Bulgarian mod

Well, I am certainly intrested in a Bulgarian mode for BTS!! And about helping out, well I am a Computer Engineer by education and calling, and though my specialty is in hardware and networks I am willing to help out with what I can. Tell me what you need help with so I will know if I can help or not
I've been longing for Civ4 to have Bulgaria.
Here's a suggestion for a unique unit:
Hayduk- (replaces musketman)
Strenght-9 Movement-1
Starts with Guerilla I and Woodsman I.
When I run part 1 it says it cannot find the 2nd volume and I need to insert a disk- what do I do?
What about hayduks and revolutionaries during the late 1700's and 1800's before the liberation from Russia?
Hi everyone. I live in USA, but I am Bulgarian so I can proficiently argue with everyone :lol: Anyway, if you are looking for a scenario that includes Bulgaria, then here is one:


This is just for download. For discussions, check the treads on the sub-forum:


Note that this is Medieval mod only, so no Haiduci or Partizani or even Ognen Val.

To make Bulgaria complete, however, we need Bulgarian speech, better leaderhead for Simeon (Cyrus is not a very good one) and possibly improve the Konnik graphics, (i.e. too much red, we should make it into a chain-mail or something). Some appropriate song for Simeon is good as well.

Кратък превод: Правим мод за средновековна Европа и България е включена (естествено). Можете да си дръпнете алфата от първия линк и да подавате коментари на втория (много хора участваме и само аз съм Българин, така че коментарите трябва да са на Английски). Също така ни трябва по-добра графика за главата на Цар Симеон, Българска реч от войниците, музика и ако може да поправим графиката на конницата.
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