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BTS Screenshots Repository


I thought I would hate random events, but that one looks kinda neat actually.

Question: How frequent are random events? Are they "on" by default with the epic game such that you would have to set up a custom game to turn them off?

Not everybody follows the SE strategy, Antilogic. There is more than one way to play this game.

I actually don't play a specialist economy regularly--I'm a cottage guy myself. However, if I can assign a specialist or two with extra food while running cottages, I do (it's a hybrid economy!). You just said in your post that you don't see the benefit of the food resource corporations and instead favored the production ones. I just replied "who doesn't like extra food". No need to get offensive, man.
I actually don't play a specialist economy regularly--I'm a cottage guy myself. However, if I can assign a specialist or two with extra food while running cottages, I do (it's a hybrid economy!). You just said in your post that you don't see the benefit of the food resource corporations and instead favored the production ones. I just replied "who doesn't like extra food". No need to get offensive, man.

And I said that food can be converted to anything that you want, and I'm at heart a CE economy guy too. It's just an observation, doesn't matter if you've a CE or a SE food = power.
And I said that food can be converted to anything that you want, and I'm at heart a CE economy guy too. It's just an observation, doesn't matter if you've a CE or a SE food = power.

Okay...not that I'm disagreeing or anything, but I wasn't directing my comments at you. Whatever. :mischief:

In other news, I'm interested into the random events frequency as well. Does it feel like 1 every 20 turns? 1 every 10?

This is the case. And some culture in this case. And a maitenance fee.

So, of your whole empire, you only really need one city with the Corporation in it to get the effect?

If this were the case, It would seem like you would want only one city with a foreign Corp and no more, to keep the maintenance down. There must be something i'm missing.
Your cities get the benefits of the corporation if you have that corporation in your cities, to my understanding. So, for a corporation that gives boosted production, you only get the boosted production if you have a city with that corporation in it. Any other city doesn't get the benefit. The host civilization of the corporation has to pay a maintenance cost for it, so if you found it in a rival's territory and then spread it to your own, they pay the maintenance cost while you reap the benefit.

Or, at least, that's how I understand it. Am I wrong?

I thought I would hate random events, but that one looks kinda neat actually.

Question: How frequent are random events? Are they "on" by default with the epic game such that you would have to set up a custom game to turn them off?


They are on by default, and quite a few happen. I would go 10-15 turns without anything happening, then suddenly have events happen in consecutive turns. They are indeed random.

When I manage to found a corporation, I'll report on what it does :)
lol I go away for a day and this all happens... I better Check EB if they have BTS in NZ... lol...

I just skimed this in 30 mins :S :S :S :S :S...

Greek Phanlax, aka Vanilla Axemen lol, the only UU I think that could counter it is the Dog Soilder of the Native Americans and the War chariot of Egpyt
So, of your whole empire, you only really need one city with the Corporation in it to get the effect?

If this were the case, It would seem like you would want only one city with a foreign Corp and no more, to keep the maintenance down. There must be something i'm missing.
Hmm, maybe I didn't understand what you meant the first time.
Once a corportation is founded by a Great Person, the city gets the HQ, and can build executives to spread the corp for a fee (~ 80 gold on normal, iirc.) Every city that has the corp spread to it gets benefits. For general mills, I think it is 1 food for every 3 of grain resources--that you have anywhere in your empire. Also, those cities must each pay the maitenance, which scales to the bonus. The corp HQ city will get a bonus of a few GPT.

For resource granting corps, yes, you could make due with just one of those corps, if you only wanted one city capable of building units/buildings that require that resource.
lol I go away for a day and this all happens... I better Check EB if they have BTS in NZ... lol...

I just skimed this in 30 mins :S :S :S :S :S...

Greek Phanlax, aka Vanilla Axemen lol, the only UU I think that could counter it is the Dog Soilder of the Native Americans and the War chariot of Egpyt

Ok, not entirely what I'd call the same age, but someone pointed out that the Horse Archer is the only real guaranteed counter to the Phalanx now, and even though Horseback Riding is a lengthy tech for its era, it may be worth it now if Alex is your neighbour.
Hmm, maybe I didn't understand what you meant the first time.
Once a corportation is founded by a Great Person, the city gets the HQ, and can build executives to spread the corp for a fee (~ 80 gold on normal, iirc.) Every city that has the corp spread to it gets benefits. For general mills, I think it is 1 food for every 3 of grain resources. Also, those cities must each pay the maitenance, which scales to the bonus. The corp HQ city will get a bonus of a few GPT.

For resource granting corps, yes, you could make due with just one of those corps, if you only wanted one city capable of building units/buildings that require that resource.

You know, I think I remember hearing it a little like Antilogic said. Maybe it's the city with the corporation that gets the benefit. Although I think I remember hearing you also had to have the resource in the bfc to be able to get the Corporation in your city (and that's where the competing between corporations comes in).

It would definately add a new element to the series if the quantity of resources now became a factor, and create the drive to acquire more.
Gunship, Carrack, Dike, city screenshot, Ship of the Line:


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how does the new aircraft system work, where intercepting fighters get 100% interception? Now, can invading fighters destroy those pesky interceptors?

Has anybody yet run into an enemy privateer unit? Have you been able to decipher (from the unit graphics) what civ it was from? [Civ3 privateers as I remember were not fully unmarked.]

Also, could someone set up a situation in world builder. In which, a privateer unit ((from a civ you haven't met yet)) arrives at your culture boarder. I was wondering if the game would make the mistake of introducing you to the supposedly secret ship's owner?

Sorry, my questions seem to be time demanding. I could always just check this next week for myself, but I feel as this would be good information, or an early bug to decipher.
Moai Statues, BtS tip, Glance tool tip, different Scouts: (not all units are different like this, but there are different styles spread between the unit types, ie, most of the Swordsmen are the same, but the Mongol swordsmen has it's own uniqueness and the Native American Swordsmen has it's uniqueness too. Similar with the Axemen. Hammurabi's Axemen look different too)


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Swordsmen styles example, Axemen styles example, Chinese units (bottom left: scout; left: worker; top left: settler; top: axemen; middle: spearmen; bottom: warrior; right: swordsmen):


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WHOAH!!! I think the seige units only ever get a max of 1 xp! If they 'win', they withdrawl automatically once the defending units xp has reached the limit.

During normal combat, there seems to be no way for seige units to ever get more than 1 xp per battle. This means that the only way to beef them up with promotions is by either building them with more xp or by using a warlord. Imp's bonus looks better now.
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