Bug Reports

I am not sure if this is happening with many of the civilizations or not, but when I found a city with the Ottomans, there seems to be something that resembles a giant Ger that comes up for a second, then disappears. Not sure if this is something with the new version or if it has been this way.

:Edit: Oh, and yeah, I'm not seeing any villages or what not past the classical age, either (I am not using Blue Marble).

This is using 0.9.6 non-light version.
Here's another issue I've been having... every once in awhile I'll get an error message, but the error message is like... behind the game, and until I can click the error message (and I cannot do so unless I do a hidden combination of Alt + Tabs and Ctrl + Alt + Deletes and then pixel-hunting) I cannot resume the game. So it's either I do that or I restart my computer. Anyway... it's pretty troublesome. I am not exactly sure what is causing it, but I have captured an instance of it (in the attached auto-save file).

Just to make sure you mimic exactly what I did, do the following during that turn: contact Wang Kong, ask what he wants for Ironworking, reject his proposal, then ask, "What will you give me for this?" He should tag Fishing onto Ironworking. Hit accept, then end the turn. Once I end the turn, I get the crash.

This will happen every now and then, and happened in previous versions, too. It does not seem to happen on my laptop, so it might just have to do with my desktop computer (this computer will also occasionally get a "Windows No Disc" error [which shows up on the screen, unlike the mystery error], which makes no sense since 3.19 doesn't need a disc).

Again, this is 0.9.6 (non-light). The only modification I have made to the XML files is the fix that Achilles posted for the Spartan.

:Edit: This save, too, evidently (after hitting end turn)...


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I am not sure if this is happening with many of the civilizations or not, but when I found a city with the Ottomans, there seems to be something that resembles a giant Ger that comes up for a second, then disappears. Not sure if this is something with the new version or if it has been this way.

Not a problem. Ottomans, for some reason have always used mongol settlers, and thats what they do. Its exactly the same animation as the mongol Camp unit in Warlords' Mongol scenario. However I will take that model away from the Ottomans, they should use a mid-eastern settler.
Phungus, more button wierdness. Playing as the mongols. The mongol scout, horseman, and spearman seem to show different buttons in different places. Fo r instance the spearman shows the default spearman button in game screen and the right ethnic button for it shows up in the city build menu. The opposite is true for the scout. Any idea as to what might cause this behavior?

EDIT: All button paths are correct. The spearman is of note as it uses same double/atlas button reference for BtS Eurasian Spearman. So i would be inclined to believe it has nothing to do with incorrect art defines.
Yeah, I must have replaced the LoR ini with a new one, it loads custom assets. That's probably the problem with your saves alsark, you're probably getting a conflict from something in your custom assets. Will fix this on the main release. No problems detected in either of those saves.

I'm not fully understanding your issue with the buttons achilleszero. That sounds like standard BtS behavior, the ethnic buttons only show up in the city build queue, for all other purposes BtS displays the default.


For those of you experiencing problems set NoCustomAssets and NoCustomArt to 1 in the LoR ini file, found in the main LoR folder. This will keep LoR from loading any extranious modded content into the game (which will cause conflicts if it does it).
Unfortunately I had a barbarian rising very early and they wiped my only two cities out. I was then given the choice to take over another civ or not. I chose not and was respawned with one settler and a lion??? See attached save. I'm assuming this really ain't intended. Would make a great civ mascot though. :D



  • Lion.CivBeyondSwordSave
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it's not exaclty a bug, but I'm getting memory allocation errors with some map scripts, if I select larger sizes. for example, for PerfectWorld DCM 201 on large. if it refers to ram, which I think it does, it wonders me, since I have comfortable 4 gb. or this mod is really resource intensive.

any tips what I can do?
it's not exaclty a bug, but I'm getting memory allocation errors with some map scripts, if I select larger sizes. for example, for PerfectWorld DCM 201 on large. if it refers to ram, which I think it does, it wonders me, since I have comfortable 4 gb. or this mod is really resource intensive.

any tips what I can do?

Its not that intensive, not with 4gb RAM. What about your video card? So its on some maps but not others? Exactly how far along in the game are you getting before MAFs occur?
Its not that intensive, not with 4gb RAM. What about your video card? So its on some maps but not others? Exactly how far along in the game are you getting before MAFs occur?

it occurs when the map is created for the first time, I enclosed a screenshot.

I just tried and it did work with large size, though it took quite some time, but failed at huge map size. other map sizes do work with huge, though they may not be as large in script. maybe that particular map script creates particularly big maps that the system cannot handle. I tried Perfect World 2 in huge with the revdcm mod on and that worked also.

video card should also not be the problem, I have a HD 4870. granted, those 4gb are not totally used, since I never got around to a 64 bit os, but it's still some 3,5 which should more than suffice.

tbh, it's not such a big issue, since I rarely play such overly big maps, but I was just curious and I might want to play it some time. and I did make good experiences with the script. the last map I played yielded some very nice continents with a series of smaller and bigger islands thrown in.


