[BtS] SolversEvents - more random events

When you continue work on this after the patch (note: I say 'when' not 'if', ;) ), could you consider the Nuclear meltdown as an event idea, as discussed on 'poly? I think its a great idea for removing the irritation associated with a random meltdown.
New idea:

Trigger: At least 50% territory on continent is unclaimed.
There have been some rumors about advanced nomadic tribe migrating near [national] borders.
1: Primitive nomads do not concern me. : Nothing happens.
2: Send an envoy to meet their leader. : Effect as if goody-hut was popped by a combat unit.
3: Send them gifts and awe them with our grandeur. : Pay some :gold:. Effect as if goody-hut was popped by a recon unit.

Comments: You cold change this to “Settled Nomads” event and just create a goody-hut somewhere near player’s borders.

When can we expect new version of this MOD?
New Ideas:

Trigger: Player and neighboring AI are researching the same tech and have open borders.
Both [nationality #1] and [nationality #2] scholars pursue yet-elusive subject of [Tech]. It might be beneficial to combine those efforts.
1: No! We are doing fine on our own. : Nothing happens.
2: Our respective academics might share a few insights. : Pay some :gold:. +1 relations. 66% chances of +15% of remaining tech cost for Player. 66% chances of +15% of remaining tech cost for AI.

You might add a third option dealing in organizing a symposium in specific City (some science bonus to University/Academy). Or maybe an espionage-related option.

General comment: I’ve played a couple games with this MOD and liked it very much. Only one event seems completely out of place. “Healing Plants”. It happens much too early (In most cases before 3000 BC, nearly always before I found my second city) and it’s effects are a bit too strong. Maybe you should tone it down a little and delay it at least to Renaissance Era? (I find it difficult to believe that nation-wide test on human subjects were possible earlier). If you want an early event similar to “Healing Plant” you might something like “King is suffering an unknown disease. Sage/Witch claims to know the cure.” :)health: and/or :science: bonuses to Palace?)

Sorry for double post.
I don't know if wrote this idea before but here's my first

A scandal has erupted within our administration. A major drug ring has been discovered in (Random ForeignCity) Some of the evidence indicates that our popular Chief Adviser may be involved (Civ leader) is demanding action)


1. Fire him immediately (+2 relations boost with (Civ Leader +2 unhappniess in all cities for X turns))

2. Stand by him (-2 Relations boost with (Civ Leader)+2 happnies in all cities for X turns)

3. Wait out the situation and see what happens (Scandal may continue)

If you choose to wait it out the following event may occur (30% chance)

The scandal in (Foreign City) has reached it's boiling point as concrete evidence implicating our adviser has been uncovered. (Civ Leader) has issued a warrant for their arrest. Our citizens think he is being framed.

1. Fire and extradite him to (Civ Noun) (+2 unhappiness in all cities +5 relations boost with (Civ Leader)

2. Fire him but try him in our own country (+1 Unhappiness in all cities, +1 Relations boost with (civ leader))

3. Refuse to take action. (-5 relations with (Civ leader)+4 happiness in all cities) in addition 20% chance for (civ leader) declaring war.

Here's my second


There is a group of university students who are protesting our government's policies. There is scattered talk of revolution.

1. They're probably all just stoned, when they come down things will get better (nothing happens 40% chance of next event occurring)

2. Fine them severely and take the leaders to prison :)gold: is added to treasury 30% of next event happening)

3. Make an example of them, execute them all for treason! (+:mad: for university in all cities temporarily, 20% chance of next event occurring it'll need another benefit besides the decreased chances of the next event)
And my third (sorry for the double post)

Our actions against the protesters have only fanned the flames of revolution the students have barricaded the city and have recruited others to their cause they are rising up against our government!

only one choice

1. One more day till revolution, we will nip it in the bud... (1 turn of disorder in effected city, a small-lare group of barbarians appears outside of said city based on it's level of unhappiness.

I have listened to Les Mis one to many times I think

What do you guys think?
If I understand correctly, Solver's events are included in the 3.13 patch. So we do not have to load it as a mod anymore? Is that right?
On the upside, now that the patch is out, I will be making a new batch of events, so fans of random events will again have more :)
On the upside, now that the patch is out, I will be making a new batch of events, so fans of random events will again have more :)

Great! :goodjob:
On the upside, now that the patch is out, I will be making a new batch of events, so fans of random events will again have more :)
That's good news. Please keep one thing in mind for us since I just had to go through and fix this for every one of the existing official events... The current 'Firaxis Method' of scaling the number of required goals is to use the number of default players for a map. That's all fine and dandy unless you like crowded maps and mod the world size files so you don't have to change it in-game everytime. So I ended up with maps with more civs AND higher requirements at the same time, it was getting tough to build 10 harbors/libraries/forges on a standard map where most civs had no more than four cities.

Cheap hacks :mad:

Anyway, my fix was also a cheap hack. Maybe I'll come up with a proper fix and send it to you, unless you come up with something first.
New ideas:

Trigger: Paper
Carthographer from [City] revised and compiled maps of the known World.
1: Congratulate the cartographer for his efforts and distribute his maps. : Upgrade the view of all tiles, that were already explored by are covered by fog of war.

