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can anyone help me with this im not very good with computers?


Oct 7, 2010
I want to get the log going that details my progress twords achivments but am confused on how to do it. I see the config file and see a spot like this

: Enable the logging system
LoggingEnabled = 0

is this where I change the 0 to a 1, I know this might seem like a silly question but I dont what to mess my game up.
Yes, 0 is basically 'false' or 'no', and 1 is 'true' or 'yes'. It's more complicated than that, but for this, that's what you need to know.
ok thanks I just did it. The log will activate after I play the game next is that right?
In theory, yes.

Also, I don't think it logs ALL achievements, I think it just produces a viewable output for you of the data stored between games. So when you have Steam achievements that say "Across any number of playthroughs, build 1000 roads," the log stores information like "Okay, this game the player built 122 roads." And the next time you play, and build a road, it will add to that for 123, etc.

Basically, I think it tracks any data that needs to be stored across multiple games, but I haven't tinkered with it too much. I saw some people over in the Mod forum that were creating things that would pass data into a log file, and allow you to create mods or scenarios or stuff that would let you 'carry over' stuff from another map you played.

It would be sort of interesting if there was an option for the game kept track of diplomacy in logs, so that if you picked on Suleiman every game, then Suleiman would remember and dislike you each time. :p
lol luckly it worked thanks for the tips.
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