  • MEF1.jpg
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Yes perfect world is the best map script out there (except for the damned resource placement), and everyone should have the right to play it!:).

But this is strange to get MAFs on loading. Even I can at least generate a huge map at start of game , and your computer is like 637 times as powerful. Im not sure if civ is actually uses all 4gb of your RAM, but still with half or less than that you should atleast get to load a map. Not sure whhats going on. Hopefully some else can shed some light.
PerfectWorld maps are great (never mind the resources; it's the damn mid-continent desert wastes that bug me). The issue might be that PerfectWorld maps are larger than default BTS maps, so you should play one size down from what your computer can usually handle.
PerfectWorld maps are great (never mind the resources; it's the damn mid-continent desert wastes that bug me). The issue might be that PerfectWorld maps are larger than default BTS maps, so you should play one size down from what your computer can usually handle.

Did not know that, hmm. Thought they were the same size.

The deserts thing is a pain. It may actually be kindof realistic but it ruins gameplay. Ive tikered with the PW settings but it either marginally helps or totally ruins the map. Deserts should somehow be more useful. How am I supposed to simulate any mid-east civ, egypt, or Pheonix, AZ, or Vegas.
In my recent and very long game (still version 0.9.5), the very powerful Celts made a Permanent Alliance with the weak Chinese. Now, I had pooled a lot of espionage points against the Celts, about 70.000, but only 8.000 against China. As they formed their alliance, my EPs were suddenly bumped back to roughly 8.000 for BOTH nations. Has this bug been observed before?
That's a bug yea. There are three possible places this is coming from. It is either a bug introduced in the 3.19 patch for BtS, it could be a bug introduced by the unofficial patch, or it is a bug introduced by RevDCM. Either way this is something jdog should be made aware of. You should post a save and description of this bug in the main RevDCM thread. Also I have a sneaking suspicion this is caused by the UP, and not revolutions, so this is probably a major bug effecting tens of thousands of users, as the UP is packaged in everything.
Hi. Don't know if this is a bug by definition but I'll will report anyway.

Since this mod intents to emulate a comercial viable expansion pack somehow, I think something need balance on the revolutions aspect.

I've played 3 full games (all on Emperor, 8 nations, 2 continents, stardart map size) and saw 70% of the CPU Civs involved in revolutions too frequently. Honestly, in all games I saw no dificulty in controlling the revolution aspect of the game, I didn't even have to change the way I've used to play. In the other continent, that created such an unbalance for power that a single nation, the only one not affected by any revolution, dominated quickly the whole continent.

Now, in the last game I often used editor to see how the other Civs were doing, to point what could be the problem and something hit me:

Was the AI changed to give any special atention to revolutions? Becouse, the way I know the CPU plays (don't give a damn about expanding quickly cos it have almost no effect to them, don't give a damn to keeping cities healthy, they always irrigate all the way and grow as much as possible) doesn't contribute to stability in this mod. And in editor I saw a great deal of cities with unhealthy faces, empires expanding quickly, unhappiness faces (who cares when we are at slavery civic and can pop buildings with the cost of population?), translating: the CPU playing like... the CPU! They've never cared about health or happiness as much as they do when it cames to stay military safe or leading the science run.

I saw some pathetic things like Greeks rebeling into Arabs, Arabs rebeling into Incas, and Incas rebeling into Egiptians. What tha hell? With each rebelion, the already tiny Civs became more and more tiny, and STILL rebelling? How dificult is to keep your capital and just 1 or 2 more cities without rebelling?

That just ruined the game, as 1 medium nation in the end became 4 insignificant pieces of culture scattered in the map with no good reason, and I don't need to mention how the 4 got pawned by not only a much larger force, but also advanced, since the 4 researchs sucked. To kill barbarians was more dificult.

I think this aspect of the mod needs to be treated ASAP so a revolution should occur only in cases of extreme isolation, extreme religion issues and extreme population differences. That's what I expect of the CPU when I play a game on Emperor mode. Not just a bunch of tiny ridiculous Civs poping when its so damn easy to keep cities under control.

Best reggards.
I'll bring this up with jdog, I think the RevIdx needs to scale with difficulty, like other aspects of the game.
Actually this is within my level of stuff I could do. So after RevDCM gets updated, if jdog doesn't pick it up, I'll add some difficulty scaling to Revolutions. It will be a while, as I'm definatly going to wait for the next RevDCM update, and then I need to code it, but it will get done by a 1.0 release.
Francis I leaderhead glitch and do not load properly. Sometimes it give me an empty pink-like panel, sometimes he got mispalced eyes or.. arms.

For some reason in the last game Lenin disappeared. He call himself "Lenin of Russia" but now it is Cath in all - traits, head and behaviour. Don't know if this is a "revolution effect" but if I'm not wrong no revolution happened until now to the russian, so it's strange.

The "stop bothering us!" option works strange. You must give it back each time you load the game and you must click on it twice for make it work: the first time it looks like he didn't take the command but give you the "ok" answer anyway.

cuirassier button is missing and instead dispay pink square.
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