Cameo/Easter Eggs in BE?

Water Temple?

Yeah, something like that. Also maybe some ancient rogue robots that show up once in a blue moon. Say they were automated robotic defenders of an ancient race, and every once in a while one pops out of the woodworks/ waterworks.

A flat, black rectangle which dimensions are in a ratio of 1 : 4 : 9.

I see tech quotes as a good place to smuggle various shout outs. Maybe allusions to iconic SMAX techs? Say, for example, there's some kind of medical/bioengineering leaf tech and the quote describes it as "virtually a longevity vaccine".
When being attacked from a Nest hex by an Alien Nest

"Theres movement all over the place their coming out of the walls!"

When Infantry unit attacked by Aliens and both the Human unit and alien unit survive

Voice 1 "Looks like we wounded what ever that thing was, theres blood here"

Voice 2: "If it bleeds we can kill it"
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