Buttons won't click on the leader screen

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Jul 2, 2013
I've been playing forever and have had no problems until today. I'm stuck in a menu where Catherine is asking me to declare war, but the problem is that when I click any of the buttons nothing happens. The button changes color and makes the clicking sound, but nothing actually happens. So I'm stuck and all I can do is close the program and restart and load my save again, but it's the same.

I've played with the display settings and there is nothing wrong with my system. Like I said, I've been playing with no problems before.

I really don't want to have to start over. I've been working on this game for a while trying to unlock an accomplishment.
Civ V has been fairly stable and reliable to me for a while now, and I've been able to run it on DX11 without many problems. When launching it today, Steam acted like it usually does when a game has been updated, and I noticed a few changes right away.
After this, my troubles began. Sejong begged for a bag of sugar. I accepted, but the leader screen didn't go away and Sejong just kept staring. After a while, I pressed esc, which returned me to the main screen, with the "you are truly a great leader" message suddenly appearing (it never appeared in the leader screen). The game then had itself an epic crash to the point where I had to hard reset my computer. The game made an autosave before it went down, which I loaded. First thing that hits me is the same leader request, and after that the main screen with no GUI. This time I get to close the program.

I start the game once more, loading an earlier autosave, this time selling Sejong the sugar to avoid the begging. It works fine for another few turns, then Boudicca wants to be friends. I accept, escape the leader screen unscathed, but the next turn she suggests a research agreement. Upon accepting this, the same things occur as after the Sejong screen. Total and utter crash.

I tried the .ini tweak mentioned in another leader screen, to no avail. Running the game in DX9 mode doesn't help. Great update.
Exactly the same thing is happening to me, will try updating graphical driver and will get back to you. Seems like the patch might have broken the game.
That also happened to me, twice. Haile Selassie tried talking to me about declaring war on someone else and the buttons wouldn't click.

There was also a case of another civ requesting me to give them nothing. As in "Things are not going well here, can you spare us some of that?" And then there's nothing on the table.
Thank you for the replies. I'm glad it's not just me. I'll wait and see what happens.
Updated my graphics driver to 320.49 (most up to date version) for my GeForce GT 550M and the same problem persists. Will have to wait for a fix...
Same problem here with the "End turn" button in a saved hotseat game. But I played a new SP game without any problem. Maybe, despite what was promised, old saved games ARE broken by the patch.
Same problem here. Other civ offers a declaration of friendship in their turn and I have to alt+f4 out of it. This was a save from before today's patch.
Same here, and cant progress through game because of it. Also globe sometimes continually spins! Fix please! x
I have exactly the same problem. A leader appears asking me to join in with a war. I refuse and the screen just stays as it is, without any reply to my choice. Even escape does nothing for me. I cannot believe they didn't spot this before they put the patch up.
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