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Can defeated civs win?


Jan 14, 2002
I was playing my best game so far (emperor), about to grab a science victory then boom, England, who to my knowledge had previously been defeated by another civ wins a Religious victory! Is it supposed to be like this?
eh? I don't think anyone can win religious victory at all with a religion they didn't found with their own Greap Prophet. That sounds buggy as hell to me.

I will, however, keep my eye out for any Etruscans today.
What a comeback! Were they really defeated as in completely gone or did they only lose their capital?
Do you have a game save?
Well, I guess if everyone in the world converted to their religion, then someone should get a religious victory. Ideally they should probably set the religious victory conditions to "convert all civs and own the holy site for the religion you founded", although I wonder if that would make it too easy to stop someone's religious victory by just capturing and keeping their holy city.
Wierd, never had a game like this....That's probably going to mean that it's either a bug or the civ that defeated England must have spread England's religion to win.
England could've been defeated, and their religion spread and then someone decided to liberate them. So it's not really "buggy" as much "the odds werent in your favor".
Do they have to be liberated in order to win, or is it enough to just have their religion spread to every existing civ though?
When a civ loses its capitol it is defeated, I believe, but that does not mean it was destroyed. If the capitol gets moved because of the original's loss, the civ will continue to exist if all of its cities have not been destroyed. Maybe it can still win other types of victory than domination.
I think the word "defeated" is what is throwing you off. The game isn't over until it's over. Until someone wins, every player who is still in the game is a contender. There is nothing that can happen in a game that would disqualify or preclude a player from winning until someone has actually won and the game ends.
Wierd, never had a game like this....That's probably going to mean that it's either a bug or the civ that defeated England must have spread England's religion to win.
But what's in it for a AI civ to spread a religion that was founded by another civ? Is the AI programmed to do this and help another AI civ achieve a religious victory?
But what's in it for a AI civ to spread a religion that was founded by another civ? Is the AI programmed to do this and help another AI civ achieve a religious victory?
If you don't have a religion yourself and you defeat/conquer a civ that did have a religion, you can still benefit from some of it's bonuses. It's essentially free, since religion spreads naturally on it's own through your cities over time.

It might be a case of "oh, that's unfortunate", when the civ got greedy and spread another player's religion a bit too aggressively. Doesn't seem entirely impossible, since I've gotten multiple cities in peace deals for wars in which I didn't even see the other guy's units....

A good candidate for this potential greed is Congo. They can't found religions, can be aggressive early game due to their unique unit and actively benefit from having other player's religion in their cities. They get free apostles if they build a neigbourhood in one of their cities if there was a religion there, so they aren't even actively going for religion, probably. Just the AI brain farting
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It could have been a religion that England founded itself. What would make you think otherwise?
It could have been a religion that England founded itself. What would make you think otherwise?
The religion was founded by England. Last I looked, they were on the verge of being wiped out by another civ. And few turns later, England won a religious victory even though my civ and the civ that was at war with England were the top 2 civs score wise.
I just did a test, playing 3 civs (and no AI, barbarians, or city states) by myself using multiplayer hot seat

player 1: scythia
player 2: poland
player 3: indonesia

I only formed capitals, no second cities.

What I did:
1: I had Poland form a religion, then spread it to scythia. Now, Scythia and Poland follow Poland's religion. I passed on the great prophet offered to Indonesia. I was going to pass as Scythia too, but it didn't give me the chance; it just gave them the prophet without asking. I just let him sit there without making the religion.

2: I had Scythia kill Poland's capital (and only city), wiping them out.

3: I had Scythia spread Poland's religion to Indonesia. Now, all 3 cities on the globe are following Poland's religion, but Poland is dead. The religious victory screen just showd "cities converted: 0" for both Indonesia and Scythia. Poland is absent, becuase they're dead. I played a few turns forwards just in case. Nothing happened.

4: I attacked Poland's capital (owned by Scythia) as Indonesia and liberated it. The religious victory screen showed 3/3 converted by Poland, and the progress circle was all full. But no victory popup happened. On Poland's next turn there was also no popup. Poland's palace destroyed, which I didn't even know could happen. I fixed it in 1 turn. I expected poland to win instantly after being liberated, as all 3 cities on earth followed their religion, but this didn't happen.

5: I luckily still had that Prophet as Scythia, so I used it to make a religion in Scythia's capital. Then I sent a missionary from Poland and Indonesia to re-convert Scythia to poland's religion. As soon as I pressed the "spread religion" button (as indonesia) I got a pop up saying that I lost (poland had won).

Conclusion: A civ can still win after being knocked out of the game; however, the "win trigger" must happen while they are alive. If something happens which WOULD have made you win while you're dead (in this case, all cities being converted) it doesn't count when you're revived; you have to win some other way (or re-do the win that you would previously have gotten).

Of course maybe it works different with other victories.
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