ask - no violence on an absolute level, or none on a relative level? :p
Well, what I know is that nobody actually got killed, maimed or made to eat haggis vindaloo, so perhaps the latter? :mischief:
Oh dear. They were really upset about the rolls royce embarassment weren't they.

Nope, because next time Camilla will have a platoon from her regiment pick handles in hands to point out that attacking a grandmother is not wise.
If it means a few scum lose teeth from the insertion of a pick handle, too bad, big boys games, same rules apply.
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