Building ConstructSounds Pack


Zeppelin Commander
Aug 2, 2009
Building ConstructSounds Pack
by Supercheese​

Note: These sounds are included in RoM 2.8 (and newer) by default!

Greetings, fellow denizens of the Rise of Mankind forum!

I very much enjoy RoM, but there are a few things I would like to see improved. In one case, I saw an opportunity to assist with improving buildings' Construct Sounds -- you know, the sounds that play when the game says "You have constructed <buildingname> in <cityname>. What would you like to build now?" Those.

Anyway, as I played through the game my first few times, I noticed that some buildings had very odd construct-sounds (such as the Sewer System having the Library sound), and that bothered me.
As I progressed further, I noticed that other buildings had no construct-sounds at all (Jail, Naval Academy, etc.), and that also bothered me.

Instead of sitting there being bothered, I decided to do something about it. So, I made a whole bunch of new construct sounds!

You can download the new sounds pack here: (25 MB)

This ConstructSounds.rar contains all the new sounds I made. Extract this .rar to your RoM directory to install the base sound files. Please note I have changed the new religions' construct sounds; you will be asked to overwrite the 4 existing sounds (OlympDink.wav, RaDink.wav, ToltecDink.wav and ZoroDink.wav) in RoM's Assets\Sounds\Units directory. These should be the ONLY overwrites you will need to perform when installing the base sound files.

All sounds were edited & mixed using Audacity. I used sounds from a variety of sources, including, the Civ4 sound effects, SimCity 3000, and Caesar IV.

Of course, those are just .wav files. One also must add XML definitions:

Attached to this post is XMLAdditions.rar, which contains additions to the Audio2DScripts.xml and AudioDefines.xml files. Please note that these are NOT replacement files, but rather chunks of XML intended to be copy/pasted within the aforementioned files.
This .rar is intended for those who may have already made modifications to their Audio2DScripts and/or AudioDefines files since RoM 2.71. In order to get the ConstructSounds to actually show up in-game, however, one must either manually change the <ConstructSound> tags in the CIV4BuildingInfos.xml file, or... can download the XMLComplete.rar file, which contains the FULL Audio2DScripts.xml, AudioDefines.xml, and CIV4BuildingInfos.xml files. These files are based off RoM 2.71, and installing this .rar by extracting to your RoM directory and overwriting any existing should only be done if you have not modified any of these files since 2.71. After installation (clearing your cache would also be good), the new ConstructSounds should show up in-game! (The ONLY things that have been changed are the <ConstructSound> tags.)

Below is a (large) list of all changes to building construct sounds included in this pack:

Spoiler :
The following buildings/wonders now have their own new & unique Construct Sounds:

Advanced Shielding
Airport [Commercial Airport retains old Airport sound]
Alchemist's Lab
Aluminium Factory
Amusement Park
Archery Range
Arcology Shielding
Artesian Well
Bath House
Bioenhancement Center
Cement Mill
Circus Maximus
Cloning Factory
Commercial Port
Computer Network
Convention Center
Deep Space Research Institute
Doctor's Office
Drydock [Shipyard retains old Drydock sound]
Fisherman's Hut
Flak Tower
Food Processing Plant
Guild Hall
Healer's Hut
Incubation Center
Info Net
Intelligence Agency
International Port
Civilized Jewelers' Store
Knight's Stable
Manufacturing Plant
Military Airbase
Mind Control Center
Mind Storage
Movie Theatre
Naval Academy
Oil Refinery
Olympic Games
Opera House
Orbital Factory
Orbital Hotel
Personal Rapid Train
Police Station
Press Agency
Public Transportation
Radar Station
River Port
Rubber Factory
Sacrificial Altar
Siege Workshop
Slave Market
National Sports League
Sid's Sushi Restaurant
Technological Capitol
Telephone Network
Toll House
Native American Totem Pole
Universal Translator
Vacation Resort
Water Treatment Plant
West Point

The following buildings/wonders have had their Construct Sounds changed:

