Can someone explain the forest thing?


Nov 1, 2001
I've been unable, through search, to tie together and figure out the idea of planting forests and harvesting them to help build wonders.

Could someone give a step-by-step of the process? I understand planting the forests, but how do you "harvest" them? When you do, what happens? Do shields appear in the box? Also, there seems to be some disagreement about whether it works at all. Has anyone actually used the method and gotten it to work?
you "harvest" them by pressing shift + c (= clear). after the forest is cleared you get 10 shields. But I dunno if it also adds the shield to wonder production or just to non-wonder production...
It doesn't add to the production of wonders, but it adds to the production of all normal units and buildings.
so whatcha do is:

1) switch the production to something that will take a while-- palace, forbidden palace, etc

2) clear the forest and have the shields drop in

3) switch back to the wonder

dirty trick. but all's fair in love and war. and i do love war in civ3.


"Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!" --Bluto
It does NOT work. After you harvest or disband army, your product can't be switch back to wonders, even palace, seems. At least in the 1st turn, you can't. I noticed it when I switched to demo, and disband some old warriors, then I can't change the product to wonders...
:enlighten Ah ha, this explains a lot.

As I'm sure many of you are aware, corruption is an insane problem that makes expanding to another continent nearly impossible. Yet when I discovered an empty continent in my game I had a plan:

Build a city near forests on the new continent and start building the forbidden palace. Send a bunch of workers over to repeatedly clear and replant the forests, and hence build the forbidden palace sooner (with the insane 90%+ corruption in the game, even in democracy, normally the forbidden palace takes 300 turns, regardless # of shields produced). Theoretically, with the forbidden palace in place, the new continent would be A-OK in terms of corruption. :goodjob:

Problem: Cleared forests don't add to the production of wonders. I guess small wonders (the forbidden palace) are included. And I thought of doing the switch tactic that you guys described, but if that doesn't work, either... :( What about clearing forests to help build an actual palace?
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