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[BTS] Total War 0.93 (Beta Test Version)

Do i have to download the whole file, if i already have version 0.98?
I get a lot of MAF.
I have tried to turn on logging, but each time the error occur the log file is over 2 GB. Any good programs out there to open a log file of that size? I have tried Editpad (limit 2GB).

After the crash I can start from last save and play ahead of the MAF.

jojoweb: Will a log file be any help to detect this error?
I get a lot of MAF.
I have tried to turn on logging, but each time the error occur the log file is over 2 GB. Any good programs out there to open a log file of that size? I have tried Editpad (limit 2GB).

After the crash I can start from last save and play ahead of the MAF.

jojoweb: Will a log file be any help to detect this error?

Rar compression makes the file very smaller ;-). And i confirm that this text file is needed to detect the bug.
Rar compression makes the file very smaller ;-). And i confirm that this text file is needed to detect the bug.

I had no idea by how much.
You got mail. 3 log files from MAF on Windows Vista x64.

Other than the MAF i like the mod very much
Two things, which i noticed.

AI civs, trade technologies, with a great malus for my techs (e.g. have to give techs for 500 to get one for 300), is this the way it should happen?

Also, i noticed that the game crashes quite often, if i have firefox browser open. If i close it it runs quite stable.

i got MAF message when loading save file all the times but after i removed those .FPK files which are in total over 1GB size, saved game can be loaded successfully. actually what are inside .fpk files? is the game still playable till end without those files? can you reduce size of .fpk files?

Some more Feedback about Epidemics. They are unplayable ;)
The Feature may be nice, but the execution is catastrophical. I played a good game until about 1400 AD, when Yellow Fever and Plague came along. First they ravaged through the AI Empires, which reduced them mainly to 1 Population Metropoles -.-, then it also came to my Empire and wasn´t to go until 1600 when i finally quit the game.

Simply it ruins the game in every aspect, even through the information system, since every rounds thirty to fifty Plague Informations are displayed together with the annoying sounds.
I hope you can change this a bit, until then i adivse everyone to play without Epidemics.

I wonder, has anyone here similiary experiences with the Epidemics feature?
What one can do about epidemics is simple. Keep health high, don't trade with the AI [even if it brings you bonuses and wealth, the risk of an early tuberculosis striking your specialist capital is really high] and curfew your cities.

The MAFs and consistent crashes are really annoying. I started in a really good location with sulphur, iron, silk, rice, and two crabs but I can't proceed beyond a certain point because of crashes. Other than that, this mod is excellent. I love the slaves and trading posts idea and the concept in general.

One more thing, if any help is needed with translations, I can help since I can speak some French.
What one can do about epidemics is simple. Keep health high, don't trade with the AI [even if it brings you bonuses and wealth, the risk of an early tuberculosis striking your specialist capital is really high] and curfew your cities.

I curfewed and even quarantained, trade was broken from the other civs already after the first infections, but since the infection rate was so high, for every city healed, two others were infected. Nearly the whole world was decimated by it ..

But i naturally agree with you, this mod is unbelievable in its options and diversity.
Nice looking Mod. Like alot of the concepts in it. Wouldn't mind seeing a warning when there are units availble to buy.

I keep getting either crashes or memory allocation errors. Hoping this is just a beta issue.

Thanks for the work.
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