Can an atomic bomb be intercepted?


Aug 21, 2013
Hello Civies,

Is there anyway to prevent or intercept a atomic bomb from reaching it destination once launched?

Since the bomb is delivered by plane can it be intercepted or shot down like bombers or jets?

I always assumed that when a nuke was delivered it was a guaranteed hit and you just sit back and watch the fire works.

Thank you for all your advice!


This site lists the atomic bomb has the *evasion* promotion, so i assume that means missiles can be shot down, right?
Both Atomic Bombs and Nuclear Missiles cannot be intercepted. Most you can do is nuke stationed nukes.
well I guess you gotta strike first then.

why is an evasion promotion listed on that wiki page? weird.
Iirc, the atomic bomb can be intercepted (at least at one point), however nuclear missle cannot.
Cause it's listed in Civilopedia. Maybe there is then possibility to shoot it down.

Atomic Bombs and Missiles can not be intercepted. The wiki/civlopedia is incorrect.

I believe it is a bug for Atomic Bombs that was never fixed since day 1. Very frustrating.
I had three sams around a city with three jet fighters sitting on the tarmac waiting to intercept and the Enola Gay comes floating over the city and drops her Big Boy and melts all the sams and jets without a shot being fired. I didn't have bunkers at that time so it was pretty ugly.
There is a confirmed (by users here) bug that prevents ANY bombing attack to a city from being intercepted, no matter how many interceptors you have in the area. I strongly suspect that the A-bomber not being intercepted is a manifestation of same bug. The A-bomber stats clearly suggest that the intended design is for it to be "interceptable", yet it does not happen when attacking a city...

I wonder if someone saw it happening when bombing non-city tiles?
Evasion 50 means interceptions will do 50% less damage, so perhaps Atomic Bombs have no HP? Not that they should list an evasion promotion in that case.
There is a confirmed (by users here) bug that prevents ANY bombing attack to a city from being intercepted, no matter how many interceptors you have in the area. I strongly suspect that the A-bomber not being intercepted is a manifestation of same bug. The A-bomber stats clearly suggest that the intended design is for it to be "interceptable", yet it does not happen when attacking a city...

I wonder if someone saw it happening when bombing non-city tiles?

I was invading Rome one time and he was dropping nukes on my army in his own territory. I had SAMs mixed in and no interception happened. It could've been one of those times the interceptors didn't work but I just think they aren't interceptable. I've dropped nukes on navies with destroyers too. No interception there either.
That SDI defense is Civ III was sweet. 75% chance of intercepting ICMBS? Oh man that was great.
France declared war on me once and launched +10 nukes at me and all of them were shot down.
Needles to say I nuked that batch Joan back into the primordial ooze.

Why couldn't that be incorporated as a national wonder in Civ V and/or Civ VI?
Atomic bombs can no longer be intercepted. Bomb shelters however, really reduce damage from the atomic bomb. Units stationed in a city with a bomb shelters don't get destroyed along with population.
Atomic bombs can no longer be intercepted. Bomb shelters however, really reduce damage from the atomic bomb. Units stationed in a city with a bomb shelters don't get destroyed along with population.

well surely that should be dependent on your ideology? if you are militaristic and authoritarian dictator yes priority to military units and government toadies who you have around to pretend you are legitimate. if a democracy and freedom ideology shouldn't the shelters protect the civilians first? i mean wont they insist on that through the ballot box in real life?
well surely that should be dependent on your ideology? if you are militaristic and authoritarian dictator yes priority to military units and government toadies who you have around to pretend you are legitimate. if a democracy and freedom ideology shouldn't the shelters protect the civilians first? i mean wont they insist on that through the ballot box in real life?

Don't buy into the conspiracy theories about secret government bomb shelters? Supposedly there's a big one under Denver's new airport...:shifty:
in the day i also had this wonder.Probably if it can be intercepted,Civilization will be more realistic .In that case ,the damage will be lessened down to a percentage like 50%,not totally a holocaust for a city
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