Can't get my mod to work


Aug 28, 2010
I've got this mod to the point where I can play the game with it running. However, it doesn't work. It's supposed to be really simply: Remove "map" and "barbarian locations" from the options one gets when one opens a goody hut. Currently, it only changes this for the warlord difficultly level.

Here's the code I'm trying:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Created by ModBuddy on 5/3/2011 11:04:30 PM -->
  <!-- TODO: Insert table creation example here. -->
  <!-- TODO: Insert table data example here.-->
  <!-- Enter your Game Data here. -->
		<Delete HandicapType="HANDICAP_WARLORD" GoodyType="GOODY_MAP"/>

As far as I can tell, these are the only two entries that need to be changed. But, when it runs, even though the game says it is in use, I can still get maps and barb. locations from goody huts (at warlord).

Can anybody with more experience see what might be the problem? Being a rookie, and this being my first mod, I'll try any suggestions.

There are a number of mods that do similar things, I suggest you download them and look how they did it.
Search the mod browser for 'goody huts' and something should pop up.

That's to say I don't know the answer myself.
I tried that already: The one I found didn't work, either. Thanks anyhow!
As a caveat, I've never tried modding the goody huts and don't know one way or the other whether it works. However, this is the procedure I would take to troubleshoot:

Start the game with your mod enabled, play a turn and quit. Then open the file <Documents>\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization V\cache\Civ5DebugDatabase.db with an SQLite utility such as the SQLite Manager Firefox extension. Then you can open up the HandicapInfo_Goodies table and verify that your code successfully changed the database. If the database hasn't changed, then there's a problem with the mod, such as a typo in the UpdateDatabase entry.

On the other hand, if the database has changed but it still doesn't work, then it is possible that HandicapInfo_Goodies doesn't actually control the ruin results. One of the more frustrating problems with Civ5 modding is that there are lots of things that the core game doesn't use which are either unimplemented leftovers from Civ4 or are in some way broken, and it's hard to track these down since the DLL source has not yet been released.
Not that I know of. You could try googling other SQLite utilities or simply install firefox just to use this addon and still use IE for your normal web browsing.
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