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Captain2 said:
well in my opinion canada couldnt be in the civilization game because they only began being their own country during WW1, but i would love it if they added a canadian country simply because this would be the only country in the game that would give you money if your down, give you tech and then fight your wars and let you take credit

Only began being their own country in WW1? You gotta get out more often it was in 1860something.
lifeaquatic said:
What a lame thread. Of course no one wants Canada as a civ. The special unit would be a mounty, I mean...cmon!

You didn't not state 1 reason why you would not like this idea other than you don't like mounties, come on wouldn't be cool to have an upgraded version of the calvary. Besides it doesn't need to be a mountie, it could be a Peacekeeper.
Only began being their own country in WW1? You gotta get out more often it was in 1860something

well sure you can sign a piece of paper saying your a country but it wasnt until canadians riding to the frontline singing "maple leaf forever" stood up to the germans gas a ypres they were truely a country
Thing I like about Canada is the people are polite but still like to joke around and be fun. We sorta walk the fine line between being like the Ameriacans and being like the Japanise. No offence.;)

Wanna Beer :beer:
ibcoltscrew said:
sry about that but you are wrong about this. Quebec provide almost 1/3 of Canada's economy... Remember Manic 1-2-3-4-5 (it's our money not yours)... Why do you think they dont want us to separate from Canada... it's not because we look good !

nothing personnal...

Your right it's the Big 3 Ont,Que,Alb

And there is more to not wanting you to sepearte then that.
lifeaquatic said:
What a lame thread. Of course no one wants Canada as a civ. The special unit would be a mounty, I mean...cmon!

How about you try reading. Because there are 15 pages of this thread full of people talking about how they WANT Canada as a civ. :rolleyes:
ibcoltscrew said:
sry about that but you are wrong about this. Quebec provide almost 1/3 of Canada's economy... Remember Manic 1-2-3-4-5 (it's our money not yours)... Why do you think they dont want us to separate from Canada... it's not because we look good !

nothing personnal...

Not taken personally.

But I'm talking specifically about equalization payments, not contribution as a whole. Of course Quebec contributes significantly to the Canadian economy, and of course their contributions to income tax are incredibly significant.

But at the end of the day, they still receive equalization payments. Only Alberta and Ontario do not, currently. Only Ontario has never received them. (I'm not saying this measure is the end-all, be-all in determining "value". I'm just saying that Alberta and Ontario currently funnel money to every other part of the country. I, for one, think this is a good thing. The reason Quebec doesn't do so...I'm not sure and wouldn't say without looking into it further.)

There are many reasons people don't want Quebec to separate, but that's an entirely different discussion. Yes, the province contributes greatly to the economy. But where equalization is concerned, they are still a "have not" province.
Quebec regardless of economic output still recieves a disproportionate Transfer payment. Even when Quebec was better off than it is it was still recieving more money than provinces like Saskachewan of Newfoundland which are among our poorest. Times have changed and since then only Alberta and Ontario Still contribute as opposed to take from the equalization payment program, which a slight chance of BC making a recovery in the next decade (If they don't vote in the NDP again). There is a statistic out there that I am sure if you really wanted to dig for you could find that says something like 69% of Quebec citizens believe that Quebec gives more to the equalization payment program than it takes. Back when both BC and Quebec were still concidered have provinces Quebec still recieved equalization payments to the order of 3 billion dollars where as BC was giving up 2 billion.

I am begining to think rather than adding a as a Canada mod some one should make an interprovence mod.:D
Wyz_sub10 said:
I'm just saying that Alberta and Ontario currently funnel money to every other part of the country.

Yeah, but it's not Ontario, it's Toronto. Without Toronto, Ontario would be a have-not province.

If Quebec can separate, then I want the province of Toronto to be next. Our city budget is already larger than some provinces!

The unique unit should be a replacement for the spy. The first unit produced would be called Bob. The second one would be called Doug. The third would be called Bob again, and so on.

They would wear touques, drink real Canadian Beer, and their witty banter would let them move into other civilizations' borders without raising the alarm. People would think they're just a couple of hosers.

But then they would reveal their true strength and start to take over the cultural generators of the target civilization, and before they know it, all their actors and TV shows would be secretly run by Canadians, star Canadians or be produced in Canada. This would provide a huge kickback in gold to the Canadian civilization, as well as line of sight in all the target civilization's cities.

Just to set the record straight, while Quebec may make up a significant portion of the GDP of Canada, it has a greater proportion of people, hence in the GDP per capita category (the one used to *generally* measure economic prosperity) it does not fair quite so well, which is why it receives transfer payments from AB and ON.


Personally I dont care if Canada is part of civilization or not. I am a bit disgusted with the small number of civs though, I find I play against Saladin and Manu Musa (sp?) every single time.

Perhaps they can release a civ expansions based on time of significance? Ie have a 'modern civs' and/or 'ancient civs' expansion and perhaps include countries like Canada (obviously not as an ancient civ). Even make it so that you can pick and choose which countries you want to install. If you dont think a country should be there, dont install them, period.

the Esks are goin to the Grey Cup :goodjob: take that BC :lol:

Anyone gonna be going? I wish I could but they were sold out.

Anymore Esk. fans out there?
Can't.... resist... must.........


Animating a 3 year dead thread is a fitting accomplishment for

POST #100!

and me bong. filled with sweet stinky BC nugs oh yeah. What was the topic about?
OMG! It's alive. IT'S ALIVE!!!

(Should've just smoked more and let it stay dead)
canada is a good neighbor, but it hasnt really contributed much to world events.

One of our Prime Ministers, Lester B. Pearson, was one of the leading founders of the United Nations. One of our scientists, Alexander Graham Bell, invented the telephone which has made the whole internet thing possible. One of our doctors, Frederick S. Banting, discovered the insulin treatment for diabetes.

No, we haven't contributed a thing.

That said, we are not a "civilization", we are a nation and as such we don't deserve to be in the game.

PS: Oh crap, I've been duped into contributing to necromancy.
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