Can't find good European map!


Spam King
Jul 16, 2002
Im looking for a European map, nice and big, From Spain to the Urals, suitable for PBEM play with 7 civs, same as built in scen.(the civs) but with new units, altered graphics etc. for use in a small community for a PBEM game or two.

Also Nemo's WW2 units just look so sweet, am i allowed to use them in this scenario?
Of course you can use any units you want, but if you distribute the scenario, you'll have to add Nemo's name to the credits and make sure his signature is stil visible in the units file. :goodjob:
Can't you use the map of Europe that I used for my Reich scenario? I don't remember who made it but it's quite good.
i don't plan on distributing it other than to some people i want to play on it, i would if i did plan too. Probably do it anyways.

Which scenario are you talking about anyways? ZWK?
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