Can Barbarians own a city ?


Mar 31, 2008

I'm trying to set an event where the barbs takes over a city if a condition is realized.

For this I use : Players[63]:AcquireCity(pCity, true, false);

Everything is working fine and as planned but after 2 or 3 turns after the city has been captured the game just crash without warning, message or hint in the log files.

So I'm wondering if perhaps the barbs just can't own a true city?
I've been barbarians take city-states in the City-State Diplomacy mod.
They can certainly "capture" a city in the sense that they can defeat the city defenses, but when they do so (unmodded) they just exact tribute, and the barbarian unit that captured your city goes *poof*. The city stays damaged, and the other Barbarians around your city remain. Next turn, or turn after, they'll capture the same city again, steal a lump of gold from you, the capturing unit will be removed from the game. Rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat. If you have no mods running that adjust Barbarian spawn rates they'll eventually run out of units around City-X, and you'll have a chance for the city defenses to heal. But at about the time your city heals back up, the whole process (very often) starts over again with a new wave of Barbarians.

I wonder if the problem you are having is related to the fact that Barbarians are locked out of constructing or training nearly everything, so there's an unresolvable loop that gets started for "what to put in the build qeue" because the game AI wants to build something, but it essentially has nothing it can stick into the qeue. Or because it gets done training a unit, but the game doesn't like to see a Barbarian unit on the same tile as a city ?
I think there was a pic in the Civ5 funny screenshots thread where the barbarians took over Prague, so that would be a yes. Don't know if they have a city list though (and too lazy to find out).
Thanks for all those answers, it gives me an idea of where to look.
1st. I will provide them a city list I guess :)
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