C3C PBEM (Scenario) 'Reconquista of Al-Andaluz'

I've received a turn from Portugal but I think its the same save I've already played. 1102 AD

I sent Ricardo Silva an email on Wed asking if he was sure this was the right save but no answer. I'll forward the turn on in the interest of time but I think its the same turn.
WarningU2 said:
The save I sent you was 1104 and just named wrong or you had a turn prior that was 1104 ?

I'm confused. I played the new 1102 and saved 1104 as a different file from the old one. Are we replaying this turn for a reason? The turn Warning sent was an 1102-2.

Just trying to move this along, not sure why we are stuck.
Last Turn I sent was
From: WarningU2 [mailto:WarningU2@cogeco.ca]
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2006 4:27 PM
To: 'Semental (snip)'
Subject: Andaluz 1106

I don't believe I've received a turn since. Part of the problem here are file names keep changing at least for what I am receiving, can we adopt a standard i.e. Andaluzyyx ?

(where x = the player ie. player 1 sends a, player 2 sends b, player 3 sends c and when all players have played and it comes round again player 1 sends increases yy+1)
I would just recommend having the turn number (preferably in the beginning of the file) and the year. This way you'd have a double check if the file is correct (turn number AND year).

Example of one of my saves
What is the status of the game given the allegations of cheating.

I have the game sent to me by Portugal but I have not played it.

Is there any point in continuing this game ?
I am in the process of testing the scenario right now.

Changed things about governments so that Leon does not have that easy anymore. Added Mesta wonder. Added Franciscan and Dominican friars (the Franciscan will be used in PBEM to accelerate the construction of improvements which will make it easier to build them in the Reconquista area where lots of them are buildable (altogether the lower part of the Christian tech-tree during the second age is more useful). Increased costs for mounted units as indeed Spain was not the best area for them and increased slightly the strength of foot units.
Added some buildings such as bridge, windmill and smithy that add production.
Added some buildings that improve happiness/war weariness in earlier times (especially under war-worried Feudalism) or gave that ability to some buildings already available. Many improvement costs have been reduced so as to allow both improvements and units in this quasi-permanent state of war.
Added very cheap palissade to enhance defense.
Levies are a tad stronger. Albeit unaccurate it allows them to defend instead of knights which seemed a bit strange.
Added some units, especially for the Muslims in the Reconquista and Gunpowder ages and obivously some more techs to research for them.
Changed/corrected a few more things, including in the pedia.

PBEM file will have Navarra and Toulouse altogether (the rest of France and Provence will be forbidden terrain). Almohads will be weakened for the human player as now they are too much of a juggernaut.
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