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Can a great general steal an enemy Citadel with the Citadel Culture bomb effect?


Aug 21, 2013
hello everyone!

I am playing a game with friends and one friend has a enemy Citadel near his border with 1 tile buffer around it touching his territory.

Would it be possible to steal that citadel with his generals citadel culture bomb effect?

here is a crude drawing of what I think would happen
[] {} are different controlled territories
C is a citadel
1 is the border line between the [] and {}

[ ] [C] [ ] 1 { } { } { }

the general (g) from {} would move one square into [] land and makes a citadel next to the other citadel

[ ] [C] [g] 1 { } { } { }

the end result would be the other Citadel culture bombing one tile into the other Citadel and the {} player would now control both Citadels.

[ ] 1 {C} {C} { } { } { }

We are going to resume play in a few days and my friend asked me if this tactic would work. In theory I think it would but I won't have time to test this on my own before we start again.

Will this work?
That's interesting. I thought the citadel tile itself would permanently remain yours until someone captures a nearby city of yours. I thought it could work if you pillaged the enemy citadel and then built a citadel next to it. Thanks for the info, Browd.
In one game, the AI and I did it 3 times in the space of about 10 turns -- he citadel bombed me (stole some luxury tile, IIRC), so I citadel bombed him back (he expresses outrage -- right!). He then bombs back, and then I did it one last time (right on top of one of his citadels).

I think he finally ran out of Great Generals, but I was playing China, so no worries there.
Yeah, I've gotten into citadel bomb wars with the AI on occasion on higher difficulties. It's pretty funny when you take a step back and realize there's 5 citadels piled up next to each other.
Yeah, I've gotten into citadel bomb wars with the AI on occasion on higher difficulties. It's pretty funny when you take a step back and realize there's 5 citadels piled up next to each other.

And then the AI attacks that area and takes 30 points of damage to 12 units, because they have no idea what a citadel does.

On a related note: Citadels save me on Deity.
And then the AI attacks that area and takes 30 points of damage to 12 units, because they have no idea what a citadel does.

On a related note: Citadels save me on Deity.

I have noticed the AI actually does put a pretty high priority on pillaging Citadels.

If they can't pillage it, though, they'll swarm it anyways.
side question....
Maybe someone can confirm, since I am not sure:

When you use a GG to extend territory, and then the nearby city get captured, does the citadel-expanded territory always go with the new captured city?

It seems to me that often the citadel expansion can get severed from the rest of the territory if it is far enough from the city.

Does this play by some set of rules governing the territory for a city when captured?

example: the city is small and the expansion is 4 tiles out. Initialy this is part of the same territory. When I capture this city though, I dont get the citadel, it is left in no-mans land.

I recently had some similar situation play out, and there was 2 citadels left pillaged in un-claimed territory. I dont remember exactly how that came to pass :/
side question....
Maybe someone can confirm, since I am not sure:

When you use a GG to extend territory, and then the nearby city get captured, does the citadel-expanded territory always go with the new captured city?

It seems to me that often the citadel expansion can get severed from the rest of the territory if it is far enough from the city.

Does this play by some set of rules governing the territory for a city when captured?

example: the city is small and the expansion is 4 tiles out. Initialy this is part of the same territory. When I capture this city though, I dont get the citadel, it is left in no-mans land.

I recently had some similar situation play out, and there was 2 citadels left pillaged in un-claimed territory. I dont remember exactly how that came to pass :/

This is a great question I have been curious about this also, if someone knows how this works please share!
side question....
Maybe someone can confirm, since I am not sure:

When you use a GG to extend territory, and then the nearby city get captured, does the citadel-expanded territory always go with the new captured city?

It seems to me that often the citadel expansion can get severed from the rest of the territory if it is far enough from the city.

Does this play by some set of rules governing the territory for a city when captured?

example: the city is small and the expansion is 4 tiles out. Initialy this is part of the same territory. When I capture this city though, I dont get the citadel, it is left in no-mans land.

I recently had some similar situation play out, and there was 2 citadels left pillaged in un-claimed territory. I dont remember exactly how that came to pass :/

This happened to me recently:
Step 1: While at war, plant a citadel to steal territory from a city.
Step 2: Capture the city.
Step 3: Sell/give the city to another AI.

Any tiles that belonged to the city before you started (including the citadel) are given away along with the city.

I ended up planting a second citadel to steal my first one back....
Any tiles that belonged to the city before you started (including the citadel) are given away along with the city.

That's been my experience too.
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