I don’t know if an event like that is possible to script. You can modify it by for example adding an extra trade route to city that triggered the event. Or maybe you could get maps of other nations for a few gold?

Trigger: Every city you control has Barracks. Peace.
With adequate military facilities located through [Nationality] Empire our armies conducted massive war games. Experience gained this way is as close actual battlefield practice as possible.
1: Great! : All military units gain +1 experience.

This was inspired by Literacy event from the main game.

Ancient Metropolis Quest
Prereq: Grow up a size 12 city before medieval age.
Cities are the backbone of civilization. They are what differ us from nomads and barbarians.
1 : Citizens of [City] should never be hungry nor miserable. Greatest metropolis will grow and develop even further. : +2 :health: and +1 :) for [City]
2: All roads lead to [City] : +1 :traderoute: and +2 :culture: for [City]
3: Conscript an army so vast that the ground will tremble under their feet : Gain X draftable units (axemen in most cases.)

This quest might be interesting but tricky to balance. If you want to make it a bit tougher you may require the city to be free of unhealthiness and agry citizens. (Or maybe it is notrequired but provides an extra reward) Or maybe the city should control at least one world wonder? Other appropriate rewards for this quest are +X% :gp: or some free buildings. This quest could use a better flavor text.

Trigger: Calendar. State religion.
Current year may be interpreted in [Religion] calendar as the date of foreseen end of the world. Dread is already spreading among the worshippers.
1: Well, I guess we’ll see looters and flagellants on the streets. : 1 turn of anarchy. Temporary 4 “ferment unhappiness” :mad: in all cities with state religion.
2: Attempt to calm the worshippers. : Pay some :gold:. Temporary 2 “ferment unhappiness” :mad: in all cities with state religion.
3: Assign considerable funds and political power to [Religion] authorities. With divine guidance they will handle the event. : Pay much more :gold: : Temporary 1 “ferment unhappiness” :mad: in all cities with state religion. Gain free priest specialist in each city with [state religion] cathedral and one extra city.

It would be great if these :mad: were “ferment unhappiness” instead of usual “whip” :mad:. If that is impossible to script the amount of :mad: should be lessened. Other funny idea for option 3 is free change of Religious civic to Theocracy. Spreading the religion is also not bad idea. This could be a world wide event.

How do you like my new ideas?
General comment: I’ve played a couple games with this MOD and liked it very much. Only one event seems completely out of place. “Healing Plants”. It happens much too early (In most cases before 3000 BC, nearly always before I found my second city) and it’s effects are a bit too strong. Maybe you should tone it down a little and delay it at least to Renaissance Era? (I find it difficult to believe that nation-wide test on human subjects were possible earlier). If you want an early event similar to “Healing Plant” you might something like “King is suffering an unknown disease. Sage/Witch claims to know the cure.” :)health: and/or :science: bonuses to Palace?)
There's a variable in GlobalAssets.xml - called something like EVENT_PROBABILITY_DIE_SIDES or along those lines. It's at 100. If you set it to a lower number, you'll get more events - though I wouldn't recommend anything less than 50.

It is the GlobalDefines.xml file.
Im working on small event group- Peasant Unrest; more than willing to give as an event:)
Requires Civ to be in Monarchy, Serfdom; have access to Wheat; have built Forbidden Palace; have researched Monarchy, Engineering, Feudalism.

It consists of 2 stages:
1. Bread Riots!- Peasants riot in X city over perceived lack of bread
- Feed the Masses! (-100%:food: in city, -100:gold:)
- Let them riot. Then hang the ringleaders. (-50%:food: in city, 2xTurn Anarchy; some improvements damaged)
- Crush those rebel scum! How dare they disturb Our Peace! (1xTurns Anarchy, +2:mad:, Garrison immobile to deal with "rebels"; many improvements damaged)

The third option above will eventually (3-5 turns later) cause a serious event:
2. Peasant Rebellion!- The peasants have revolted! Serious disruptions to the food supply have caused the peasants to forget their place! Violence & looting has broken out in the countryside around X city.
- F***! Why now!? Give them what they want, we're busy! (-100%:food: in City, -50%:gold: of Civ; 2-3 improvements in City radius destroyed)
- Let them come! The cowards will flee as soon as they see our mighty army! (4-6 improvements in city radius destroyed. Army of 5-8 units (Pikemen, Catapults, Archers) appears near city)

I have the first part (Bread riots) almost ready.

Bread Riots XML:
This is the very first event ive made, using Solvers excellent guide. Im including here for all those who want to see exactly what you can change to achieve a simple, basic event. Everything in Bold are my changes. Thanks Solver!

CivEventsInfo entry:
Spoiler :



CivEventTriggerInfos entry:
Spoiler :





CIV4GameText_Events_BTS entry:
Spoiler :
<English>Bread riots have broken out in the %s1_civ_adjective city of %s2_city!</English>
<English>The peasants have rioted for bread in %s2_city! The city and its surrounds are in danger of violence and looting. </English>
<English>Feed the masses! Empty the granaries and distribute the stores in an organised manner, whatever the cost!</English>
<English>We can ride this out. Let them have their fun, then secretly arrest and hang the leaders as examples.</English>
<English>Crush these unworthy scum! How dare they disturb Our divine peace of mind!</English>
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