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[BUG] submarine pecuilarities (visible to cities)


Sep 24, 2010
A submarine is supposed to be invisible to all units except other submarines and destroyers. I'm not sure what the intended behaviour is, but submarines are visible to cities. If they are within a few tiles of cities the ai's city and other units can target them, including archers and frigates.

Even though they are invisible moving them into another civ's territory when you don't have a open borders agreement would cause you to declare war. Again i'm not sure if this is the intended behaviour or not. It was originally like this in Civ4 but was later changed to be allowed without declaring war. Submarines are also noticed by city states as trespassing in their territory when they should have no means of detecting them.

I'm not sure if these are bugs or just behaviours that don't mesh with how submarine's behaved in civ4.
I've had submarines near enemy cities, or in some cases next to them, they have never been shot.
If [the submarines] are within a few tiles of cities the ai's city and other units can target them, including archers and frigates.

Archers hunting the Red October. Ouch. :lol:

No city should be allowed to see submarines (until too late). This is the real thing.
I did some more experimenting. It seems the ai can only see the sub and attack it if they have a unit or city in a hex directly adjacent to the sub. Once they know you are there though any ranged unit can attack. Is this the desired behaviour or is it a bug? I can post a save file if that would be helpfull.
In the save there are two subs. One is beside enemy units already and will get shot at and the other is two hexes away from a city. If you move it one closer it will get shot otherwise it will not.


  • cityshootingsub.Civ5Save
    904.9 KB · Views: 173
This isn't unique to cities. I tested with a frigate off on its own. If the sub is two hexes away it seems to be okay but if it is directly beside then it will get fired on. New save file with this shown.


  • unitshootingsub.Civ5Save
    903 KB · Views: 225
I have had a submarine under the ice get shot at by barbarian archers when it was close to a barbarian encampment which I think is probably the same bug.
I've had submarines near enemy cities, or in some cases next to them, they have never been shot.

"Enemy" cities implies that you're at war with the Civ in question. "Rival" Civs' cultural waters should be fair game for unhindered submarine exploration. I just discovered what Thighzen alluded to, and this apparent departure from Civ4 really should be addressed.
sorry if this thing (bug ?)
has already been reported.

More generally, why submarines are attacked by the cities in the absence of destroyers nearby ?
Thanks for reporting this problem. It's already been confirmed as a bug. I'll merge this into the master thread.

Moderator Action: Thread merged.
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