- Meeting Hall changed to GuildHall
- Bomb Shelter changed to Bunker
- Anti-Missile Batteries changed to Bunker
- Irrigation Canals changed to Aqueduct
- Ottoman Hammam changed to BathHouse
- Pharmacy changed to DoctorsOffice
- Carthage Cothon changed to Harbor
- Customs House changed to TollHouse
- Portuguese Feitoria changed to TollHouse
- Foundry changed to Ironworks
- Nanite Lab changed to Nanofactory
- Android Factory changed to CloningFactory
- Cereal Mills Factory changed to FoodProcessing
- Standard Ethanol Distillery changed to OilRefinery
- Creative Constructions Office changed to Skyscraper
- Mining Inc Office changed to PressAgency
- Aluminium Co R & D changed to Laboratory
- Filling Factory changed to ManufacturingPlant
- Chemical Plant changed to OilRefinery
- Coal Plant changed to CoalPlant (from Vanilla Civ4)
- Oil Plant changed to OilRefinery
- Byzantine Hippodrome changed to CircusMaximus
- Artist Guild changed to Theatre
- Maya Ball Court changed to SacrificialAltar
- Babylonian Garden changed to Park
- Roman Forum changed to Agora
- Persian Apothecary changed to HealersHut
- Supermarket changed to Supermarket
- Shopping District changed to Mall
- Aztec Sacrificial Altar changed to SacrificialAltar
- Iroquois Longhouse changed to TotemPole
- Sumerian Ziggurat changed to Obelisk (Monument)
- Indian Mausoleum changed to Jail
- Security Center changed to IntelligenceAgency
- Dutch Dike changed to FishingHut
- Security Bureau changed to IntelligenceAgency
- Design Studio changed to ComputerNetwork
- Quantum Lab changed to Accelerator
- Paradise Garden changed to Park
- Heroic Epic changed to Colossus
- National Epic changed to Obelisk (Monument)
- Globe Theatre changed to Theatre
- National Park changed to Park
- Oxford University changed to University
- Wall Street changed to PressAgency
- Mt Rushmore changed to Park
- Red Cross changed to Hospital
- Centers for Disease Control changed to Hospital
- Cure for Cancer changed to Hospital
- Himeji Castle changed to Castle
- Edison's Workshop changed to Laboratory
- Einstein's Laboratory changed to Laboratory
- Adam Smith's Trading Company changed to GreatLibrary
- Leonardo's Workshop changed to Oracle
- National Courier system changed to Stable
- Magellan's Voyage changed to Drydock (vanilla Civ4)
- Radio Telescope changed to BroadcastTower
- Secret Army Base changed to MilitaryAirbase
- SETI Program changed to ComputerNetwork
- Silicon Valley changed to ComputerNetwork
- Sun Tzu's Art of War changed to Colossus
- Supercollider changed to Accelerator
- Theatre of Dionysus changed to Theatre
- Theory of Evolution changed to Parthenon
- Treasury changed to Bank
- VR Theater changed to InfoNet
- World News Network changed to PressAgency
- Naval Yard changed to DeepSpaceResearch
- Computer Center changed to Computer Network
- Advanced Quality Control changed to InfoNet
- Space Elevator changed to OrbitalHotel
- Theory of Everything changed to TechCapitol
- Manhattan Project changed to Bunker

- All Hellenic, Zoroastrian, Egyptian, and Toltec religious buildings now have their proper religious construct sounds.

Any buildings not mentioned above have not had their ConstructSounds changed; they are fine as they are, in my opinion.

Well, that's about it. To review (a.k.a. tl;dr):

- This is an audio-only modmod that adds new construct sounds for buildings, and updates the new religions' build sounds. Nothing else is changed.
- To install, download ConstructSounds.rar (link above) and XMLComplete.rar (attached) -- assuming you haven't edited AudioDefines, Audio2DScripts, or CIV4BuildingInfos since RoM 2.71 -- and extract to your RoM folder, overwriting when prompted.

- If you have edited AudioDefines.xml or Audio2DScripts.xml since 2.71, then download XMLAdditions.rar (attached) and copy/paste the additions into their respective parent files.
- If you have edited CIV4BuildingInfos.xml since 2.71, then your best recourse is to re-make those same changes to the CIV4BuildingInfos.xml within XMLComplete.rar (attached). This will likely be easier than going through and editing all the <ConstructSound> tags in your current file!

And that's it! If you like the new sounds, then thank you, and good night!


  • XMLAdditions.rar
    3.5 KB · Views: 124
  • XMLComplete.rar
    70.9 KB · Views: 98
It's not night here yet, but...

Excellent work for these. I must admit, I was lazy with my construct sounds for my modmods too. I think I used the granary sound over and over.

The aesthetics in the game are almost as important as the game mechanics themselves. I hope Zappara adds these to RoM 2.8.

Oh, and I took a quick look at the audio files... hehe I remember the Casino Sound effect from Sim City. I loved that game.
It's not night here yet, but...

Excellent work for these. I must admit, I was lazy with my construct sounds for my modmods too. I think I used the granary sound over and over.

The aesthetics in the game are almost as important as the game mechanics themselves. I hope Zappara adds these to RoM 2.8.

Oh, and I took a quick look at the audio files... hehe I remember the Casino Sound effect from Sim City. I loved that game.

Well, I suppose it wasn't night here either when I typed that... but I liked how it sounded! :p

Anyway, it's not like you had much of a choice when adding modular buildings, since sounds cannot be added modular-ly. There isn't really a good "City Park" sound in vanilla Civ4...
This is a great addtion Supercheese.:goodjob: Zappara should add these to 2.8.
Welcome to CFC:beer:.
Sorry to double post, but I just noticed that I accidentally included the file "Jail-old1.wav" in the Buildings folder within the sounds download. While its presence doesn't actually affect anything other than the download's filesize, it annoys me that I overlooked it.
Anyways, please feel free to delete it.
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