[BTS] The History of Three Kingdoms

Good Job geauxsaints! Cao Cao can get really tough... sounds like you managed to get the better of him though!
At least you took Chang An early on though (from the sound of it) because that city can make the Luo Yang you encountered look like house of cards!

The soundtrack is at least partially from ROTK XI. I think some of the other songs are from totally different source. And I agree, the soundtrack is awesome!
yeah, I can't imagine trying to do that on a harder difficulty. I did take Chang An really early. Ma Teng and Han Sui did a lot of damage to Chang An and I snuck in and took it. Typical ROTK tactic. Let a war develop and then attack.
Actually, I managed to do a diplo/domination victory in the patch before legions (i.e. even harder without any heroes to help) with Liu Zhang in monarch. The keys obviously are to get Liu Biao to vassalize to you (just involve him against wars with Sun Ce, be the fisherman who picks up the pieces after Ma Teng and Han Sui war with Li Jue. The Nan Man war elephant is the most powerful unit in the map, I haven't built it recently but with Royal Hunting Field and access to elephants from Meng Huo, you should be able to do it.
I am playing with the most recent patch - since I loaded it I have two leaders with pictures of Sid, which is fine, but they must be coded differently as they are asking me to change religion or to gift a technology every single turn. All the other ones go away for a while.
I am playing with the most recent patch - since I loaded it I have two leaders with pictures of Sid, which is fine, but they must be coded differently as they are asking me to change religion or to gift a technology every single turn. All the other ones go away for a while.

yeah that happened in my game with Gongsun Zan and Lu Bu's faction
My laptop got stolen yesterday while I was at work...I redownloaded the game on my old laptop, but man, it can barely play on "LOW".

Criminals piss me off.
My laptop got stolen yesterday while I was at work...I redownloaded the game on my old laptop, but man, it can barely play on "LOW".

Criminals piss me off.

Well I do wish there was a 'low' powered version of this game. Late in the game there is just too much going on for my machine to take. (sigh) Sad that you still need a screaming, pimped out game godzilla to play a strategy turn based game. :(
At least the mod is significantly better than most of the other major ones out there... for some of those you need to sell your soul to get a computer powerful enough!

Performance wise, I believe this mod should get top rating :goodjob:
At least the mod is significantly better than most of the other major ones out there... for some of those you need to sell your soul to get a computer powerful enough!

Performance wise, I believe this mod should get top rating :goodjob:

I agree...which makes getting "almost" to the end of a game that much more disheartening when I can't finish it.
Still crashes though...:(

What you've got seems to be a VISTA specific bug. I've tested you save on my machine and it works fine.

I have asked xxhe to test your save on his machine.

I have tested this version thoroughly. I could say on winXP it would work flawlessly. If my machine is Vista, it would be better.
I can confirm that the game crashes with Vista. Hopefully it gets fixed soon!
Maybe it's because I updated my Vista 64-bit just last week. I can't wait till my free upgrade of Windows 7 comes and crashes every program I use daily.:lol:
I confirm that it also crashes a lot on xp for 81_81 196AD map. I was playing as Liu Bei. Every time i (or even Cao Cao) was capturing one of Lu Bu's cities , there was 50% chance it crashed ..

as for 81_81 200AD map, it was all good. weird :/
Is there any news on the Vista crash?
CTD bug still there (see bug reports in dev thread). It seems that when you eradicate a faction this happens. Maybe it's got something to do with how you're handling the heroes who are in the captured/razed city or the ones you've already captured? (In my case Zang Ba was captured, and Cao Ren was about to be captured) No crash happened when I razed the cities of Zhang Yang and the Heishan Bandits. A similar crash happened with the last beta when I lost an army leader in battle but without losing a city.
Ok, patch B is out: http://sanguoforciv4.googlecode.com/files/HoTK V2.5 Patch B.exe

start a new game recommended.

fix list:

0.306: fix: fix a bug when capture the last city of an enemy CTD may occur
fix a screen bug a captured hero displayed as recruitable
fix a bug when there's only one unit in army, selecting nine transformation promotion results in army dismissed
fix a bug in 194AD map some heroes do not appear properly
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