C2C Decal Flags

Nov 20, 2009
A very simple modmod that changes the flags for default civs (including default custom civs) into decal-type flags.

The only files changed are the CivilizationArtDefines, and the respective ArtDefines for custom civs, and a new 'teamcolor' folder is added to house most of the flags.

To install, just unpack the file and drop it into '.../Beyond the Sword/Mods', and say yes to all overwrites.

I'm 99% sure that everything is in working order, but if you spot any problems, please let me know, and I might look into it ;)

The little tiny screenshot shows the flags for Jivaro, and America, respectively.


  • c2c decal flags.zip
    292.4 KB · Views: 183
  • Untitled.png
    18.7 KB · Views: 340
Something its not right with attached file. Too small to include any informations.
Can we get some screenshots so I can get an idea of what it is you've done here? I've gotta keep my assets modmod free but I do like to see what's up in case it would be nice to include.
Thanks for catching that Sparth. I've got the proper folder up now. Also got a little 'screenshot' up for Thunderbird and anyone else that cares.
I have the eventual goal of letting the player pick his flag each time he changes his culture - if he so wishes. These extended flag definitions will be useful for that I think. But it is quite far off in the design plan.
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