[BtS] Get 'Em Mod


Dec 29, 2007
Fremont, CA, USA
Get 'Em is my first mod. It makes a simple but drastic change to the game mechanics by allowing all units to be captured.

Units can only be captured when the attacking unit is moving onto the square of a defeated defending unit. If the defeated defending unit is in a stack with more military units, the attacker cannot move into the square, so the defeated unit will be destroyed, not captured. This has a large impact on strategy: In order to capture units, you'll need to learn to approach your targets in a way that makes sure you're the one attacking, not defending, and also try to go after stragglers that aren't in stacks. Inversely, when trying to keep your units from being captured, keeping them in large stacks is the best defense.

Download Here.

Things I'd like to do with this mod:
  • Have captured animals lose their movement restrictions. This would take a bit of XML juggling (making a tame animal class for each wild animal class).
  • Have captured units start with drastically low health. As it stands now, units captured retain their health from before the battle. This would probably take some Python somewhere, but I have no idea where or how. Can anyone help me out?

There's a perl script included (Assets/XML/Units/autotag.pl) that can modify any CIV4UnitInfos.xml file with the appropriate capture tags, if you want to try these rules with another mod. Perl is required to run it, of course. Remember to back up the XML file before you run it.

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