Build queus Phobos 1872


Nov 20, 2001
I've made the build-queus and a screenshot but I'll update the city summaries later this week.

I don't see any major threats anymore to justify the production of mech inf for this province so I've taken these from the queus. The English will be gone soon and the Zulus are pathetic. :D

The Holy Duck Pond
Currently building mass transit and this will take another 34 turns so that'll be a while unless at some point rushbuying is decided. After that maybe freights so when we can produce SS parts these freights can be used to speed that up.

Mass transit will be ready in 2 turns. I suggest to build a mfg plant as this will boost production in this city. After this either 2 freights to complete the trade routes or else SS parts.

Athenae is building superhighways this will take 10 turn till completion. After this I recommend mass transit as pollution is beginning to show.

Fort Pornstar
Battleships production yard, what can I say more, rehome those battleships though people are unhappy when their loved ones are gone. Hate to see those :( faces....

Rushbuilding can be done here as production is low but trade is potentially huge: superhighways, mass transit, airport, factory. The pace of rushbuilding is up to the president.

Rushbuilding can be done here as production is low but trade is potentially huge: superhighways, mass transit, airport, factory. The pace of rushbuilding is up to the president.

Pellaken Bay
Building bank for the next 18 turns to increase income maybe stock exchange and superhighways after that. But by then we'll be building SS parts so maybe some rushbuilding? It's up to the prez....

Discussions about these build queus are now open to everyone!!

Screenshot of Phobos in 1872:
Aaargh! Pollution! We need to get one of those engineers at the top of the screenshot down to clean it up. I know we're ages away from it actually counting against our score but the AI civs are devils for creating even more as soon as they have Industrialisation so anything we may produce is going to go towards global warming and that's never good news (apart from the Midgard scenario according to Tim ;)).

I am glad that you have mentioned the need for caravans to build the SS parts as I remembered that last night and meant to mention it today. A large stockpile of freights will make SS production much faster. :goodjob:
I know that you have said to remove mech infantry from the production queues but I still say that there is a chance of land barbs right in the centre of the island on those unimproved squares you can see at the left hand side of the screenshot. We don't have stealths to massacre any uprisings so I'd like some engineers to road the squares as barbs never appear on improved terrain or within city radii. We are past the age of ship barbs so with all the squares improved then we need not fear barbs on our home continent. Roads are the quickest improvements and I think that for peace of mind we should let the engineers build some on all unimproved squares outsdie the city radii. :goodjob:
Freights can be used to build SS parts too??!!! That'll teach me to play on Bloodlust :o

Time for a bit of Spammering: has anyone else noticed that Kevholm & Becka-Becka are almost completely the same? :groucho: even down to the food production :D ;)
Well they can't be used directly, but since the SS parts are grouped with wonders and the palace then you can switch between them without any loss of shields (like improvements and units). Therefore you start a wonder, deliver a caravan to it in the usual way and can then transfer the 50 shields to a SS part and allow the city to finish however many shields are needed! :goodjob:
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